A week to total victory
Diane Sare Down the Home Stretch
WILL This guy swing Diane Sare to victory???? TIL that there’s still a (somewhat) active LaRouche party in New York. Might have to throw them a vote just so they’ll feel supported and keep going. Political malpractice not reaching out to me his constituency. Instead they run into the roadblock of this sentiment — LaRouche gives me diarrhea. — in front of Schumer’s office.
Fun fact! The Larouche Movement campaigned for John Kerry in the 2004 general election of 2004, Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic Primary season, and Martin O’Malley leading up to the 2016 Democratic Primaries.
Fun fact! Lyndon Larouche pillories and pours nothing but scorn on Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy in the book The Curious Case of Walter Lippmann.
Point: Almost all of the people quote-mining LaRouche for naughty screenshots today voted for Jim Crow Joe Biden exactly two years ago. Counterpoint: says Larouchie at every corner — Lyndon LaRouche who understood the enemy like no other has never ever been wrong!! Says no one anywhere ever: “Joseph Biden has never ever been wrong.”
Point: Selling Sare and “Maga Communism“. I like how there’s only 4 people not with the LaRouche movement pictured and the one that passed the booth can be seen keeping a wide girth. Counterpoint: Beto O’Rourke has a crowd.
Chuck Schumer’s staff has to walk past this. And — What is this JFK/ NASA Larouche position ? I know it has to be crazy. Trying to sell space program and eulogize a man he called a Nazi in the 1970s.
In the grand LaRouche tradition, Sare is campaigning on a couple decent ideas and then some unhinged shit, including collabing w/ Russia to “stabilize” the world (lmfao), constructing a “world land bridge,” and rejecting the “pagan cult of earth-worshipping environmentalism”. I’m not going to write a whole treatise here because I have better things to do but damn can we get some better independent candidates in this country? oh yeah and she’s a M@G@ grrl. (Betsy Johnson us my choice for Oregon governor. You should have gone for Gary Johnson more in 2016, alienated Republicans who can’t vote Democrat.)
Oh look, they have a sign studded van.
Desperate to get on Jimmy Dore.
Geoffrey Young Distances Himself
Geoffrey Young supporters are annoyed: We in the Young campaign want to abolish the CIA. We have very little interest in Lyndon LaRouche. In fact, that people still consider him relevant is one of the big surprises of this campaign, right up there with MAGA communism. The question shows up: Before I let you go, let me ask one thing, do you, as the Field Director of the Young campaign, endorse or disown the support you have received from LaRouche actors? Short answer, no.
Geoffrey Young speaks: I have absolutely no idea why @Burke4Senate would promote such insane population growth, which is 10 times more insane than Lyndon LaRouche’s suggested number. I don’t even want to speculate why.
And on! I’ve never met a LaRouchite, a MAGAcommunist, or a Mitch McConnell Republican who knows anything whatsoever about energy. Literally everything they “know” about energy is wrong. I worked for Kentucky’s Energy & Environment Cabinet 15 yrs
So. The line”he’s a Larouche cultist” ceases to be right. Gadfly podcasters maybe somewhere near right on this a month back, but not now. But nobody ever cares about precision. He can’t escape his associating.
And this rhymes: With Young’s own party adopting a hands-off approach to his candidacy, incumbent Republican Andy Barr has opted to stick with a campaign of uppbeat ads and did not appear on the program alongside the unorthodox candidate. “Andy Barr, by chickening out, refusing to be here tonight, I think that speaks poorly about him,” Young responded.
Then there’s this: Unlike virtually every Democrat in America, I have proposed a solution that might actually work: to impeach the six corrupt, woman-hating, Constitution-shredding, Republican, partisan hacks on the US Supreme Court who overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
Mindy Pechenuk going places
LPAC is running Mindy Pechenuk in California… And it goes.
And the selfish reason the Incumbent may want to go ahead and debate the dining room table. “Even more, Bonta could finally have Assembly-level debate experience. She hasn’t won an Assembly seat outright just yet. She won a special election, but not a general election. And that special election last year in the run-off? She only squeaked by with 56% of the vote. A debate could really help her here, especially if she is thinking of a higher office in the future.”
Not a good sign for lpac:

No follow through on tweet.
CORY BOOKER Kicking Larouchie ASS!
I have no opinion on Senator Cory Booker, but here he is kicking some Larouchie ass!
So tweets Jeff Stein: EXCLUSIVE: The Russian government is making false claims about Tucker Carlson being placed on a Ukrainian kill list. The misinformation originated from a Senate candidate for the “LaRouche was Right Party” – and an embarrassing mistake by etc.
Curious. It is not difficult for me to see in the middle future my opinion on US involvement with Ukraine align solidly with policy preferences of the Larouche movements. A difference may be I would have zero illusions on Putin’s government and the nature of any territorial gains, which only underscores that they will have to lay it on thick to remain noxious by design. See this tweeting display by “space larouche”. The glib responses on Russian bombings of Ukraine can be described as glib.
Your organization changes its line every time the leadership decides. They stand for nothing other than whatever the leaders dictate. Here’s Lyndon LaRouche predicting nuclear war by the end of 1977. According to them, they were the ones who staved it off. And today? The beat goes on. If we don’t die in nuclear war I am giving JosBTrigga and Noggatone a significant share of the credit.
Cultural Concerns
Future Elections
A theory: I think they building for a People’s Party run in the case of Jimmy Dore, who the fuck knows with the LaRouchies but they seem to have some cash behind them, Tulsi maybe even getting ready to jump on a Elon Musk for President campaign… It’s the 1936 Union Party bid of William Lemke all over again!
Internal DSA politics. Strife.
I disagree. Everyone is well aware the country is full of foaming nitwits.
Point: Dude I remember hearing about LaRouche back in my early 20’s also, it sounded catchy. Funny its always young kids pushing LaRouche, nearly 20 years later and its still kids I see following him, rarely adults. Interesting. Counterpoint: I have the opposite problem. My anglophile mother warned me away from him as a kid. I’m only discovering him now and I have to say he is based AF
I remember when the only time i would see larouche cultists would be walking past their table at the post office. they always had a picture of whatever president was in office with a hitler mustache. now, thanks to modern technology, i can show them fun pictures too! if i can get one larouche cultist to look at pigpoopballs, i consider that a win.
I remember scoffing at the Lyndon Larouche and John Birch types inside of the Times Square and 34th street subway station. They’ve always been here.
When I was young and lost and depressed in my early twenties, I feel in with some LaRouche-ites, having no idea who or what they were, and it was quite an education in wild ass weirdos for a week or two. went to like two meetings and was immediately weirded out by like the seemingly normie Democratic exterior but the bugfuck weird shit they actually talked about and seemed to believe it. Big ass cult vibes but like if the Cult were all unitarians. Just bizarre stuff. They were able to bottle up the obvious crazy for a while, and I wasn’t in my right mind at the time, but boy howdy when it came out, it came out
There was a really awkward moment here in Virginia in 1994 when the LaRouche guys all became diehard “Re-Elect Chuck Robb” guys because they all believed weird conspiracy theories about Oliver North (aside from the actual conspiracies North did in real life)
When I was in college, there was a LaRouchies had a regular table outside the student union. My Dad told me to ask them why LaRouche went to jail for mail fraud. When I did, they corrected me that he went to jail for *conspiracy to commit mail fraud*. I remember a LaRouchie telling me about how the Queen of England, the Rothschilds, and Barack Obama were conspiring to seize control of the world’s water supply through satellites or something, and the solution was to reinstitute Glass-Steagall.
larouchies…takes me back. in the same way itching takes me back to having chicken pox as a kid
I once, foolishly, tried to engage with a LaRouche critter… the man would only sing his responses to me. It was perplexing to hear crazy LaRouche stuff sung… in poetic verse. I don’t have much of a singing voice. And was a bit perplexed by the whole episode at the time. The LaRouche folks are a weird bunch. I’ve driven by and seen the old compound in Leesburg, Virginia. Strange place.
Omfg so LaRouche folks story—back in 04 they tried to recruit me on campus, and I was a sarcastic college student, so I faked along. They tried to get me to invent my ow math, then screamed at me when I mentioned Newtonian geometry. Nothing about those folks is ok to ally with. But I have never forgotten the title of their pamphlet “Children of Satan II: the Beast Man” with a picture of Dick Cheney. Just bc we both hated that war criminal doesn’t make us allies, even if that is a damn good title.
As I walk in the tunnels below the Commerce Tower, I’m reminded of 2010, when LaRouchies would hand out fliers that had Obama with a H*tler mustache on them. One of those folks was nearly the Democratic nominee for the Senate in 2014. And she won a congressional nomination the two prior cycles.
Uh. Huh.
Q: how do larouche freaks cope with china heavily investing in green energy and ecology lol. A: play “Let’s Pretend”.
If my neighbor had any opinion on Larouche I would fear for my life
American Communist History — a black eye for the Larouche Movements that they will never live down.
one of them “larouche – obama” voters. Note: it would have had to have been the primary for a larouche vote — Larouche endorsed Kerry in the general.
Sigh. This is a good beginning and nice summary. The roots of Q were there for decades in the Satanic panic and with the help of Lyndon Larouche. Nazis have been central to UFO lore since the 50s. 9/11 truth was the most successful foray of conspiracy into leftist spaces. Watergate counts, but I suppose the true leftist view on that is Nixon didn’t do anything anyone else did. CIA funding of various crap seems like a “successful” “foray” into “leftist” “spaces”.
Wrong! It’s really interesting that it was Lyndon LaRouche that mainstreamed the TriLateral Commission conspiracy theory as part of the whole Globalist thing because originally it was George HW Bush most tarred with being a Trilateralist. Carter was the original trilateral boogeyman. Also the Bircher’s had as much to do with anything. And… The Trilateralists are, by definition, a conspiring group.
We have the same problem with the Larouche *paid* people glomming onto Assange street actions – creepily attending with their clipboards to collect signatures for their mailing lists. We invited the LaRouche people to attend our actions if they would be willing to help us hand out literature on Assange (not their literature). We never saw them again. See too: They’re too crazy paranoid! I was organizing a rally for Assange with John Shipton speaking. Larouchies showed up. I was going around with a clip-board to get peoples contact information for our email list. I went to this one Larouchie woman and she freaked out. “Good God no!”
Mapping MAGA Communism: and, is this a reach out to the 3 Percenters?
Huh. Also LaRouche was a trot, where as Stalin literally made it illegal to be anti-semitic, punishable by death. The Twitter left. Stalinists, actual Stalinists. Yeah, well, Stalin’s last hurrah was this.

Redefinitions everywhere: I’ve never associated LaRouche with communism. What am I missing? I thought LaRouche was in the American System of Political Economy camp.
Out in Texas: LaRouche. Like herpes, never seems to go away.
This is BüSo, formerly EAP, long led by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, wife of American right-wing extremist Lyndon LaRouche. This group has existed since the early 1980s. A political sect. Every interaction is certainly completely in vain. Use your time differently! BüSo? Former European Workers’ Party – Lyndon B. Larouche “The KGB and the Queen want to destroy western culture through rock music!” ca. 1987…once disturbed, always disturbed.
Burke encounters Ukrainians, thinks they’re plants.
Paging Cynthia McKinney. Paging Donald Trump. Paging Tulsi Gabbard. All worth a shot — they gnabbed Jimmy Dore.
Here comes Hinkle! I can’t really think of worse reasons for reaching NYC than serving as the face of the next generation of weird fringe LaRouche-cult conspiracy theorists, but hey, enjoy the old men with their mimeographed pamphlets about railroads on the moon or whatever, they’re your people now. Yeah, but Jackson Hinkle is standing there.
Nicholas C. Kockler and a letter.
“New Deal Conservative” (sounds on the up and up) praises the edge lords of the Libertarian Party’s Mises Caucus, and urges them to check out Larouche. And… I looked a little into him to see he is a former Marxist who is still a Globalist. LaRouche’s theory saw himself & his followers as becoming “organic intellectuals” where instead of the working class being able to rule we would be led by elite intellectuals such as himself.
Everybody needs somebody sometimes… The fact is that the Neolarouchites are unfamiliar with his body of work,& are mainly aligning with the Schiller Institute because the CPUSA has rejected them & the CPI fell apart (coincidentally, Daniel Burke is in the DMs of ever person involved in the CPI takedown lol). …. … … They (Daniel/LaRouche org) were behind the CPI takedown according to an account that doesn’t know they are being watched, because they felt Caleb’s behavior was becoming a risk. The accusations were legitimate.
That Vega Crashing
An issue that needs addressing: empty seats. Routine town hall meetings are not campaign rallies. We are just off of space larouche chord long at Beto’s claim of huge crowds — pointing that these things are ginned. If AOC needed a photo op instead of her “chat with constituents” (which bring in its share of crazies and single issuers), she would have done so.
Headline: AOC Town Hall Discusses Asylum Seekers, War in Ukraine and Post Office. Before Fox News picked up and ran with the Vega video — to suggest “former supporters turning on her”, the asylum seeker issues got some press mention. The post office situation (where she has the most amount of influence) remains uncovered.
Hannity and Beck pick it up, and so comes a flashback to Rachel Brown with Barney Frank. Pajama Media slides in with supposed disaffected supporters line. Hot Air had to make correction to “Larouche supporters”, in a fit of honesty.
The name drpped, Tulsi Gabbard, endorses Don Buldoc who is… Something other than anti-war.
Boebert makes a partisan supposed jab. Wrong about “rare occasion”. Some feedback: One crazy Larouche follower is all that you are seeing.
Jose Vega yells at Alexandria O Cortez. This has meaning. Surely. We’ve been here before: Also, these aren’t “protestors” per se. They are LaRouche people: they are protesters. They are Larouche Protesters.
Best comment for breitbart video: All these kids losing their minds over this WWIII theater. I was born, raised, and grew up in the cold war era, everyday was potentially the last day. But we didn’t behave like shrieking Nancy’s over it, even though it went on for decades. Fekin amateur’s : D.
Here’s a take! Fans of former Democratic presidential nominee Tulsi Gabbard were seen shouting and argu..
Helga Zepp-LaRouche is an incredibly Pynchon name.
And this turns into a promotion for their boat show.
I am very sorry that we don’t want to be conquered by nuclear mafia fascist state. Address this to Russia, it’s their war of choice
The only ones threatening the use of nuclear weapons are Russia.
Hot Air had to do retraction from “far left” to “Larouche”.
Sure, Greenwald — never a fan of AOC’s, but she had to learn I guess. The defense line on AOC to differentiate her claim vs Larouchies: it’s fine to bird dog a politician but silly to expect if you are bird-dogging one that they will engage you in a measured debate. that’s not the point of the tactic! but also not surprising that the LaRouchies wouldn’t understand this
interesting, well in that case it makes more sense. the Larouche PAC is a cult of people trained to act like confrontational assholes who largely have unoriginal and regurgitated ideas, matches up pretty well with Tulsi (cue reminder of two separate groups, if anyone cares.)
Epoch Times, huh? The big opponents of Chinese communism abroad and supporters of MAGA here.
Cyenk Uygur chimes in. Anyone who believes those schmucks who disrupted an @AOC event are “peace activists” is so unbelievably gullible. If you believe AOC supports nuclear war because Putin theratened one – and she’s opposed to him – you have serious cognitive disabilities. Those guys were 100% fake. Responses get interesting: Those “activists” are just Tulsi/Dore clown right-wing tools.
A bad take: I’d be a bit embarrassed to have the same position as Larouche, not to mention the far-right Putin regime. That’s just me though. No matter your slate of opinions, you will be agreement with Larouchies on something. 1. LaRouche cult members”? What? Is it 1986 again? 2. kinda
I read on Twitter that LaRouche is immune to aging, and he faked his death so he could continue to battle the Trilateral Commission and the shadowy forces who would poison our precious bodily fluids with fluoridated water.
And 1 Right, because Putin is freaking out about the possibility of using his nukes. And 2 It’s genuinely not something he wants to do.
Extreme-right nationalists are everywhere, including most of Europe. Ukraine may indeed have a extreme-right problem. It definitely has a “fighting for its existence against an invading foreign dictator” problem.
Maybe AOC thinks those anti-establishment LaRouche cult members need a good dose of smart contract enforced anti-psychotic meds to calm them down a little, medicate them into being not so rude when the predator class casually discusses nuking a few million people into oblivion. This Predator class consists of Vladimir Putin.
AND here we go again: I bet the guys confronting AOC in that viral video were LaRouche PAC. They have done it before. Yes and no. Yes and no.
Exonerate Larouche? How about you go to therapy instead
More protesters. The legacy of this “shouting at AOC” is that now on, hecklers will be named Larouchies, even when they are not. The answer to this is no. Conspiracy-mongering Lyndon LaRouche-style clowns who oppose a random collection of things that annoy them, and then do their best to annoy everyone else. Their focus on trans-genderism throws them out as not shouting against Ukrainian Nazis launching WW3.
hot girls for lyndon larouche just doesn’t have the same ring
These do not appear to be Larouche protesters, but I can ditto A sentiment that — yeah, she has handled her disruptors pretty well, in the manner in which you would want a politician to (finest moments by would be with the “Eat the babies” lady). I guess she could follow the Barney Frank “give a quip” model, but it does not seem warranted.
In Dave Weigel’s defense, they are protests.
More Results
A letter from the Progressive Caucus — Yeah, read the letter: there’s absolutely no there there. Given that all of them are in support of continued funding it just seems like a weird, poorly timed PR sop to the LaRouche crowd.
Daniel Burke wants to know: What the hell are you going to do to prevent the thermonuclear Holocaust that our government is setting up?
Gillibrand responds: In response to the substance of their questions, which a third audience member raised at the end of the town hall, Gillibrand said she shared their concern about the threat of nuclear war, and disputed Sare’s characterization of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation’s list. “Russia does have significant military and nuclear capability, which we have deep concerns about,” she said.
Ilhan Omar is mostly just bored. I am amazed at the nerve that some people have to not be upset with the country literally waging war, but at the country defending itself and those helping them do that. I was even told by one of these people tonight, “it’s America that started the Russia war”, seriously wtf.
If he LaRouche clowns at AOC’s town hall were any indication, I seriously doubt these people were her constituents in her district. But even so, she’s right-they don’t get to order her how to vote. They get to BITCH, MOAN and if it’s bad enough, VOTE HER OUT NEXT TIME over it. Literally the same people. Do the math: New Yorj, Minnesota.
I hate how the LaRouche cultists are the ones confronting politicians. Ted Cruz eating dinner. Jeff Flake in an elevator.
The Larouchies shout at Obama in Michigan. When talking about political violence against the husband of the Speaker of the House. A good way of tangling your message up.
Maybe Russia TV will clean it up for them.
The 2016 Green Party vice presidential candidate is in accord. As too Code Pink.
remember the time Lyndon LaRouche worked with the leaders of the OUN-B for decades to help the World Anticommunist League and to fight against DoJ investigations into Nazis the US brought over during Paperclip
“Tell us about your plans for nuclear war with Russia,” she shouted. Hm. Are they doing that “Actually in charge, Cheney” thing with Obama now?
Jack Posobiec picks it up. As though it is anything but noise.
The Review of the Rolling Stones Shin-dig
Jackson Hinkle enters. Caleb Maupin pops in.
Curious, the Larouchies apparently took with a straight face the line that Trump is coming.
I just spent over six hours watching what looked to my eyes a whole lot like a cult recruitment meeting, and my brain is absolutely fried. […]. Whether they know it or not, our “heterodox anti-imperialist” speakers in this video are just bait, and the LaRouchites are all laser focused on bringing their fans into the fold. Flattering them as the next world leaders, terrifying them with endless visions of the coming left-wing dystopia, levelling thinly veiled attacks against Marxism, bragging about LaRouche’s great achievements and warding off cult accusations, and ultimately, yes — asking them to donate and asking them to join.
It’s like a History Channel Ancient Aliens telling of LaRouche meets a Shark Tank style competition to replace him with the production quality of a family filmed dance recital from 1995.
Crumps got turned away from the LaRouche conference for being an agent of the Queen. He attempted to traffick drugs and taint the purity of the attendees. Apparently he had pot on him. I care less about his attendance or lack thereof, but it is fodder for this and The fight is on! The attempts of the LaRouche Movement to silence me and Mike Crumplar have pushed me into the open arms of the Aristotelians — Daniel Burke’s attacks on our freedom have left me with no choice but to oppose the Eurasian Land Bridge and the 432 Hz tuning pitch. That’s what Daniel Burke has coming for starting this a blocked tweet / kill list! Anyway, his side of the story is the first paragraph here. See if things develop.
Comrade Xiangyu — whose comrade?
I’ve been obsessed with the LaRouche cult for 20+ years now (used to argue with them all the time in L.A., 2002-5ish) & seriously considered attending & trying to pitch a piece somewhere covering it, but was mostly thwarted by my inability to get out of bed before noon. have actually been watching parts of it piecemeal online, and it’s as deranged and unintelligible as one would expect, from the worthless streaming bros to the choirs and singing
LAROUCHIES: Adolf Obama’s climate rhetoric is part of his plan to murder all of us and give our blood to his British-Jewish overlords POPULISTS: You have to hand it to them, they’re right about Obama being responsible for murder. reminiscent of the 2000s when an anti war rally would have a LaRouchite really hype the crowd on doing a citizens arrest of Dick Cheney, but then a sharp turn to the Rothschilds and fetus harvesting. I’m trying to remember if there was a “we need to work with the LaRouchies” discourse in 2005 and I just don’t think anyone was that ridiculous. a couple mainstream figures like Dennis Kucinich and some of the Pacifica Radio types did get a little swept into the LaRouche “impeach Dick Cheney” signature gathering effort, but it didn’t seem to evoke LaRouche politics or see them as a separate political movement.
Brain dump filed under “I unfortunately know about this so now you have to as well”: The stupidest possible sect of “anti-woke” Putin-loving “multipolar” youtube “patriotic socialists” spent last weekend at a conference put on by the desiccated remains of the Larouche movement. Honestly excited for a brain dead 20-year-old youtube guy from Orange County to go on the nation’s highest-rated far-right prime time show to sell its audience on the promises of the “eurasian land bridge” and the importance of the Verdi Pitch
Nathan Dahm. Elon Musk’s American Edge commercials. Jimmy Dore’s audience. Trump. Benny Hill. Land bridge advocate. The Bible. Tampa Bay Rays. Gump. Kanye, no longer “Space Larouche'”s great cause. Vegans. Yang. Tulsi Gabbard etc. DSA San Francisco. Gazi. The Van Gogh vandalists. Kenneth Copeland. Mao ZeDong. Ralph Norman. Tudor Dixon. Kate Bush. Pelosi attack truthers. Charles Lindbergh, Huey Long.
Pete Carroll hiring Oz Pearlman for a team session. All that matters right now is he had a great draft and turned Geno Smith around.
Fifty years ago, Trump would have been a flash in the pan. Another Huey Long, George Wallace, or Lyndon Larouche. Actually, he kinda is. One you have a historical reckoning on as with the first two, and to a much more limited extent the third figure.
Code Geass featuring Lyndon Larouche is one of my personal favorites.
Huh. A Scientologist Larouchie.

Caleb Maupin publishes new book.
The state of the Russian Communist Party: A lot of the patsoc draw on the Russian communists who are mostly just left learning right wing nationalist. Zyuganovism is something the left must understand, and I’m sure we will find the LaRouche Bags draw on the Russian communist leader
Left gate warning. Warning to all: Analyses are quick and easy to filter in mistakes. Maupin was not Larouche — not yet anyways.
Enter the damned “People’s Party”.
Sort of pound away at these things repeatedly — Hey, didn’t the Larouchites support Hillary Clinton for president in 2008, and didn’t LaRouche want to do regime change in Iran? — their answer is to continue praising the works that have these in them and maintain no self awareness at the cognitive dissonance.
Next Up!
Running in Australia
Every so often I remember that the LaRouchites have their own political party here and I go have a look at some of the stuff they’re posting, and I can’t stop laughing at just how insane these HTV cards are. Also very funny how they seemingly have their own TV Show on Channel 31 (The CEC Report) that nobody seems to have realised or noticed. LaRouche stuff always gives off weird vibes, especially online, but these guys are always funny to watch.
at ANU they’ve occasionally been caught sneaking into residential halls to put their newspaper underneath everyone’s doors
and, preschool alumni unite.
And — complaining about the podcast’s anti-Stalin bias.
I am not a member of the left, and not even really a liberal. Do what you must with Tucker Carlson and Ron Paul’s anti-war stances, and Joe Biden’s stances.