I endorse George Santos

His chances are, unless there are more variables I am completely ignorant on, nil, but I do wonder. The race can not be properly polled. A social sanction exists in supporting George Santos, A matter of embarrassment. The silent Tory Syndrome that brought John Major to power. See too Donald Trump. James Traficant and David Duke under polled as well.

There is a decent case to make for George Santos if you are of the right eclectic political stripe. Like, if you design to take on the DEI administrators you do need gay jackasses in your corner. So cometh George Santos, fabulist and fabricator and a man with a great imagination. We want people with great imaginations, don’t we?

What else can the Republican Party run in his district?

And, well, he is one of 435. That is, in the end, how I could swallow Ron Paul.

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