Obama is so gay

The Time (or was it Newsweek?) magazine cover which placed Obama as the “First Gay President” — because we sort of just drop the actual bonafide homosexual one of James Buchanan — may finally have some meaning to it. He “lusted in his heart“. At that age of experimentation, I guess, in that one cultural environment and setting that may encourage (or not discourage) such. Metro-sexuality gets its undertones overtoned.

I am stuck on the source … a tad. Like, it is the problem of a claim I am indifferent to and is picked up by everyone who is not as indifferent to with different meanings to different audiences — Pink News and Fox News — as fact, but is then followed by warnings of what a non existent threat of a non materializing Supreme Court appointment may mean.

Whether this was picked up on by gays during 2008 as Obama publicly took the stances against gay marriage and gays in the military, I can’t really say. I also do not know if the flip flop, transparently probable at the time — or, if this is your very important die on the hill stance you really ought back McCain / Palin and I would have said as much in 2008 — is something you can have a beef with in 2023, as apparently is had by our big country music sensation has right about now. I do give him this much — is the great issue repositioning I take on all the bozos who view all that two parties as keeping on nothing at all but a rightward march, no position swappings from betwixt the two and redefinitions of terms — why look at all these repositioned Anti-Trump Republicans seizing comfortably into the Democratic Party! At the same time, on his other issue — guns — Obama’s presidency represented the time period where that issue was shelved, so in consideration of Obama from his stated viewpoints here — that should be one against and one for him.

The line we get to a couple sentences in some letters from a college Obama gets extrapolated into derangement. Ticket Carlson speaks of crack. Newsmax hosts retell the one about the Secret Service dropping off rentboys. Edgy fiction writers they.

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