sounds like fun
Revisiting the US Military’s point person and program for Entertainment media consultation, the strictures changing any number of Hollywood blockbusters into glorified recruitment shows — Top Gun, for instance. Obviously anything with some anti-war tilt having to go their own way and find technical help elsewhere. I receive some mixed messages on Independence Day, seeing it here or there as the movie that effectively broke the propaganda unit’s stranglehold on Hollywood — cgi and special effects overwhelm whatever specific detailing the US Military provides where the Military rejected any input request on script reading because the movie’s protagonist was married to a stripper.
We are today at the cusp of exciting stories on Abortion falling out of screens (an effect which will come across like the conclusion to the Broadway play “Lease”), and this leads to some interesting questions. Planned Parenthood has a similar role player as does the US Military, and looking about for their line of demarcations. Juno is their Independence Day.
Over the years, Spruch said she has been wary of projects that treated Planned Parenthood in a reductive fashion. That included “Juno,” in which the main character ultimately decides not to have an abortion. “I didn’t think it portrayed our issue well so I didn’t get involved with it,” she said. “In the quest for accuracy, it’s important to note that people can decide what’s best for themselves, so I’m not going to say, ‘Don’t do that’ as long as it’s realistic. In that case, the health center didn’t look nice, it was only hippy-dippy people in crumbling old centers. Our healthcare centers are actually beautiful, welcoming places. That’s misinformation.”
Interestingly, the depiction always seemed to me like an accurate in comical sense portrayal of the goofiness of “keeping things on the level of and relating to the kids” within the “sex positivity” line I have heard described and generally experienced in the background from the rhetoric of it all — “makes my boyfriend’s junk taste like pie” accurate to the effect of “they always make sure to give you a large goody bag”. But it is not 100 percent flattery, and some regret gripe follows in that the movie became a favorite of antiabortion populace which probably adds an element of spite retroactively. Perhaps things could be better if the antiabortion / ” pro-life” kid in the movie were shown in a more “twirling of mustache” light — I imagine a change the director would make if making the movie today. (She has said she wouldn’t.)