new candidates all over the place

Over yonder in the “People’s Party”, Colonel West has thrown his hat into the wing. I think that means it is a fait accompli that he is their candidate — which bumrushes away what had appeared to be a Jimmy Dore flirtation. I can not quite figure how existent the party is — so far it had been a vanity project to grant Nick Brana a platform in an off kilter media orbit, with one state of ballot access and no candidates anywhere. If Colonel West wants to get anywhere, he will probably have to do so on a litany of party lines aka Ralph Nader’s last two campaigns — a Reform Party there, a Natural Law Party here, a Peace and Freedom Party yonder.

The Republican Party, meantime, is filling up and past its expanse. Enter Chris Christie, supposedly good for a few good shots at Trump in debate because — hey! He knocked down Marco Rubio in debate in 2016. This supposes a clean line of relationship between Rubio 2016 and Trump 2024 with the Republican Primary vote. Also in it to win it — Mike Pence, because… ? Well, he thinks he has a message.

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