Archive for January, 2023

complexes become simplicitos

Friday, January 27th, 2023

Why does this headline amount to “Experts believe Mass Murderers are Angry”? or maybe ” Alienated”? Really getting at the root cause with this one! On the other hand, this exercise in surface level psychology does avoid the pitfalls that come with devising complexes and complexities that slump to diagnosing post-fact “Mass Shooter Disease”.

The redone automated replacement headline teaser maybe comes closer to being useful. Though, as generally the case, solving the problem comes beside the point in solving or addressing a broader problem of which “mass shooting” is a tail off from.


Friday, January 20th, 2023

Make of the article what you want, and make of the history and editorial direction and sociological facets of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition — but I find myself tripping over this straight-laced description of one model.

The 20-year-old social media star and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit rookie 

And, news wise, entertainment reportages continue on this score.

“Rookie”. And this one is a 40 year old rookie at that. Like, she was in the minor leagues for years and just got her call up now. Or, in football terms, hopefully she is not another Chris Weinke.

I am quite alright with the magazine using this sports language for their historically cheesecake but a tad confused as they try to juggle conflicting and conflicted political imperatives and people with Twitter accounts mock the likes of Tucker Carlson for overly complaining or pointing it out magazine. And maybe the broader news media is all right to follow suit as — it is not like they are covering actual news with these rips of the magazine’s promotional copy. But it still just reads oddly.

game theory and Dobbs leaks

Friday, January 20th, 2023

Pursuing comments section on some conservative sites regarding the declaration that — we couldn’t find the culprit — who leaked the Dobbs decision, I am astounded by the absolute certainty they have (and we saw it with, I think it was either Senator Cruz or Graham, in making the claim as a statement of fact with the answer on why they think so that “I’m not an idiot”) that it came from a liberal clerk or justice with the intent on pressuring A change. And I have no idea — maybe they are right — but it is the logic for their reasoning that falls apart. I see the comparison to a Hail Mary pass to change the outcome — not at all likely but the only thing that could go. But game theory works against this. At that juncture, the Dobbs decision was not written in stone, and Chief Justice Roberts was still scrambling to find a “center” where none existed. The only chance of maintaining Roe was for him to be able to do so. The leak foreclosed the possibility, as it would bring to bear the impression that any decision to change would be coming from public pressure.

The more logical reason for leaking from a liberal justice employee is simple astonishment, and inability to maintain a secret for the momentous decision. The problem there is that that would be the same reason for a conservative justice employee. Hell — maybe the reporter got the news from both sides, and the only difference was the tone of voice — forlorn versus jubilant.

On the football metaphor, as a “game changer” attempt, I am reminded of the first Monday Night Football game of the season where the Denver Broncos ended the game with a long long long field goal, analytics suggest a 2 percent chance of succeeding, versus an attempted fourth down pass, analytics suggest a 40-something percent chance with a quarterback theoretically signed to a lucrative enough contract to up that percentage and to at least set up a field goal with a high likelihood of going in. Peyton Manning’s dry comment was “I like the field goal approach, because the Hail Mary always resulted in my third interception off the day.”

Meanwhile I see a dishonest headline at The Nation. “The institution whose members claim to have the power to see into the minds of dead people couldn’t figure out who leaked the Dobbs draft.”. That is an obnoxious take. Though last I saw in Supreme Court analysis, Pollit gave the aside that ” we need to do more of that” when Senator Flake delayed the Kavanaugh confirmation after being harrangued in the elevator — something I doubt she would think well of if politics were reversed and for that matter supports the conservative comment stream on the Dobbs leaker.

My somewhat cynical take is that maybe Roberts would just as soon let this pass and get swept under the rug, a quick whispered “don’t do this again” to anyone he may strongly suspect but can’t nail down.

Solomon Pena, Larouchepac, and domestic terrorism

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

I could never quite make heads or tails of the allegations that came from Rachel Brown’s defeat at the hands of Barney Frank. Rachel Brown was on her way to victory — you could see in the gestalt of the popular sentiment on the streets of Boston. But then something called the “Vault” stepped in, and flooded the zone. What did seem certain is that even while trying to gild Rachel Brown’s ego just enough but not too much, while having no interest in her thinking she won the vote. She was up against a political machine juggarnaut. The Boston Vault which stepped in — as votes were being cast and cast for Rachel Brown — to hypnotize the populace with a false consciousness — so voters were now casting their lot with Barney Frank.

It is a difference to the like of Diane Sare now on the Helga “we are Russian and Chinese propagandists first and foremost” part of the Larouche split. (Their secondary purpose, at least domestically, is to troll left wing activists). After the election, and her third place fraction of a percentage showing against Chuck Schumer, she construed unofficial tabulation reporting discrepancies as a sign of electioneering shenanigans. It got her on Jimmy Dore. Here we get the difference on Hillary Clinton after 2016 and Donald after 2020. “Russian interference” is propaganda and disinformation that leads to false consciousness whereas Trump declared victory on election night then claimed the election was thereafter falsely tabulated against him. The post 2016 Clinton and Democratic fight has its problems — a supposition of what a right-minded voter needs believe. It is where I see a news article article from the NYTimes or Washington Post or some such passes by exploring the psychological reasons people oppose Abortion and favor abortion restrictions. It seems to be a bubble where viewpoints held by forty something percent of the populace is construed as coming from psychological defects — that is to say, false consciousness, propagandized by nefarious sources. In the sometimes funny case of the 2016 election, we ended up with a silly Facebook page image of Satan and Jesus arm-wrestling — proxies for Clinton versus Trump — a Facebook page that struck me as having a right to exist whether or not it was put up on behest of the Russian government. But the problems there are quite apart from the problems where Trump is baselessly construing the votes are falsely going against him and — more so — action needs to be taken. From there you can debate what happened at January 6th.

And next comes Solomon Pena. Of Larouchepac — the Larouche movement split which is largely a gritting outfit to grab money from Trump Supporters. He lost an election. And now.

Isthis our first LaRouche mass shooter?

At the risk of being tone deaf, “mass shooter” has a definition and Solomon Pena’s act of terrorism does not cover it. This is a shooting spree. And to be sure, here is the equation at work: One of the witnesses, according to the AP, said one of the men told the shooters to aim above the homes’ windows to avoid striking anyone inside, but Pena showed up for the Lopez shooting “to ensure better target acquisition.”  Or: “There is some information from a confidential informant that says that he was disappointed that apparently that no one had actually been hit and that he wanted them to aim lower in the house and the structure so that the chances of somebody being hit were greater,” Day said. The hit men hired seemed to have the ” sending a message, don’t kill” theory as against the bolder Pena stance. Pena, the complaint states, “wanted them to aim lower and shoot around 8 p.m. because occupants would more likely not be laying down.” The witness adds that the more aggressive approach made the gunmen uneasy “since they knew doing so would more likely end in death or injury.”.

Yeah, the Schiller people are def gonna call this guy a fed or an MKULTRA programmed assassin The correct answer is… FBI. LPAC are FBI agents who abandonded LaRouches mission — Dear lord, even while disclaiming it, they pivot blame to a deep state that is after them.

Notice to Solomon Pena: your act is not helping us colonize the moon or alleviate human suffering. On the basis of how you argued against political adversaries with different priorities, you fell short.

My partner got into difficult, unsolicited conversations with him as she came in and out of the building,” Bode said. “He’s not a polite, nice person.”

You didn’t necessarily want to get in the elevator with him, because you may not have a nice conversation,” Parks said. “He was a little belligerent in his tone sometimes.”

Over from LORG:

The organization which killed Kennedy was called Permindex founded in 1958. The head of Permindex was Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, a major in British intelligence who was personal advisor to J. Edgar Hoover for Division 5 of the FBI.” — Lyndon LaRouche (1995)

Sure. And the organization that tried to kill Linda Lopez, Javier Martinez, Debbie O’Malley, and Adriann Barboa is Larouchepac. Not affiliated with LORG.

And his post election tweet: Coupled with the article on his criminal background lead me to the flippant thought “this can not end well”.

New Republic (in case you need to deal with visit limits): Pena embraced Trump’s election denialism, even appearing to attend the January 6 rally that turned into the insurrection, according to a photo he shared on Twitter. He repeatedly insisted that his own election was rigged. After the results were in, he approached three of the four targeted Democratic officials at their homes, claiming he had proof the election was fraudulent and arguing it should not be certified. The Bernalillo County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to certify the election results.

There is a curious problem round about here. CNN has reached out to Peña’s campaign website for comment and has been unable to identify his attorney. Which matches the problem on some generalized partisan grinding in comments land which gets forced and nonsensical, or at least in germane to the topic. See this: This also reinforces the need for the updates to the voting rights act so gerrymandering and the anti-democracy aspects of recent Republican state laws can be minimized. Gerrymandering. It is a majority Democratic district in a majority Democratic state. Unless the suggestion is the districts need to be drawn so that the Republican give two shits about contesting every district instead of letting a hothead lunatic get his name on the ballot unopposed by someone who knows they are in for a November loss — such a move is impossible. The majority of our elections are not competitive, and it would be a bad sign if a majority were. So, par for the course in the sense of “some guy in a non competitive race”, CNN can’t reach the campaign website for the culprit’s campaign — a campaign that was composed of basically just the culprit — and maybe the driver — or that which by chance implicates beyond “lone gunman” and paid thugs into organization:

The officer found bullet casings matching a handgun found later that morning in a Nissan Maxima registered to Pena. Around 1:30 a.m., about an hour after the shooting at Lopez’s home, police stopped the Nissan about 4 miles (6 kilometers) from the lawmaker’s neighborhood.

The driver, identified Monday night as Jose Trujillo, was arrested on an outstanding warrant, leading to the discovery of more than 800 fentanyl pills and two firearms in the car, police said.

Though, it is worth mentioning this is not the election LPAC was most hyping up. That one was California AD 18 with Mindy Pechenuk. (Of that Pechenuk clan that continues to plague Oakland city council meetings minutes.)

Operation Mop-Up 2?

Bernalillo County’s district attorney said he will personally prosecute the case against Peña because he’s “pissed off” about what he calls “an attack on our democracy.”

“When you attack elected officials with violence, it is an attack on our democracy. It is unacceptable at every level. It doesn’t matter if they’re Democrats or Republicans,” District Attorney Sam Bregman said.

“Quite frankly, the community’s pissed off about this stuff. And so am I.”

Hm. Ironic. Use the politically unpc term from our previous president, “shithole countries”, and appreciate who is dragging it in that direction:

State House Speaker Javier Martinez, another official who police said was targeted in the shootings, said that the events of the past month reminded him of violence in his birth country of Mexico. 

“(Mexico) is a place where politics and journalism can actually get you killed,” Martinez said. “I would have never thought that could be the case in my own country, here.”

Curious. And with the caveat that this is speculation, it is trying to come up with the most coherent defense.

Multiple witnesses have said that Peña believed the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, and he believed his own election loss was the result of fraud, and Cevallos said that sets up the possibility that his defense attorneys will blame the former president for his crime.

I have to bring us back to the Jan. 6 prosecutions in which some of the defendants raised the defense of ‘Trump made me do it,’ and that was really interesting because, as a defense attorney, you don’t get to pick your facts,” Cevallos said. “Prosecutors pick the facts they take to trial, so in fairness to the defense, as wacky as that defense sounds, ‘Trump made me go into the Capitol,’ sometimes as a defense attorney you don’t have a lot. You come up with whatever you can, whatever the judge will let you put into evidence, and try your best. Is it successful, probably not?”

The mere fact that it’s being considered as a possible defense tells us that we’re at a different political place in this country where you can even consider saying that the president made me do it,” he added. “That kind of defense is usually reserved to crazy people at home who think, you know, their TV is bugged or the aliens have landed in their backyard. This is not a defense you ever would have imagined 10 years ago or even six, seven years ago. It’s madness.”

They could go with “Larouche made me do it”, but then they’d have to do the ” Larouche who?”

I think the worlds most dangerous philosopher title goes to Lyndon LaRouche. The American Dryfus. Targeted with assassination , persecution, jail time and endless slander for his opposition to the Aristotelian Mafia around Bertrand Russell. Or, I guess, A “Larouche / Trump” hybrid.

Meanwhile, I speculate on fallout for LORG. See this: Watch @DianeSare intervene on Chuck Schumer fundraising luncheon this morning!! Bravo Diane! “Sare Confronts “Killer Chuck” Schumer” on YouTube.

Wow, Lyndon LaRouche, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. Growing up in Illinois during the 70s, he was a household name, and he attracted so many of the extremist types.

If you were in Illinois during a certain era, oh yes, you knew who Lindon Larouche was. Although everybody knew who he was, I think you could honestly call him in some ways a predecessor to Qanon.

Wow. I got sucked in by them in like 2005. Escaped in 2007. nut jobs. They got me with trains. In the minority on that one: LaRouche Leftists: “We want trains! Trains! Trains! Trains!” General public: “no”.

what is up with LaRouche and his crowd? my dad is apparently sucked into his bs and has been slipping pamphlets from his org calling Ukraine Nazis under my door. weird shit.

Dunno about this next query. They’re working on a statement, I assume. Political opportunism to discredit the mega maga movement last seen by the Tony Blair forces using Jeremiah Duggan’s mom to stop Larouche from stopping the war, I think the tweet from a LORG supporter has it — though that came with more concern over saving LORG’s bacon.

Replying to @larouchepac hey I haven’t seen you guys saying much about how the guy shooting at the homes of Democratic officials in New Mexico was a big LaRouche supporter, any comment on that?

But you need to know … The feeling was mutual.

scandal tempest teapots

Monday, January 16th, 2023

I am thinking of Bert Lance in the Jimmy Carter administration. Forced to resign because scandal hovered over him. It didn’t much matter that it was not a much, Carter had come in as the “anti-Nixon” and so it was easy enough to get trapped with the “I thought this guy was going to be wholly above reproach!”. And so, questions not yet answered become questions that haunt, even after they are answered.

I overhear the words “I am sick of Biden.”. The reason why — scandal, of a sort. The exact thing that Trump did! Kind of. The women she’s talking to quickly brings up countervailing explainers on why they are not comparable. But we leave us at that note, “But the optics!” An interesting electorate as pundit staring at the electorate and becoming self creating the dreaded-for narrative. At least momentarily. Because I do have the basic note that — if there right now hated Biden is the Democratic nominee next time up, she will indeed be voting for him. And probably loving to do so. Because the next thing she has to say is, “Newsom sucks.”. She did give the name of the Democratic nominee she wants to vote for, but I did not catch it.

And we have a kind of curious dilemma that I was always cognizant of through the last six years — how widely or how narrowly do you want to define “Trump”ism? Like, sure “Kids in cages” and all that, but there will be deportations under the next Democratic administration, and examples of bad circumstances in detaining people. And, on the case at hand, I suppose when first describing outrage at filing away loads of classified documents, it was necessary to toss in caveats of when it and how this malady might be not necessarily good, but not overly bothersome to count.

Curious matter of “Trumpism” defined and then not. That bunch of Republicans who delayed Kevin McCarthy’s Speakership. Supposedly “Trump” ists. But they had their goals, counter to Trump’s, and acted in a parliamentary fashion to achieve them. And somehow I was supposed to care one way or the other about McCarthy.

the shortness of it all

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

I have one basic thought regarding Congressional fabulist George Santos as one mass of concocted narrative building is mocked and partisan defenders move to comparison with “respectable” political fabulists —

It begins with the trouble of selling a personable story on a long repetitive cycle where, frankly, your life is probably just boring — you need something to say —

And be that it may be that some issues of campaign finance issues are part of the story. But most of it, the parts that seem to tittillate and amuse —

Cool thing, short two year terms on the lower chamber. Wise decision. Wise move.

Oddly enough, still dead

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023


I remember I used to interact with Lyndon LaRouche’s associates when I was in university. Very persistent folks. Do you guys have newsletters?

I just wish ppl would have had the pleasure of going to protests in the early 00’s and being handed a Lynden LaRouche pamphlet. Cures you of all your conspiratorial ailments.

On being a Libertarian Party canvasser: I’ve had to answer questions about Lyndon larouche ..

I remember the people hawking Lyndon LaRouche papers on my college campus “Rockerfeller Endorses Cannibalism” (which actually had a factual basis—that Andes plane crash). You are right, we have major politicians saying similar batshit things as LaRouche with LESS of a basis.

Right. I think that’s where he got his “green fascism” bullshit. I had two encounters with self described Linden LaRouche followers. The first had very strong cult vibes. The second, a bit less so but still.

On Webster Tarpley: That LaRouche Douche got up on a stage in New York City during the anniversary of 9/11 in 2007 and suggested I was COINTELPRO. Please do not promote anything from that scum on my wall please, thank you.

Name an animal, (BESIDES A DOG), that you’ve been chased by. A worshipper of Lyndon LaRouche, expounding antisemitism, negative entropy, and all around scary craziness decades before those things became fashionable…

They stopped me one foot off the property line of the first place I ever went to vote and gave me a pitch for Lyndon that involved a veiled threat against my life.

True story: I once was walking out of the office after a hard day of think tanking with CohenAtTPPF & as we exited the building o e of us mid conversation was quoting the Simpson’s line “Lyndon LaRouche was right!” A woman spun around and yelled “Lyndon Larouche was not right!” turned out that her brother was in the cult or something. It also turned out she wasn’t familiar with the Simpsons, so our attempts to explain only created more confusion.

Heart warming family story.

Reminds me of ’84, when I worked in NYC in the same building as the LaRouche crackpots. They plastered our block with bumper stickers that read, “I know Walter Mondale is running for president, but who can heterosexuals vote for?”

As an old timer I remember Operation Mop Up. Workers World party had a defacto non aggression pact w/ LaRouchies who mobilized street gangs against the other left groups in NYC. I was in WWP at the time and never heard a coherent excuse. Interesting cross ref w Ramsey Clark

A few years ago my wife witnessed a LaRouche activist at one of those sidewalk tables pick a fight with a black person who was asking questions. When the guy’s mother pulled him away, my wife stepped in and confronted the Rouchie. My wife grabbed the clipboard upon which LaRouchies were signing up new converts, and challenged the woman’s treatment of the black guy. When the LaRouche person tried to grab the clipboard from her, she walked off with both woman and clipboard into the street. A tussle ensued. Let’s just say things did not go well for the LaRouche supporter’s sunglasses.

If you live in rural New England, you can’t avoid Larouche-bags. in New Hampshire, each town is assigned one in a ritual forest meeting with the devil

Half Thoughts Debunked

Point: I want a world where everyone I meet is up to something awesome creatively that really makes me think. Counterpoint: I don’t.

Surprisingly the EIR were shocked and really frightened by Putin gaining power in 1999. LaRouche movement writings and historiographies are like decadent half true fan fiction. The good guys are soooo good and the bad guys soooo bad. Making this funny: The standard mode of politics in the West is staggeringly incompetent. People establish for themselves the lines between good and evil. They then hurl themselves chest-first into the fray, acting out their favorite comic book. The lack of self – awareness from Daniel Burke is hilarious.

Two clear findings. I would add a third: destructive sectarianism, but only in an online and distributed format (without a clear and identifiable backbone). This amplified the internal degradation. The difference from destructive sectarianism is the internal degradation BEFORE going out to confront the world. At Lyndon LaRouche’s NCLC, several were forced to eat feces in 1972. In 1973, they were ready to go out and attack externally in Operation Mop-Up.

LaRouche thought the bad guys were the Queen of England and British imperialists seeking to destroy the USA through the Beatles and the drug culture, while the CIA guys thought it was the Soviets and/or Chinese seeking to destroy the USA through the Beatles and the drug culture.

Larouche wanted Governor Ridge impeached, but oddly never Clinton never mind signing much the same welfare bill.

My dream book to write is a richly detailed institutional history of the 1990s reform party, where Perot’s populism, larouche/pat buchanan, Jesse Ventura, and Roger Stone all adopted different trade-skeptical populisms and collapsing in trump’s 2000 presidential bid. My thought: Scattered in different biographies and histories. A couple chapters in Timothy Stanley’s Patrick Buchanan biography The Crusader and his bid which doesn’t spell Trump as the collapse, whatever that be — you left out John Hagelin and the opportunistic Natural Law Party.

Or how Lyndon LaRouche thought all the conflicts of the world derived from siding with Plato or Aristotle and thought that the standard pitch sang in classical opera had some relation to the battle against communism.


Kari Lake. Mark Finchem. Bernie Sanders and assortment of perennial candidates (fascist?). Twitter files, mainly dissemination — again, either itself or the post hosting beyond scope conspiracy theorist I don’t immediately know. (Sigh and frustration.) Ayn Rand. In defense of Anita Bryant (and so also JK Rowling), she was above aboard in her activism so can’t be compared to Larouche, qanon after Trump released his new card. Trump after the Trump card. Sameera Khan. Kari Lake’s attorney. Popularity wise, Kamala Harris. Karl Marx — hope for Larouche yet, I guess. Jay Lovestone. Trump / Greene.

Wait. Is there an actactual Flat Earther arguing here? Hard to tell. Irony is dead.

Prompt: ‘fun vacation photos of Lyndon Larouche and L Ron Hubbard at Epcot Center.

Donald Trump for his response to the Republican Speaker impasse.

Predictably as losses mount, Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy of California.


If this is referencing I saw in a three minute YouTube clip, Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald had a good point regarding AOC and the Squad with Pelosi four and two years’ back versus the Republican intransigents right now. Nothing on “Democrats looking good”, but something on them forcing a Medicare for All bill to the floor and moving an agenda… If that is a thing considered desirable.

Chip Roy with guilt by association by association.

And Trump supports McCarthy so by extension … What?

Supposing Representative Donald, “Ultra” Conservative Congressman, sees the tweet, he is supposed to respond how to the hammer and sickle? Note: he has never heard of “mega communism”.

On Richard Spencer. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if his master plan wasn’t unironically a repeat of Larouche’s in the 90s – have an event intimidating enough that you can waltz in the oval office and demand emergency powers

On the Ground

Funny thing is, most everyone everywhere has not a thing to say about Luna Oi. So what?

A ways from Arizona.

Familiar messages: They (theBritish, I guess) want you to think about this crap (whatever that be) instead of figuring out the quadrature of a circle

Representative Pete Meijer: At an event the other night, two (presumably) Lyndon Larouche activists got out their phones and started shouting questions (that were more statement), first alleging JFK assassination cover-up and then saying US support for Ukraine was a scheme to spur nuclear armageddon. (1/2). Weirdly refreshing to engage with folks not from the mad left or the mad right, or even from the mad place on the horseshoe where left/right meet, but rather from some bizarre Z-axis of political thought. Novelty is a rare occurrence these days! (2/2)

To Russia with Love

The predictions of Dmitry Medvedev. Once thought of as a quasi-moderating influence in Russian government.

Point: These Russian government officials definitely read a lot of Larouche stuff. Counterpoint: Well, they write a lot of LaRouche stuff…

Familiar face chimes in.

Morally completely shabby: election advertising in Berlin in January 2023. “BüSo” simply pretends that nothing has happened, that Russia is not waging a war of annihilation against Ukraine. We have nothing in common with this criminal Russia.

The warped view of the Larouchies on Ukraine — see here Diane Sare

I have no goddamned clue what this means. And I make my incredulity with no judgement one way or the other on Zelensky’s speech and what US involvement ought be — skilled politicians and actors affect voices and “read the rooms”.

When did “dirt bag left” become A term? Matt Taibbi: worth a gander — never mind such protestations. Greenwald: not worth one. But, you begin with some disagreements with different people with partisan blinders, get voted off from that table, so get invited to that other table where — perhaps — you start picking up their awful habits. Money can’t hurt…

Prognostications. The Maga Communists Fall

Watch this shit, Trump’s gonna lose the GOP primary, and when his ego refuses to let him accept defeat, he’s going to run anyway as an independent and turn into the new Lyndon LaRouche. Funniest possible outcome is, he takes most of his voters with him and lives to be 120.

The Libertarian Party is where people who are too crackpot for the MAGAs are sent by the GOP these days. They look more like LaRouche-ites than actual libertarians (lower case l).

Bits of irony: So Sameera Khan is a massive Nixon/Kissinger Stan. Why do Larouchebags always endorse the absolute worst people in the world?

Weirder and weirder.

Who. Are. These. People?

In the catacombs beneath Leesburg, VA, a pact was made with ancient, daedric gods. A virgin vessel, presented on an alter of bone and ichor, was to house the resurrected spirit and soul of Lyndon LaRouche. They messed up the incantation, and, well, now we have Jackson.

Code Geass.

Varn Blog podcasts.

wasn’t it?

Caleb Maupin braces himself for coming podcast profile.

Darned! Missed it!

Paging Sundeep Waslekar

Give em one for tenacity but these larouche weirdos keep wearing size 14 clown shoes

There are things there in the “twitter files”, and it is not neatly ” illegal” but always one placement of an Overton Window that anyone dumped outside is understandably be upset with, with further repercussions on implied “false conscious” stamping. Not a Trump hack, but a Larouchie hack.

The sirens of conspiratorial thinking will doom the anti-imperialist left to campism, followed by a rightward shift as we have seen with Hazoids and LaRouchites. There is a direct line between modern campism and the popularization of magacommunism and the resurgence of LaRouche

the fault on patriotic socialism: they are way too online to ever have any impact beyond lining a couple streamer’s pockets, i just heard they have been swelling the ranks of the larouche movement & was intrigued

Z Communists” — probably the same meaning (or lack thereof) as “maga communist” s.

Stay classy, Jackson Hinkle. is it me, or has he already given up on the MAGA Communism grift, and is now trying to worm his way into the male chauvinist self help guru grift? With otherworldly promises of Stalin.

Wrap your mind around this sentence.: Please, Trotsky himself was a great man and I say that as a “Stalinist”.

MAGACommunists”/LaRouche Subcultists are so fucking funny because in any socialist society they would be arrested by political police and re-educated for being reactionary. Ditto the other direction.

Haz is thumping his chest.

The Larouchian Tyranny. Not even China’s restrictive policy.

What we can do is back DeSantis/Lake or Gabbard, and you guys can create a Lyndon LaRouche type society and can pretend Trump is President, okay?

Mississippi Senate Election of 1988 in an Alternate Universe

Mississippi 1988 Senate election. My best guess is Jon Hinson. Definitely not Billy Davis.

The alternate universe where Billy Davis wins a Senate seat. And, hm, OJ Simpson wins a Senate seat. Oliver North. Fun!

1988 Democratic Primary results. David Duke was in it to troll Jesse Jackson. I guess you wrap Traficant in with Larouche as candidates who served prison time.

I’m from the Lyndon LaRouche won the 2004 presidential election timeline.

Things don’t end well for Senator Billy Davis.

Historical Notes

Khomeini is the beacon of resistance for the oppressed masses of the planet. Huh.

Ocean Hill Brownsville Strike was very spooky. Could not have worked w RFK MLK still alive. Now it’s being done with Kanye and friends


I find the LaRouche movement party line that the Satanism of the Roman Empire escaped first to the Byzantine Empire, then the Venetian Republic and finally the British Monarchy. They’ve been ferociously pro-Filioque since at least the early 1980s. I’ll have to look in future at 1970s copies of the Executive Intelligence Review to find out when their very anti-Byzantine Empire and opposition to Eastern Christian theology first started. LaRouche movement was very strongly supporting attacking Serbia during the Croatian and Bosnian Wars, though by Kosovo with Tony Blair in power since 1997 so strongly pushing for Clinton to intervene they toned down their constant Orthodoxy-bashing. Surprisingly the EIR were shocked and really frightened by Putin gaining power in 1999. Probably when Economist Sergei Glazyev, LaRouche’s most powerful Russian follower became friendly with the new Putin government (he was very anti-Yeltsin) EIR’s coverage flipped to being much more Russia friendly.

A list of felons running for political office.

I was in the city today and I saw a guy with laroucheite posters and a table with little pamphlets. Very bizarre. I should have taken pictures. There was one that said “putin is your friend” and another one about rebuilding the United States in larouche’s vision

A fascist network of mostly former cops and qanons led by a literal prince was planning a coup in Germany. I am willing to bet all my money ($30) that LaRouche / Schiller is involved in this somehow. Hm. What does Helga say about it?

I’m increasingly liking the LaRouche movement theory about Napoleon -he was was a creation of Genoan and Venetian finance. Those two cities were secretly allied to the British Empire and Napoleon was directed by his controlled advisors to launch a suicidal invasion of Russia. once again we are ignoring the natural development of a humble italian sad grunge boy ballin out and its consequences


All bad entertainment is a psy-op, right?

The ghost of LaRouche on it’s way to murder the queen on his 100th birthday

International Media

These are no journalists but fanatics from the Larouche neofascist sect. One person’s journalist, another person’s — ?

Helga stumps again for China.

Scott Ritter jumps more sharks.

Caleb Maupin talks to himself.

How Maupin distinguished himself — all the rest in it for the money, he was in it for the cult.

Chuck Park selling Trump — Larouche as the force for fusion research.

also that the history of the world is really the history of a secret war being fought between sun myung moon and lyndon larouche.

Conservatives need to be something other than conservatives, says Not a Communist.


The strage case of Scott Gaulke.

In regards to Plato and Aristotle, taking an ultra-Platonist position that Aristotle is the cause of all historic evil, feudalism and oligarchy has decades of LaRouche historiographies. The trolling possibilities are endless.

A lot of so called tankies in 2022 love Viktor Orbán who is very anti-Khrushchev sending the tanks into Hungary in 1956. As they get more LaRouche influenced they’ll soon see 56 as a Atheist Khrushchev suppressing Catholic and Calvinist freedom fighters. It becomes an empty slur

Still on that Ye for President train.

When people you do not like write things about politicians you do not like.

Wednesday” star Jenna Ortega reveals to New Yorker that “Xi Jinping’s The Governance of China” was her latest read. “It blows my mind that anyone could think China will not achieve socialism by 2050. Xi lays out his goals and why China’s unique system will help it achieve them

I assume then this is a joke: “Wednesday”’s Jenna Ortega reveals to The New Yorker that her favorite writer of all time is none other than Lyndon LaRouche “I’ve been obsessed with his work ever since I read his plan to exterminate AIDS patients

Diane Sare gets an undeserved credit,

This list and take becomes (predictably) bizarre, and notwithstanding that I am neither here nor there on the “culture war”s for the rest of it — what the hell is this? He died in 2019, but his cult started rising again in 2022, when one of its adherents, Diane Sare, became the only notable opponent scored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in his otherwise uncontested New York Senate race. Swallowing or accepting Larouchie propaganda on the nature of the race and the Republican running who, after all, in the minor New York red-wave of 2022 (that up-tik that saved the Republicans the House) received a greater vote margin than anyone else who has run against Incumbent Senator Schumer over the years.

Fun fact: Pink Floyd was a British rock band. Fun fact: A prominent member of the Larouche organization is a big Roger Waters fan. Fun fact: Roger Waters is British, and has some conspiratorial opinions that work with Larouche. Why does any of these fun facts matter? Well. “All” is all inclusive. Americans export creativity. The British export EVIL. Interesting. Also Putin disagrees.

Larouchies petition Joe Biden. Will President Biden heed the call of dozens (or maybe just ones), or will Lyndon Larouche — who penned a scathing article or two on his presidential candidacies — remain unexonerated?

Geoffrey Young, and the meaning of “Larouchie”. Disclaimers now put on Schiller Material, so future Youngs might be able to point to something.

Paging guy proclaiming being “part of the MAGA Movement”.

Paging… Initiating contacts: Helga Zepp-Larouche and her troops have long expressed an interest in General Harald Kujat. Will LaRouche stick with Kujat? Or will there be a total takeover of the Yakunin squad?

ham handed Russian propaganda.

anti-pilgrim propaganda???

The Conspiracy Vector

PSL … “Larouche connections”. Looking in, that term appears nebulous in spots. Cultish leftwing sectarian politics meet up with and against cults. ” Connections” come in by accident. From what I can tell this line is premised off of Ramsey Clarke — a mutual back scratch happened to benefit each one’s political power aims. On the politics of PSL — looks left wing sectarian to me.

Tate retweeting LaRouche type guys now, interesting development

I’ve taken great pleasure in watching the Haz/LaRouche sphere harpoon their own dingies (pitiful grifts) Now might be a good time to remind you, that the Ancestors come collect, and the reach is infinite.

JFK and the problem of the Larouchies covering your favorite conspiracy theory. Popular topic on the streets of NY.

football on a brink

Saturday, January 7th, 2023

I have not looked for any such commentary, but I know I can find it quickly streaming along in the ether. As it were, I have one snap on the night comment via an “influencer” on Twitter (I had to look her name up, and saw that this was how she was described), some in watched footage from The View, and a back link blog commentary to the effect that the NFL season ought be cancelled, the game needs to end in the form it is in, and it is too barbaric and violent for civilization.

The basic problem, and here I wander into that land of Tone Deaf I often find myself with emotional heated political fights (my thoughts on points made after mass shootings — the instigating argument for gun control measures for gun violence which mass shootings are statistically speaking rounding errors on — counts as tone deaf), is that whatever the merits and the problems with this position, it has nothing to do with the near death injury that instigated this clarion call. It would appear that the violent nature of the game of football has no direct connection with this specific injury, and that this specific condition is more likely — with more cases there though not at the highest professional level — in less violent games of basketball and baseball. It is the peculiar nature of this injury against the specific parameters of how contact meets out in the various sports. And nobody is arguing for the end of basketball. Even though if you need to use Monday as the example, that is more logical than the end of football. Barack Obama made the comment that if he had a son, he’d discourage him from playing.

I can marshal quite a few things for your anti-football argument. The sentence I saw that “Frankly, the season should have ended after Tua” is a beginning, even as I drop the instigating incident and did not see the argument when the NFL’s concussion protocol for him was blithely slipped aside or laid bare as inadequate. Move on from there and note Andrew Luck’s very abrupt retirement, clearly a statement of “this isn’t worth it”.

As it were, the game is always being altered. Its history is one where it had a crisis toward the turn of the last century, and blue ribbon commissions huddled in and came up with the idea of the forward pass so that every play was no longer one slogfest of mass athletes with no space for running. In a sense, the history of football play is just one of the rules getting altered to encourage pass plays and discourage running plays. The quarterback gets protected increasingly more. Nary a week goes by in the season where I don’t hear the cry for a roughing the passer play, “that’s not a foul! It wouldn’t have been ten years’ ago!”. Maybe in the future the run will be outlawed. Also maybe in the future we will be watching touch-football. Make of it what you will. Hard to tell if I care.

Go Seahawks!

Mildly amusing game

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

so here is the end of the Congressional Speaker vote for the 11th ballot.

As you can see, if the vote stopped right here, after Ryan Zinke got his vote in, Jeffries has a majority. By one. But a smattering of Congress critters who withheld a vote will now bring it to a plurality to allow McCarthy to lose a twelfth time. Why? Why not?