words have no meaning. Neither “exclusive” or “news”

Reports are coming by out that Nancy Pelosi was set to retire after the 2016 election, but changed course because Trump won the Presidency. It is reported by the USA Today as “Exlusive News“.

Even though… It is not much of either. By definition, nothing is exclusive –once reported it becomes news that every other news outlet worth its salt shall report on. But further, it is not news. This has been reported since 2016. I read some details of it in the 2019 book on the first two years of the Trump Administration and its relations with Congress — The Hill to Die On. I suppose we now get it from Nancy Pelosi herself, except we don’t — it is still the one degree of separation in perspective as it was with that book prior that spit out the storyline.

In a few months we will, I guess, get an “exclusive” “news” report on a tumultuous meeting Trump had with members of leadership in Congress over Immigration Proposals where he agreed with each and every posture presented by the Democrats — to the horror of the Republicans in the room — who then had him in agreement with the contradictory postures they laid out — ending with a happy Trump pumped up to the lot of them to “Let’s get it done!”. Banner news that has already been reported.

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