double agents

I guess you can excuse Marjorie Taylor Greene as encased in a bubble at T-Pac (not CPAC). So she gives a speech with a list of the scary tthings President Biden is attempting to do. The Biden Presidential campaign immediately takes this list, crops out the words “Socialist” and “Big Government” and tags on the “And I approve this message.”. All good fun, and every Republican operative watching dreaded this inevitable cutesy ad. What I am stuck on is Taylor’s next act. She dropped Hunter Biden’s penis into the Congressional record. We are in incoherency. Maybe there is something with Hunter’s affairs that actually do matter – – maybe the reference to… What was it? “The Big One”? … actually refers to and thus implicated Joseph Biden. And from there we imagine that Marjorie Taylor Greene is just employed by the Biden Campaign. Actual c rap is about to fall, so obscure the issues with Hunter’s junk, so the populace will only shrug.

In other political news, the National Review has a Harvard left wing professor chomping at the bit openly writing that Biden ought ignore Supreme Court rulings. This might suck. But Trump does Biden about two or three better. He is stating that he will ignore court rulings. Biden’s degrees of separation is maybe three or four. Trump’s is zero.

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