Rigged, she says

Marianne Williamson, preparing for the long haul of no good election returns, has kvetched that the DNC has rigged everything for Joseph Biden. Possibly. There are ways around that, as Bernie Sanders never quite grasped, which is to win this over that black electorate in South Carolina — seemingly the greatest obstacle for someone not the Establishment choice to win the nomination especially after Sanderistas successfully jettisoned the super delegates past the first round so they aren’t any longer strategically pushed into news casts of where Clinton sits.

How does she go about that? In the 2020 election I saw some tweets from Bernie supporters complaining that Biden’s message for the black electorate was essentially that he had a black friend. It turned out they misjudged it in that they thought it sodas Obama when actually it was Clyburn. In the 2024 run of things, I do have the thought of slicing her self help books to various demographics and falling flat in the “diversity” spell.

If Biden doesn’t run, someone else will. And it will be awkward as s/he smiles less past Harris.

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