on songage

One of the things about so-called “cancel culture” is that it tends to be pretty easy to just cancel the cancellers. So your country music guy with angry political lyrics now slides somewhere underground, kind of. Cool. I guess. At any rate, an audience remains so even if I side with him, It is impossible to situate him in a victim narrative. Other figures do have the problem that once relegated as offensive, they track into that place of offensive ness, so what was once one facet of a fuller repertoire becomes the main focus, and the problem then is mainly of expressiveness or directness more so than offensiveness. I sense that is not at issue with this guy — just this generation’s Tobe Keith.At

It is here that I am a tad torn. I am moderately curious to look in and see what the core controversy, but I sense the song and video were manufactured for controversy. The effect is that when I next deign to a “let’s listen to some songs and culture that have been deemed by the culture in some way as jokes or noxious” — maybe then I will take a ganxer. See if I am as bored and disinterested as with Robin Thicke. Or if it is defendable or indefendable it’s mix of “bad politics, but sure is catchy!”

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