Trying to worm to the sins of it all

Exploring the search of “both sider” ism s relating to a partial defense of Fox in the Fox Dominion lawsuit, and the things fall apart. The liberal media of MSNBC and CNN blew the Covington Kids. Sure. And just as with Fox, the kid in a MAGA hat razzing with Black Israelites got a cash settlement, within a story not worth paying attention to in the first place. Jessie Smollet perpetuated a noxious hoax, and media outlets had to clean up after initial storyline sensationalism reporting. What I am left with in the litany after these two “what about” s I saw is the partical of where partisans diverge into two differerent camps and fall into rabbit holes depending on what disinformation conjecture they add to the narrative — something called “Russiagate”, conjectures where someone in the media realm actually took the Trump pee tape story seriously for more than two minutes.

I suppose the next track is to point to Tucker Carlson as soonly shutting down his insane Trump election denying guests. How long you indulge them is a different question needing a better answer. Look. I am old enough to remember how Bush/Kerry election denialists who dealt with in 2004 — who would not touch Bev Harris with a ten foot pole and who put it in a box for contained indulgence. The former was Al Franken, the latter was Keith Olberman– notably putting a thick sheen of “this may be insane” before such reporting. I do not know if Carlson did that with this line of guests what would have happened — enough to satisfy his audience from turning to OANN?

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