The Fall of the House of Maupin, and other tales
Geoffrey Young Takes one step away frm Larouche, Daniel Burke Pounces
At a crossroads, I guess. How to move forward in the perennial hobby candidate tap out in the 30s percentages electoral game. With Larouche, or without?
Then there this
A decided situational based assessment, as the org casually lobs out the term “hit list” for their peccadilloes.
I had a LaRouche caller in 84 insisting on getting airtime on the station I was working at because 1984 was going to be “the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF ALL TIME” and Mondale was an existential threat. It’s the same bullshit every election. The only thing Mondale was a threat to was my ability to stay awake.
There’s also Lyndon LaRouche, but I’m not even sure he ever really existed.
I saw them once at the Tea Party Rally on Boston Common, I was there with a group of people having a “Real” Tea party counterprotest and there was a Black guy in Nazi wear pretending to be Obama, a guy dressed like the Queen and another as Barney Frank with a pig nose… And they had fake bags of cocaine, saying there was a drug trade between the three or something. It was very strange. Saw them again a couple of times in NYC.
Ooh. Never experienced anything that outré but not surprising, ones at my college were just loud, sanctimonious, and harassed everyone.
In college when harassed by packs of canvassing laroucheys, the only thing that worked to get them to leave you alone was to say “I’m sorry, I’m just super high” and keep walking, and they’d just be like right on man and let you go. Well I can tell you that c 2009 they did very much exist, but maybe only as pimply faced, fleshy avatars of ironic twitter
Larouche was before my time and I didn’t know much about him until a resurgence in his popularity. An older comrade had warned us about his group as fascists; I’m inclined to believe his own experience with them over the Infrared community who scoff at these charges. I’m old enough to have had known someone who joined the movement. Shockingly similar to a cult: had to give all his money to them, had to cut off non-members from his life, had to live in a house with other members. This was back in 2001. Yeah. I was only 20 at the time and it seemed way beyond what political movements typically do. The poor guy’s parents even came into town to try and convince him to leave the movement. I worry that the big appeal of larouche at this moment is more about keeping an audience.
I remember then back in the 90s I talked tot hem they were really into Franco Americanism that is removing Americas British past and upholding its French past . But all that seems so boring I never talked to them again .
Don’t feel bad, we all make mistakes. Once I got flirty-fished into a Lyndon Larouche meetup.
I once accidentally voted for a LaRouche candidate using the cool name method
you get dragged to fucking bar trivia night and the table next to you is larouche freaks… (then a dark joke)
LaRouche doesn’t fit into a political axis unless you base something off of TimeCube. I got woken up by one of his political events at a hotel I was staying at and, knowing nothing about him picked up some of his literature. Did someone say LaRouche? Oh boy do I have some memories there. Here’s a setup that was outside my local courthouse about a decade ago.
CPI in Chi-town
LaRouche and Adorno handshake meme: JAZZ IS STUPID
Like a campus preacher with the sign board listing Hell bound groups, covering everyone’s hobby.
CPI meets in Chicago — wins over the masses. Or, dozens. Stand on stage. Richard Spencer finds it notable. (Richard Spencer, who’d agree with the premise of a “Zionist Controlled Federal Reserve“.)
He would be far better off going even in an Avakian direction than a LaRouche one.
Yeah, well — On multiple occasions Caleb Maupin has denied having any connections to the LaRouche Organization. So why was CPI selling these $20 LaRouche pamphlets at their conference in Austin? — it has been a while since he has denied all connections, and proudly aligns with them.
The Plight of Larouche-adjacent Furry Musicians
Hm. It is Their show, and they can invite/ disinvite whoever they want, and I know not from “Pepper Coyote”, except I guess I wish him well in his further artistic ventures and that I wish “the Denver Furries Convention” not as well in theirs. Funny thing — he hasn’t dabbling in a Larouche group, but one adjacent to it. And funny thing — the Larouchies would tear apart and deride his hobby (furry musician) — indeed, here we see Furry opposition immediately associated with Larouche. See too here. May show the actual problem for Peter Coyote — See too: No, the base is satanic furry libs and the superstructure is the CIA-FBI-ZIO-cabal read larouche bro — you are in company with people who hate you.
A bottom line, in this assertion: CPI is not LaRouche. To be sure, the attitude toward furries emerges as a pivotal difference. This isn’t nothing.
Still, put A pin on this: Is She-Hulk working class? Her hair dyes when she transforms. We better ask Infracel. — and, seeing the shorthand referenced in the wild.
Back to those Maupinites
Larouche enjoyers be like “The Synthetic Leftists are tailing democrats, they dont even think Bolshevism is a satanic british plot.” My brother in Christ, you are a follower of a Reagan Democrat who openly worked with the CIA. You are the Compatible Left. It is so weird how the Larouche groups have weasled their way into, and been accepted as legit by some leftist groups. As a communist that is older than dirt, I recall we always considered them with the same disdain as the John Birchers based on their actions and affiliations.
… Best bet right here, buddy…
It would be an outhouse tho, so they could serve the same purpose in death as they did in life; being full of shit.
The Fall
The fall. DOWN GOES MAUPIN!!! It’s a tragedy that people like Maupin show up and re-enact the early days of the NCLC which became the Lyndon LaRouche cult of personality. We need a non-cult Party.
It’s sad to see so many people crumbling and treating Caleb as if he is the entire CPI org. Way to erase all of our members. Also conspiratorially linking CPI To LaRouche is a joke. CPI members aren’t exactly all super friendly to LaRouchites. Only their senior leadership, which is to say Maupin, and everyone following his course, which was to say — everyone (least publicly.).
Beware. Can’t believe the CIA tricked Caleb Maupin into being a sex creep and pressuring young financially unstable people into joining his cult. Do the schemes and ruses of the Congress For Cultural Freedom know no end? And follow along with historical precedent in mind. If Maupin is anything like LaRouche this whole exposure will end up serving as a loyalty test for him to consolidate his most loyal followers as well as provide some targets for them. Question is whether Maupin has the charisma and control skills to pull it off. Precedent for that medium dossier: “Why We Left”. Even as the allegations for Maupin probably are a tad more Fred Newman than Lyndon Larouche. Kinda. The shitty thing is his response will be to call these claims conspiracies, probably blame the CIA, and generally lean into the conspiracy theories he’s built his entire career on. And. Literally all this fucking work for an organization that can barely fill a holiday inn conference room
The whole finance thing though. I don’t see how he’s gonna be able to get money to do some larouche shit now. Just seems like he’s gonna have a hard time getting kids to sell buttons and dumpster diver to support him.
Look what Maupins hero larouche did to his cult victims. When I started reading it, I thought it was funny, realising that Maupin is into some weird shit. But the more I read, the bigger the pit in my stomach grew. This is 1-to-1 cult behaviour, right down to the isolation tactics and pseudo-psychiatry. Echoes of “Beyond Psychology” indeed.
Daniel Burke had began the distancing…. We will see if it continues. (Update: It doesn’t. Long thread hits at a Those who insisted that it was necessary for “justice” to “tell all” are either disingenuous or blind. An organization capable of mobilizing as CPI did in 2022 is capable of handling a leader’s serious errors with maturity— Uh huh. Moves on to the “brought together in support of Russia” line. (Hell. It made Newsweek.) Seems to end here for the other major Larouche twitterer, not any distancing. I guess they can always go to a “what do you expect when they start letting in furries” tack.
The Ukranians are at fault for Caleb Maupin’s disgusting behavior.” was not a take I was ready for this morning.
Burke may just see recruitment prospects. Probably not the gay furry guy, though. (Less the gay thing than the furry thing.). And yet — This guy still reaches for Burke’s favor– (note, Burke has also insulted fashion choices, the hair coloring, as signifier of unproductive who should be put to work on all those big infrastructure products). it is depressing. (Note — the death squads and apartheid support could theoretically land in the “don’t agree with all things Larouche“. Burke lands on the ” does agree with all things Larouche” — even when they contradict itself.)
probably because they used to make some good stuff on youtube before falling in with the lysenko was right, dugin is cool, dinosaurs never existed people
Burke’s comments suggest — sure. — I’m sure he’ll be back. The CPI is probably done for, but various groups have invested too much in him to let him fade away like he deserves. My guess is he’ll come even more explicitly into the orbit of the Larouche folks or he’ll cozy up to Bannon and other US contacts of Dugin — given what happened to Dugin’s daughter, I gather Maupin can pound on that some with a grand conspiratorial narrative.
Will CPI recharge with Jackson Hinckle? Speculators are speculating.
No. The organization votes to dissolve. Of course, that does open the doors — splinter — go off in whatever direction that gives your life meaning. Toward whatever Maupin tries. Toward whatever vision the rest hold up.
A question of etymology — who lifted from who — and did they lift from someone else — This bit is spooky. The Spartacist League also used the phrase “biological existence” as a put down for leaving the party. I wonder if Maupin got that from the Sparts via LaRouche.
Oh no you had so much credibility with Tara Reid waving the Hammer & Sickle flag!
Also possible one or more LaRouche orgs was using CPI to funnel members into their community. Maupin was aligned with and promoted Schiller. Burke wasn’t at the conferences for nothing.
Now we see what happens with infrared.
Raise your hand if you think this twit account is on the level and sincere. Yeah, I didn’t think so.
The reputational assassination of Caleb Maupin as ‘cult leader’ and the literal assassination of Darya Dugina— all always about you.
Can We Get On Your Show????
William Jones shills for China. And, well, isn’t this a hoot?
Jimmy Dore must see Daniel Burke at Schumer hq with a Diane Sare shirt, and a reproduction with presidents FDR and JFK — presidents Larouche denounced in no uncertain terms in “Walter Lippmann” . incidentally — US Senate candidate Diane Sare, long time LaRouche activist and THE on the ballot opponent of Senator Schumer — “the” is a definite article, and words have meaning. This is untrue — she is merely An on the ballot opponent of Senator Schumer, alongside Joe Pinion, A man will conservatively speaking receive at least sixteen times more votes than Sare… More likely at least thirty-five times more.
Hey. The woman on the furthest left once shouted gibberish to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. An up and comer if there ever was one. Eventually she will win a percent of the vote. Meanwhile, there are some politicians who have their start in politics with something like Rachel Brown and Diane Sare’s “make a ruckus before politician” who will pick up at least 40 percent — and probably over 50.
Sare then marches into friendly channels such as The Ron Paul Institute — and there I will need to check in to see what Ron Paul and/or his institute actually think.
Jackson Hinkle — put us on your podcast! (see the comparisoners insulting here.). (almost there…)
Selling anti-Hillary quote to a “Maga” person — never mind the love and support through 2008.
There’s this meme slogan going around “Patri*tic Social*st” online circles that’s just “There Are No Limits To Growth” or some variation thereof. Extreme LaRouche vibes.
At the very least China pays lip service to a “green agenda”, even at a minimum ought be a deal breaker with Larouchies.
Windmills (or rather, turbines) Are Triggering.
They sure hate windmills. Windmills “trigger” Larouchies. — LaRouche cannot be exonerated, it was mail fraud he went to prison for (scamming the elderly, loan shenanigans) and he only served five years of a fifteen year sentence. He’s also safely dead, so only the cult members care. Like farmers haven’t been using wind turbines for centuries to power water well pumps. Never mind the unnaturalness of swathes of mono-cultured crops as far as the eye can see. Would he prefer the rusted-out zombie-oil wells? Some of ya’ll have obviously never drove through Iowa and it shows. hi Daniel, these windmills are for producing electricity, not summoning Kalibarus, Dragon Lord of The Dark Eternity. hope this helps! What is the argument for windmills being dystopian? Like what is this, other than people you don’t like liking them? You can make arguments that the money should be spend elsewhere based on efficiency or whatever, but this sentiment is so fucking weird. Plus it’s like, people have been using windmills forever. We all get mad crossing the northern Indiana-Ohio border, you’re not special. I have seen twice as many windmills at once and yet I retained my sanity. My mental fortitude is such that I believe I could stare in defiance at four times as many windmills without suffering any psychic injury. Saw a house with solar panels the other day and thought to myself, “are we in hell?” I’m sick of Liberals stealing our wind. do you realize how many ranchers and farmers use wind power to supplement their income, and how many of them you’re pissing off right now? take a long trip through eastern oregon or really any of those western states and you’ll see what I’m talking about most of those farmers are republican voters, you knucklehead. Yes, the Dark Ages were really well-known for their generation of electricity through high-tech wind turbines. You’ve really cracked the case, guy who thinks Lyndon Larouche is still relevant! yeah, but it’s still dumb to say windmills are a “blight” when coal plants billowing out smoke are hardly a thing of beauty. And nuclear plants aren’t exactly sexy either. Producing energy on a mass scale is going to require building a lot of stuff, one way or the other. Well there it is, the stupidest thing I’ve seen today thus far.
The only way you’ve never seen so many windmills is if you haven’t been to west Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, or a dozen other states in the last 20 years. Get out and see America, noob
LaRouche Mvmt pros: some kinda good science research advocacy LaRouche Mvmt cons: literally cultist lunatics foaming at the mouth about the british royal family and fema camps
Honestly, 11,632 votes for this guy is troubling.
Wait til he sees the Netherlands.
… Channeling President George W Bush…
Odd perspective: Larouche faded away after 2004 other than a brief comeback to compare Obamacare to Nazi death panels. Moscow literally sent an asset to visit him in a US prison lol, cant make it up
I am old enough to remember how, once upon a time, Schwarzenegger wanted to become a Dictator. Fortunately his dream was short-lived. I don’t remember that. I do remember he was governor for a while, though, but he never seemed to try to be anything but that politically.
There’s this odd sense I have where in the flow of this argument — where when he finds himself stuck (mind you, some of the points I do not entirely disagree with) — and at that instance — blows out the “Nazis in the Ukraine!” card — even though it has nothing to do with anything posted before by either party.
For the love of God, just turn the damned channel if you don’t want to see a program from Laouche’s favorite women in 2007 – 2008. She has no reason to “stop” and I have no reason to care. As for this suggestion — they said the same thing on Gore with his movie, and the likelihood of foraging into electoral politics from this is about the same. Meanwhile George W Bush is releasing books of his paintings, and good for him.
I have evidence of 331 people caring.
As soon as I can figure out how this is a “gotcha!” — seems about five years later than they should’ve.
That time Larouche met Farrakhan.
Note: they continue to try.
Takes on Ukraine’s “disinformation agent” list. “taken out“.
The Kremlin sponsored Lyndon LaRouche movement is now pre-blocking anti-Putin accounts.
Rice University notes when did references a JFK speech that happened there.
Reminded that when the FBI raided Lyndon LaRouche’s estate he said Raisa Gorbachev was behind it all …
Just a LaRouche billboard in the wild. A LaRouchite in main recently tried to convince me that solar panels and wind turbines would “kill more people then the Holocaust”
LaRouche followers have infiltrated the #nycDsa, and this is perfectly find with #YuhLine ? Does this judgment inspire confidence ? #NY10. Sanders Hicks is not a Larouchie, proper.
Candace Owens hates the FBI now.
LPAC tries to page comic Dave Smith. Paging Thomas Massie. Desperately seeking Tulsi.
I have dribbled out various anti-anti Trump commentary (if rarely anything much pro-Trump) over the past few years, and if forced can construct a sympathetic portrait of some policies and politics (until his final month, I preferred President Trump to President Bush) — but when staring at that which lpac thinks Trump is –– good lord, they live in an alternate universe. Following the cartoon, A member of the still pro- trump LORG lets er rip: I called attention to the fact that your crowd abandoned LaRouche, who was brilliant, in search of some grubby dollars from a few Republican party boneheads.
No normal people are “aware of LaRouche.” Touche.
Under Communism, Stalin, LaRouche, Caesar and Napoleon will be fully exonerated
Munich has some Larouche antique dark spiel.
Standing in front of a post office, an old guy with a homemade Larouchie Trumpist sign. It would be funny if the joke turned out on Helga and he was with lpac.
EIR LEAD EDITORIAL FOR WEDNESDAY JULY 27, 2022 Prometheus or Zeus: Whose Side Are You On? Thor’s.
Harley Schlanger sells bellingcat.
Burke gets Durke banned. So… When I contacted Twitter support they were like “oh yeah that’s bullshit, just label yourself as parody in your display name or change your display name back” I was Baniel Durke at the time.
The Larouchies put out a new poster for a Monster Truck Rally they are sponsoring.
Sure, sure — Lyndon LaRouche described the Iranian revolutionaries as “hordes,” called Hoxha a cult-like dictator and a “puppet of Kojeve” (a Russian neo-Hegelian philosopher) and the Albanian self-determination struggle in the 1980s as a tool of ‘British’ intelligence. — but history is quickly rewritten — he also despised FDR after all — and now to point out inconsistencies is… “cope”.
“There is little time left to heed LaRouche’s warnings & #policy advice—but it’s sufficient if we get at it.” —EIRNS. An evergreen quote — pull it out several times a year for half a century. To be sure, there is a famous aphorism on China measuring in thousands of years, so a ” little time left” can be viewed in that perspective.
A Twit-cast, reviewed
It’s incredible to start a space specifically predicated on dismantling the propaganda the LaRouche movement has disseminated about itself for 30 years then allow a guy who is literally a part of the cult unlimited air time to repeat that propaganda cuz u don’t wanna look bias. LaRouche Exposed (After We Allow This Guy Literally in LarouchePAC to Illustrate the Ostensible Truthfulness of the Premise of “the FBI Didn’t Like LaRouche from the Start” Narrative for Two Hours with Zero Pushback). Zero difference between this and letting a PR rep from the Church of Scientology portray L Ron Hubbard as a great man or taking everything crypto zealots say at face value. I’m exaggerating but I was in there for a little over and hour and 90% of it was just this guy shilling the LaRouchite economic platform without criticism and then when I left he was in the middle of insisting LaRouche never worked with the White House or FBI citing LaRouche lit
Giving me flashbacks to avoiding going back to work and talking to dudes tabling at a post office
get someone that represent the larouche position. I don’t want to listen to some f*got named angel of history
The LaRouche guys all just sound like guys who are trying to do a bad Ezra Pound impression.
Sarcasm, I assume. Thank you for doing this. If it weren’t for your efforts we wouldn’t be able to tell that Larouche movement isn’t exactly on the up and up
Podcast includes something Australian Citizens Party related. I have not looked into it. The Queen of England is apparently reconquering America — as evidenced by the stickers on a mobile trailer.
Josh Barnett. Rand Paul. Someone or other. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Romana Didulo. Liz Cheney, and historical precedents. TFG. David Duke. mike turner on jake tapper’s the lead. Julius Evola and Savitri Devi. Trump. Sweden’s “Freedom Movement“. Mel Gibson. Icke, whether he knows it or not. Walter White. Laura Loomer. Bill James. Third party candidate on a local ballot (Green). Cynthia Abcug. Posadism. When we get familiar with anti vax protesters. Paul Mooney. Lash LaRue. Icke. Owen Benjamin’s Beartaria. David Ortiz. The Libertarian Party, especially of New Hampshire, with a Hitler Zelensky.
Would Charles Schulz approve of his character being an avatar of a Marxist?
Why Larouchies hate video games: just joined the ck3 after the end team so i asked womu if she had any fun little ideas to suggest for post-apocalyptic minnesota lore and she immediately got WAY too excited with violent fantasies like “well we could take wisconsinites and drown them in our lakes” Like baby chill. make a larouche cult pls
No one remembers that, least of all Kamala Harris. The interesting conflation to “hit list” by Jose Vega to Senator Gillibrand — victim inflation, sensing “they’re going to kill us” — I guess a trait picked up by the dead leader.
Paging someone who paged Roger Waters.
Sameera Khan, Socialistmma — Note: Twitter and @patreon are American companies, and they allow kooks on the platform that put Russia Today to shame. — as they should.
New inaccuracy! Debs and LaRouche ran from prison (IIRC, Debs did better in prison than he did the prior times he ran). Deb’s high point was 1912, not 1920.
At first I glance at the “Nick Adams” tweet and assume a right-wing commentary saying partisan things that show the splintered reality we live in. But going into further tweets, I see that he is on the “Urban Meyer is an NFL coach!” / “Jaguars need Tim Tebow!” — and I begin to suspect he is a parody.
Jose Vega gives praise to Elon Musk, gets pushback from his fellow LORG members.
Lyndon LaRouche to Falun Gong.
Back in the day: Donald Trump: A mafia don with pompadour published March 20, 2016 and The Dangerous Deception called The Trump Presidency published in 2016. Engdahl was editor of the Lyndon LaRouche Economic Intellegence Review/EIR group newspaper which published more stories Countervailing this.
Clinton love. So, you know, (and here at the lpac end) — in defense of Trump, they were also fans of Clinton — saw the ordeal against Clinton in the same line of “extension of the battles against us in 86”... And With the same meaningless petitions. There is a tangeantal thought as Larouche groups line Trump 2022 with Larouche 1986 — “panty raid”s were a lot creepier than the nostalgia inflections let on. (responding to bots, or is this a meta-joke by a ” bot”?)
Irony. No self awareness. conspiracy culture was invented by the ruling class to distract and misdirect the working class from material reality. One might even say, they have conspired to do this. See too frequent incantations ala let them and their CIA RTSG scream into the void — Joint Intel ops, And. Conspiracies are — work your analysis carefully.
Jill Stein swings against the Ukraine list.
There is a facile quality on this common sentiment. 100% this. The media were complicit in giving us the worst POTUS in history. He should have been treated the same way they treated candidates like Lyndon LaRouche, Pat Paulsen, David Duke, and Vermin Supreme. Instead the media pretended he was a viable candidate. For ratings. Recognizing the “man sucks oxygen up by coming in with bullhorn” quality to Trump’s rise, we land from there along the lines of what Jonah Goldberg has described, that he can’t be a “Never Trumper” because clearly Trump is there.