third parties in Venter vision

The Democratic Party states at the setting up of “No Labels” over to its right plank and the Democratic primary candidacy of Robert Kennedy Jr in tandem with the Green Party candidacy of Colonel West on the more or less but not entirely left plank. I gather they assume Kennedy will get nowhere — we can all swallow uncomfortably a 33 percent get in some Oklahoma primary — but will highlight wherever they can when Kennedy — situating himself as he is firmly and unequivocally in the conspiratorial void — rumbles over to the line about The Jews.

Dick Gephardt has popped in to lead the fight against No Labels. Hysterical. Yes Labels! It is an item of curiosity, as Joseph Lieberman hovers in to get himself Secretary of State job in a Joe Manchin / Jon Huntsman administration — just out of curiosity — if you poll the nation and identify no parties (labels, if you will) — might Manchin beat Trump and Biden? Perhaps. Only because no one knows Manchin who isn’t paying attention.

Structurally we are in that odd spot where the President will have low opinion ratings no matter what. In one sense, I never understood why he ought have high approval ratings — ever. I can’t figure out how you can shuffle the deck for a more popular figure to pop in. From a personal perspective, I won’t be able to answer what my opinion on President Biden until sometime after he leaves and I can assess it — poll me and I got nothing. The politics of the moment leave me flummoxed. There is junk that is manoeuvring its way into defecto Democratic Party orthodoxy I want to see cut out of the Overton Window but see likely a list cause. Reparations — a good way of bankrupting a state and municipalities in the name of Social Justice. “Gender affirming care” on minors — as though double mastectomies sound like great thing for thirteen year olds. On the latter I see Ron Desantis runs a laughable ad — somewhere to the right of President Bush who greeted a transgendered college classmate warmly during his time in office. On Trump, we are stuck with that expansive of “Trumpism” that ignores few actual policies are that far afield from orthodoxy — and the day will come when Democrats will cite Trump on, say, trade issues in arguing against some evil disagreeable Republican policy proposal that goes too far. (Just as had been done with Robert Taft on public housing, Goldwater on some things, Nixon as the last liberal president, Reagan on immigration and things, and I just referenced Bush as against Desantis. Republicans did this in finding new favour with Clinton on welfare and used McGovern as a cudgel on some Labour issues).

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