That Guy Again

This is where you take stock in conspiracy theory mongering. It is kind of a given that more was happening at the botched coup of 1990 — the one that lead to the final nail on the Soviet Union and where Gorbachev and Yeltsin were competing to get official messages out. The KGB kept a foothold in all the shuffling and people were left staring

Instant Wagner Group experts blossom. I, and I see in looking about a smattering of others, position the man the continuing storyline of a character from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul — that’s where he went. That of course mean

It came out of the accounting mistake that mysteriously gave a few more millions of funding for Ukraine. The CIA bought him off. Either to do exactly what he did so as to throw a “neener neener” at Putin or to gauge where it could go and makes judgement call. Putin did it — misdirection, excuses to do some house cleaning. Maybe both happened as per the blue print of the lizard people.

And new move on to the next story. Something new we can encounter armchair keyboard quarterbacks and instant experts. Musk versus Zuckerberg in an MMA fight — whixh, to be sure, is something I can find experts.

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