All of the Eyes

Stare at a headline trade for tv news segment. “All Eyes on Super Tuesday Primaries”. And. No eyes are on the Super Tuesday Primary. I guess I am musing for the possibility that Haley will win Vermont. I have no great idea on that possibility, but the circumstances seem to suggest it is the most likely state she could win — if that is a possibility at all, and it might not be. She is coming off a huge primary win in the District of Columbia — I guess Washington DC Republican residents are definitionally members of the supposed “swamp” Trump is railing against. You split the government workers and lobbyists and such up politically. But non government workers of DC are all Democrats.

Circling the drain, we await something to follow Biden’s ice cream with Seth Meyers announcement that … We are getting to a cease fire agreement. A hunch the comment came out of temporal politics — get the undeclared Michigan primary votes down — even as the matter dillies and rallies and the timeline is a tad irrelevant to both broad politics and meaningful policy.

Trump is making a greater thrust against the “Mitt Romney RINOs”. Depression sets in. Historical tricks — like, Martin Van Buren and Grover Cleveland and John Garner, heads of parties past who saw their party to elsewhere, stand by smirking. How does Haley proceeed after she bows out? The question of an endorsement hovers over what any eyes can possibly be watching. The comedy is staring at her, and then staring at Mitch McConnell who, I hear is in talks over terms with Team Trump of such a thing. Strikes me as meaningless — he, the most effective Party Senate leader in recent history, the real architect through fast and loose norm smashing of the current Supreme Court, and he of single or low digit approval rating who if you ask any Trump fan what they think of recoil in horror. Back to Haley. Whatever she is in terms of having approval, she is not Mitch McConnell. And yet. It behooves her, if her goal is to not to help Trump, is to not endorse Biden but to just disappear. I’m a year she can jump to her corporate consulting job or whatever. Biden’s campaign has to take a deep dive into her voting base in the primaries, set aside the handful of Democrats who took advantage of an open primary and nothing in their side, and ferret out some thing from the rest. Something unrelated to Haley.

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