Dingell and the Baby aardvark

For anyone who considered John Dingell a hero, your hero ‘s reputation just took a whack. Duplicitous was his name. And —

… Yeah, there isn’t anyone anywhere who considered John Dingell a hero.

All right. I note news coming out of Florida in the “banned book” week department, and at least a consideration of how hard I ought to pound the quotations of the book as I mock the honorific. Arthur the Aardvark was in a book where “Spin the Bottle” was played. Some guy complained. Filed a protest. In Desantis’s Florida, so that gets a bit of play political-wise. And at first I want to throw the quotations in full force, roll my eyes at the next big “Banned Book Week Jamboree! Including Arthur! Right next to that Gender Queer book with the dirty pictures and award attached to it!”. But I can tap the quotations pounding just a tad as – – well, at least the claimants of exaggerated book burning sightings have one thing with him — the guy’s the head of a political advocacy organization. That is worth something in the discussion. I can downgrade it to half an eye roll.

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