point and counterpoint from same sources
And… 2013 … Bill Maher says we have too many old people in politics.
And maybe it is not entirely contradictory. The two positions of one old guy at the Executive branch demonstrating wisdom and experience against a whole pile of old people in Congress showing senility and out of touch disconnects can easily be rectified. Still, I sense your partisan situational value judgements at play.
Say for example, Off in a debate over Washington DC statehood, the idea from the likes of Susan Collins of moving the place into Maryland gets poo pooed with the quite right claim — “Republicans just don’t want 2 new Democratic Senators”. Surely you jest, as though that isn’t a good enough reason to oppose — and never mind it accomplishes that which is at issue on the license plate — ” Taxation Without Representation”, even if it isn’t popular move amongst DC residents who can quickly point out “What about Wyoming?”. Sure, but then… Say you don’t annex DC into Maryland and give it statehood… What about Seattle? See my point there?
Actually maybe Cleveland would be better, as Democrats would not want Seattle statehoid as unless the rest of Washington is annexed into Idaho, it is just 2 Democratic Senators offset by 2 new Republican senators.
Working theory on Biden as untouchable versus Trump’s coming sooner or later…