political ghosts of the gop

Good to see the newest addition to the Democratic base, your anti Trump hawkish neocons, recoil as Biden announces the end of the war in Afghanistan… who is now hand wringing over what everyone largely agrees: the Taliban shall regain the big cities.

Random guy keyboarding on the Internet has the wistful hope

Maybe once the Taliban are back in power, it will be different. Perhaps they learned their lesson and rather than imposing a medieval Islamist regime on their people, it will be a more modern Islamist regime like that of Iran. Yes, still not good, but it will be a vast improvement over what the Afghan experienced in the 1st Taliban regime. I’ve read that there have been talks with China, etc.

As sound and as doubtful as anything Max Boot will chime in with.

John Boehner is making the rounds with his new book of cute anecdotes about his damned right flank and the damned Obama. Also he calls Ted Cruz mean names. The response is a lot of dumping on the damned right flank with a dash of charging against Boehner as part of that damned right flank — often not accepting any terms for opposing the ACA — with or without the most hyperbolic “Communist!” charge. Colbery bounces back and forth on that score, and the liberal media sphere notes any kindhearted comment on Biden as frictious fodder against that Right flank. Ted Cruz tweets that he has a signed copy in the fireplace — begging the question: wouldn’t the toilet be more dramatic?

I suppose we will shortly find out how much juice George W Bush has with his party, as he now stumps for his book of portraits of recent immigrants with a political axe in selling those immigration proposals his party rejected in his second term. Well, reports have it that we finally see Trump receding, so everyone looks like a ghost — but inasmuch as one exists at the price of the other…

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