conserving something

The Supreme Court rulings end up a mixed bag. I am told this is the most horrifying abnormal court ever. Such a statement is at one of the hearts of the Biden re-election and Democratic Party message, alongside Trump ultra MAGA whether it is or is not Trump standing there and a maximum Abortion messaging. The Supreme Court. Which has basically just thrown out a mixed bag — though one I guess I am obliged to view as a whole bag of trash to bealliwed to sit at polite society.

And I over hear a snippet of a conversation. A variant of the post Nixon re-election comment “this country is going so far right you won’t recognize it.” This was a lament “the anti-lgbtq backlash — the nation’s moving extreme right.”. Funny. In other parts I heard Trump represents a cult of only 34 percent of … Not sure if it is the party or something else, but semi accurate enough at any rate. But it is where from the perspective of 2010 I am a progressive on trans-gendered politics, but now I am set as reactionary for quibbling with this and that. Extrapolate that to parts more right sitting in the perspective of 2010, and how is this a rightward move, exactly? On the revolt against drag queen story hour — complete with sightings of more sexualized activities than a lot of parents would accept if it were straight versions of same. Does this make any sense in a described abrupt right wing move?

Today’s story is of a web designer now allowed not to design things for a same sex marriage. I fail to understand why this is an issue. Of course the web designer should not have to take up this business. Like, with the bakeries cases at least some semblance of a “public accommodations” issue — it is why the “Sweet Cakes” owners moved to a home business and in comments land online I saw this as acceptable in the eyes of people who saw them as doing something more than only retailing baked goods with place figures of suited figure and g owned figure atop. But here we are in virtual space with no limited room and even more of an infinite realm than this world where every bakery besides that one within a 30 mile radius quickly threw up a sign sayinhg in effect “We sell Gay Cakes!” Our Supreme Court dissents give us reference to the Pulse Shooting — 1 plus 1 equals 3 — that one was a Muslim extremist taking the first soft target he could find after seeing he could not get at Disney World. But whatever. My take away there is if the Supreme Court were flipped ideologically, we would have a different set of a mixed bag.

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