the campaign for old people vote

There have been a few blips in the Republican primary race, such as it is, that look deserving of a pause, stop, look, point. My prior understanding of seeing a way Trump does not win this is passing — that hinge on various unknowns clarifying themselves and the things that need to happen for that to occur are not. So. Election From Hell it is.

Ramaswamy had a viral moment, of sorts. Cynically I almost think it was planted to force a “viral moment of sorts”, but I imagine things happen on the campaign trail by themselves. The Fox News headline catches the gist: WWII vet goes viral at Ramaswamy NH town hall: What you’re saying is ‘exactly what my generation grew up in’. Yep, it is that old one. Do the math and the old man is lauding the character building experience of the Great Depression, which sure — our current era of Technological Soma and Inflation aren’t building real men and real women. The crime increase in our cities? They knew real crime — in their day, you had Al Capone — what do we have now? Shoplifting sprees to feed fentanyl habits scaring Targets away? Poof. Nothing you can make a movie out of!

What I am saying is there are certainly problems and issues that need addressing and can be exploited — but we get this:

What you’re saying, the words you’re saying, are exactly what my generation grew up in,” Bob said. “Children, adults stood at attention and crossed their hearts when the flag passed by in a parade. School started with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. That’s no longer going on.”

There was a loyalty and pride in America. Children were leaving school 12, 13 years old and joined the service to protect our country. It was one country. America. And I like your policies. I love to hear it, because it’s what I remember. Thank you very much,” he continued before earning another round of applause and a standing ovation. 

I know there were 16 year olds who eagerly ran into the Army, fraudulent paperwork in hand, and fought Hitler and “the Japs”. I don’t think they got younger — a 12 year old rushing into the recruitment office would probably be sent back to sell war bonds off the back of his wagon. And also I speculate on an old saw which has a high percentage of troops are pretty useless on the battlefield — I speculate that a higher percentage of the eager 16 year olds. But. Hypothetically. A middle schooler announces he is quitting school. He is going to defend Ukraine against Russia in a proxy war that is splitting the Republican Party and has many in this crowd in isolationist stand — I have no idea where this old man stands on the issue, but Ramaswamy has been on various spots with it if I recall right (Largely against). What does this standing ovation crowd think of this middle school drop out?

I have a hazy recollection that someone else’s campaign popped in with something morbidly interesting — but I don’t know what it was. The campaign continues. It is interesting to compare this exchange with the current force the progress now Democrats who chastise anyone who uses the moniker “pro choice” or who glides those politics from a different Venter of gravity as being stuck in the 90s.

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