Prince Philip, Ramsey Clark … Dead

The entire electoral success list of Australia’s Larouche Movement.

The LaRouche Movement has had an interesting yet not very influential history in Australian politics. They actually won Joh Bjlelke-Peterson’s seat in the Queensland Parliament at a by-election following his retirement!  However, that was their only electoral success and they’ve basically been relegated to public access TV and local newspaper appearances since.

And now?

Former Queensland National Party member for Barambah Trevor Perrett charged with indecent treatment of a young girl.

His parliamentary career began in 1988 when he won the seat of Barambah as an independent with support from the far-right Citizens Electoral Council.

Oh the LaRouche liker guy

Within months, he joined the National Party and held office for a decade before he lost his seat to a One Nation candidate.

II.  Pieces of puzzle:  the Larouche — Jones matchup

He’s responsible!  Mr. Alex Jones and I used to be friends and spoke back and fourth on a personal dialogue. He’s even thanked before many times. I got him to let Lyndon LaRouche on his show back several years ago.
Huh.  At the time, the series of Larouche interviews were prefaced with one with Jeffrey Steinberg, who appeared alongside Sean Stone.  They strongly suggested Sean Stone was responsible for getting them in touch with Larouche.  But apparently Karl Ilonummi did it.  Or, “allowed it” — whatever that means.
Alex Jones moved on to having Mike Gravel on, where they engaged in fawning over the man … though Jones never does square the pro China sentiment moving forward into the Trump era.
Notewothy for Gravel.

As for William Binney.

III.  Have to address eventually because it is a constant in Twitter scans.

“Lengthy Mike Anderson” has a bee in his bonnet against claims of political correctness / woke ideology / social justice warrior / “cancel culture”,  (See here) (seeming to argue (and if someone considers this as putting up strawmen, right back atcha) a straight line between an essay published by Lyndon Larouche and this Family Guy clip — or, to the point, that Seth MacFarlane is a Lyndon Larouche dupe.  The responses to his Twitter hobby range from adequate to inadequate in terms of refuting him (and a wide range of gradations between these two poles), but he will regard them all as beyond the pale… Fixed position as he has.

For the great question, “Who are THEY?”,  emphasis staring down a “they” — I dunno… Assholes?

Ironic rebuttal to a parcel of the argument.

Hm… ” The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts. While the stupid ones are full of confidence.” – Charles Bukowski

To be sure, though, I am sure and lack any doubt that THIS

I think LaRouche has Badiou beat at the pass at least with Being and Event; but the interaction with the infinite in Immanence of Truths seems to level the playing field somewhat. Am waiting for Reinhard’s translation to tally the full bout

is pure crap.

IV.  LORG!  LPAC!  The Battle Rages…

local news coverage showing LORG taking it to the LPAC stronghold.    (Where they sell a backs history centered on NASA and space weaponry).

BURN! Is this Trump Political Action Committee? 🤣

It’s seen with Kesha Rogers gushing over Trump’s cpac speech as viewed on nrwsmax.

The word is not wholly out as we see those fellow refer to “the Schiller Institute of the Larouche PAC”.

LPAC may be having an identity crisis, as evidenced by the dropping of this biblical passage on a tweet linking to a nuclear power article — And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. —Genesis 1:28 —  subsequently deleted — Is LPAC unsure about the Christian market?  (They are Certain on the Trump repeater role.)

John McCarthy takes on LORG’s anti China stance.  He deploys the Big Insult — –  Comparisons with The Epoch TimesThis kooky article sounds like it belongs in the pages of Falun Gong Show rag The Epoch Times not on a site that pretends to represent LaRouche.  The Epoch Times being a Trump butt kissing paper.

Accusation from lorger to lpac of Stalinism, complete with a phrase I (roughly) used — ” Larouchism just for one country”.  (Lorg evidentally more true to Larouche’s Trotskyist roots.)  See also the demand to.”say her name” (Helga) and the plea Ben, why are you pretending to be the LaRouche’s Movement without Helga?  

Speaking of history down the memory hole: Chatted with some Larocuheites by my work. They have never read Dialectical Economics, nor did they know about LaRouche’s days as an SWP member. They did tell me that Marx was an agent of the British Empire though.

On LORG’s part… I don’t get it.  Unidentifiable bald old white guy’s (closest I can make out is Lyndon Johnson — which would be pretty darned anachronistic… Prince Philips, maybe?) rib-cage is Nazi?  I guess this is the message they are going with, suggesting LPAC may just win. 

Iran’s Press TV consults Richard Black.

V.  The passing of a royal brings out a bit…

of a this thing here… In 1998, when I worked for @algore, Lyndon LaRouche pamphlets proclaimed that Gore was engaged in Bond villain-style global conspiracy to rule the world with Prince Philip. It was not, to my knowledge, true. Still, I thought the Prince would rather like the idea.

The passing of Ramsey Clark leaves me wondering how deep in an obituary the name of the unpopular cause Larouche will drop.   Appears in the New York Times, one in a list of unpopulars.  See too Washington Post.

Conservatives came to loathe Clark, but support for him also began to erode among left-leaning activists as he made a habit of defending a rogues’ gallery of accused terrorists and war criminals.

I wish he didn’t do some of these things,” Leslie Cagan, a peace activist, said of Clark in a 2005 interview with the New York Observer. “He is one of the few public well-known leftists in this country, and it does make our work harder sometimes.”

His client list included political extremist Lyndon LaRouche; several followers of the Branch Davidian cult leader David Koresh; former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal, sentenced to death row for killing a Philadelphia police officer; and Lori Berenson, an American who was imprisoned in Peru for aiding a Marxist revolutionary group.

Mumia probably leaves “the Left” supporting him — not sure how to rate his backing of the North Korean dictatorship as opposed to America’s sham democracy.   Though we see round about some tweets suggestions on how “making it harder for us” may be the point,  with some Leftwing denunciations on twitter, following that analysis from that time period when Clark would appear on Democracy Now all the time and lobbying for Bush’s Impeachment at Bush’s high mark in public approval.

Clark also defended Slobodan Milosevic, the former president of former Serbia and Yugoslavia, who died while being tried for genocide by a United Nations tribunal at The Hague; Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, a Rwandan pastor who was found guilty of engineering a massacre of ethnic Tutsis inside his church; and Karl Linnas, an elderly former commander of a Nazi concentration camp. … Saddam Hussein.

For LORG’s part it gives Helga the evangelical opportunity to dump the exonerate Larry he message to “heavy hitter” Ramsey Clark Memorializing Twitterers — heavy hitters who appear to delete the message almost instantaneous!y.  There is some hidden history in that Clark had prior been an enemy Larouche saw as out to get him.

VI.   Larouche references are in vogue in reference to news  on the Trump fundraising tactics.  

One issue that keeps popping up. Individuals who are in prison can still run for President of the United States. It’s only happened twice. Most recently was Lyndon LaRouche.

Leonard Peltier was on the ballot for President in 2004 and –though he dropped out before the election — vice president (position under the same legal restrictions) in 2020.  (And some states do have the prohibition against felons running).

Still, neither Debs nor Peltier had Verdi tuning on their platform.

(Um.  Was Roger Stone allied with Larouche back then?  No.  Was with Trump, though.)

VII.  Memories

One. I remember reading the Larouchies’ The New Federalist paper back in college. Used them as drop cloths for room painting as there were stacks of em left for free. The Q

Deleted: I swear I know of that guy. There was a house at 185th and Meridian that used to have all kinds of Lyndon Larouche stuff up in the windows. Obama in clown makeup and stuff.u

I used to enjoy getting into arguments with LaRouche idiots at the bus stop on 1st and Pine. That shit was hilarious. This was like 15-20 years ago

The Ave… you had to worry about everyone there. If it wasn’t the Larouchies, it was Hari Krishnas or Scientologists.

and Oh I so remember, this would have been about 1982, when the LaRouche people sent their crazy to a friend of mine who was a delegate to the state Dem convention. It included that Liz was a drug dealer. We all laughed.

Back in the 90s, I accidentally got on the mailing list for his newsletter. (note to self: never sign petitions)

heh. my grandpa telling an extremely boring story about the Socialist Workers Party
“Yeah anyway only this one guy, Lyndon, was making any sense. That was before I really knew who Lyndon LaRouche was, though”
Wait what come again

and when he died me and mdl spent a full week getting high and watching his speeches on youtube lmfao
always got a laugh seeing these guys with their booths outside of gun shows

and. I swear I know of that guy. There was a house at 185th and Meridian that used to have all kinds of Lyndon Larouche stuff up in the windows. Obama in clown makeup and stuff.

I used to enjoy getting into arguments with LaRouche idiots at the bus stop on 1st and Pine. That shit was hilarious. This was like 15-20 years ago

Blam!  when I was 15 a lyndon larouche acolyte cornered me in a cafe I worked at and pelted me with goldbug pamphlets — a single traumatic event that cost me likely 100k+ in btc appreciation

ba de dum. If you were a weird college student in the 2000s, your main options were Lyndon LaRouche, Bob Avakian, and improv theater. Two of those were actual cults, and the other one had some pretty interesting ideas about Maoism.

and soIs it wrong that I kinda miss LaRouchies? In college I would just get high and read about how we need to cancel HG Wells because Facebook is his fault.

Heh heh. Once, on a whim, I wrote “Lyndon LaRouche Rules” on a psychology paper before I turned it in. When I got it back, the teacher had noted (in red ink, mind you), “You gotta be kidding.” She totally earned my respect that day.
Interesting time reference perspective.  His followers are best known for standing in airport terminals, wearing ”Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales” buttons and selling magazines about laser beam weapons and nuclear energy.

Say it again. I remember watching and laughing at LaRouche’s 30 prime time infomercials. When people would try to give me political literature on the street, I would say “I’m sorry, but my leader, Lyndon LaRouche, doesn’t want me to accept that.” Oh to be that young again…

(Note: includes video of Alex Jones and Mike Gravel fawning over Larouche, though Jones never does square the pro China sentiment moving forward into the Trump era. Notewothy for GravelGravel.

And. I had a friend and his brother who dropped off the face of the Earth to go to Chicago to live with 8 other people in some apartment working for LaRouche. It was so fucking bizarre.

Debates!  When I was in grad school in Baltimore in the 1980s the Maoists, the Trotskyites and the Lyndon Larouche crowd used to scream at each other across the street while handing out leaflets. Good times.

and There was a local group here that was very pro-Trump and promoted themselves for a long time in front of my local post office, they’re not around anymore and fizzled out when he died but I assume some of them are still around

Yeah we used to have a very active LaRouche chapter in Seattle during the Obama years with the “Obama Hitler” poster, showing up to all the festivals and stuff. I feel like I hadn’t seen them around for a few years even pre-Covid tho.

zoom in on I was chased down the road by LaRouchies when I was working with United Farm Workers. LaRouchies are fignewton insane. They don’t have the right to define anything, let alone U.S. political discourse

The Oklahoma Panhandle is Larouche Land. In every Presidential primary, the Oklahoma panhandle says “watch us vote disproportionately for random candidates”. Klobuchar, Booker, O’Malley, Edwards, Sharpton, LaRouche in Dem primaries. But not just ancestral Dems–Ben Carson, Ron Paul, Alan Keyes, too.

The Grateful Dead at Columbia, as too… will be interested in that one of my clearest memories of Ferris Booth was attending a mayoral debate in which the “Labor Committee” (NCLC: Larouchies, still kind of on the left) really viciously attacked the Communist Party, resulting in a full scale brawl.

The perils of what awaits Andrew Yang campaign. A long time ago, a bunch of white people were holding up Lyndon Larouche signs at the farmers market. Same energy.

The only time I have seen anyone mention LaRouche irl have been elderly black women. No idea what this means

   A long time ago, a bunch of white people were holding up Lyndon Larouche signs at the farmers market. Same energy. 

I rember when I was a kid we never heard about Lyndon LaRouche running for president. The press used to ignore the crackpots. Perhaps we really are returning to normal.

Right. For those old enough to remember, this is a little like encountering a band of Lyndon Larouche supporters out in a college quad, seeing a lot of them and how vocal they were, and worrying Larouche would get elected president.

What’s this have to do with Libertarianism?. I always think of the ’80s. My girlfriend and I getting way too high and falling asleep, only to awaken to a infomercial of Lyndon LaRouche. Talk about operation warped speed! It was weirder than this

Say there.  At 17, I had an argument with a bunch of Larouchians outside a Post Office who insisted that Congress should pass a Law revoking the 2nd Law of Thermo otherwise the Universe would end in heat death and everyone knows that’s impossible.

Parenting.  Then there was the Obama w/a Hitler mustache sign incident [LaRouche camp.] & we got into a verbal altercation. I’m my father’s daughter.

When?  I was a silly Trot in my early twenties and mostly considered LaRouche a quack at the time, but felt a bit of a pull from some of the overlap. Lol

Hum. The Schiller Institute is a LaRouche “think tank” – extremely fringe, frequently engaging in cult-like behavior, and for some strange reason rather active in Denmark in the early 2000s (which is why I know of them).

VIII.  Current Day

Skipping historical personal voting from Socialist Workers Party to Larouche when he becomes a “Democrat”, with one curious throw to Cox against Harding.  So… Historical Trotskyist turned Larouchite?

(I think this is a joke about Joe Manchin, Democratic Senator from West Virginia, but gets confused in a typo.)Prior Larouche groupings approved of Unger’s anti Bush book in a manner they don’t his anti-Trump book, never mind some Larouche citing for Trump’s Russia dealings.

Qanon is definitely designed to be magnet for the disaffected left, radicalized by repetition on social media , LaRouche -Trotskyist &Pro-Putin has been involved with anti-democracy support for RW authoritarianism narratives and agenda since the 70’s

Wait. Doesn’t The Larouche Movement get any credit?
Indeed, the other attack on the law—popularized by Sarah Palin’s false claim that it would lead to “death panels”—was based on Orszag’s IPAB and an amendment written by Republican Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who pushed allowing Medicare to pay for counseling beneficiaries who wanted to write end-of-life directives or living wills.

Finding Larouche debris amongst the Capitol Hill rioting.

Dateline Sweden. Swedish tiktok teens are going wild for Lyndon Larouche Thought

So when you’re not drinking you deal with your anxiety and various emotions by punching the guy handing out Lyndon LaRouche pamphlets on the corner, right? I mean, I did that drunk but it is really helping me get through some things.

The case of William Jones. The meeting will no doubt set the stage for relations moving forward. President Biden, unlike the former Donald Trump administration, said that he wanted to work together with China on issues that were “in America’s interest.” At this point, not much more can be expected, given the build-up of tensions between the two countries over the last several years.  Hey.  You know who else is advocating easing America’s China posture?  Henry Kissinger, and… Hearty praise from him.  Maybe they can team up?

LORG has wind against its front in American public opinion lpac wants to avoid.

Markel as the New Larouche .

Lyndon LaRouche paved the way for Meghan Markle. he is the real hero

Lyndon ran so Meghan could flyL

Lyndon codified pitch so Markle could sing

Markle is 100% tuned for Verdi pitch

oprahs not asking her what her musical freq of choice is. (Eye logo)

I haven’t seen the interview, but if she’s saying the right things about Aristotelianism, she has my support.

Princess Diane Death dust.  Rehashing the fight at the Princess Di death.

IX.  While everyone ponders the question of the possible coming Andrew Yang mayorialship — New York City — one candidate falls through the cracks.  Meet Jackson Rip Holmes, and a list of people he has met.

On September 8, 2016, an invited guest at former Senator Bob Graham’s (he allowed me  photo) Commemoration Honoring the victims of the 9/11/2001 attack on our country, I learned from other guests that our country has been plagued by inside jobs dating back to the Vietnam War (non-existent Gulf of Tonkin Incident) and beyond, occurring worldwide (Boston Marathon, London metro attack, Chechen attack in Russia 1999, Uyghur Tiananmen Square attack, China).  This launched my study of extraterrestrials, and I have had the honor of connecting with: 1) Roger Stone, friend of President Trump (he allowed me a photo), 2) former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, 3) Jeffrey Steinberg, of the Lyndon LaRouche PAC, and 4) John Lear, who was one of two people who exposed Area 51.

X.  History’s Mysteries

I had to Google “Mouse Crap Revolution”. The only thing it brings you to is a chapter at Laoucheplanet. Which I guess is why Helga needs to get something else down on it.

Perhaps the need to dig up Columbia University era Larouche lore comes from such kicking up of dust as this here.  (Curious implication that the Larry goes’ biggest foe / competition of the time was The Grateful Dead.)

Theory of the day:  Is it possible that Larouche invented a grandiose theory of British intelligence manipulating American politics to cover for the embarrassment of having ever been involved in the SWP?

An ultimate Rebuttal.

 Moreso.  The problem with Larouche is his lack of evidence. He’d have explained the origin of the cosmos ex nihilo from a British MI6 agent’s asshole if he were able. Certainly intelligence has played a part, but it is a uniquely yank fantasy to view World History as a James Bond film.

Illinois 1986 Perennial reference point for current electoral events.  Fun map!

In 2004, they were big Kerry boosters, as they were also disparaging of Gore as face of Green Fascism .  Now, view him as pushing that “Green New deal”.

To their credit, I haven’t seen that Biden Hitler merchandise from them.  Is there a market for such?

More history.

Tangentially connected to my last tweets, as I found it during the same research, but apparently Louis Farrakhan invited Lyndon LaRouche (?) to the 1996 National African American Leadership Summit. It went about as well as one might expect.

If you say so… Well worth pondering the influence this fellow Anton Chaitkin had on the Larouche narrative which invariably takes some useful information and somehow turns it into a ritual scapegoating of the British, no matter how objectively culpable Jews may be. He claims to be a founder.

Skip to here with that perspective in mind.

The Church of the Subgenius chimes in with a…

Their sleaziness and hypocrisy is incredible! Their press release brags about how they interviewed “America’s number one political prisoner in his jail cell.” But they wisely don’t say WHO that political prisoner might be. One might conclude they meant Leonard Peltier. No. If you ask, it turns out they’re talking about Lyndon LaRouche!

XI.  (Low) Arts and Entertainment.

Simpsons reference alley oop.


Star Trek.  The TNG crew have the same taste in culture as Lyndon LaRouche supporters. It’s his same very specific version of “Western Canon”. Religion may no longer exist in the 24th Century, but you’d think someone would enjoy a nice klezmer or a slice of kugel.  Interesting to note, though, the classic rock listener of Zefran Cochrane in First Contact (but then again he is depicted as an uncultured wino, whereas the Enterprise is the best and brightest) and The Beastie Boys are still played in the future in the reboot.

Alien Vs Predator.  Trubetskoi’s Romano-Germanic conspiracy vs LaRouche’s Anglo-Dutch conspiracy … folks,  (cue movie poster). (Not too far off.)
Hockey coverage by way of Mike Meyers.
XII.  That ” gatekeeper at each higher level” conspiracy theory theme.  You sell this and you can bring some wanna be elitists by sheer flattery.  The flaw is that the seller of such merchandise, by their own logic, can be deemed as just More controlled opposition, a guru sitting at the 50th level… And on one goes,  Searching for a Grand Unified Theory and ” secret history”…. 
A sort of point of agreement, though stuck on the A45th level:  See dee. I’m like 50% sure he was an op.
like not he himself, but the “movement.”
Entertaining enough, with bubbles of worthwhile nuggets of natterings.  So here goes with giant chunks.

All famous people are there to misdirect you. ALL OF THEM. They didn’t accidentally get famous. They don’t accidentally get on TV or in movies or in books or on CDs or on the internet. And they certainly don’t earn their way into these positions, as is now clear.

So how did they get there? Why do you have to see them and hear them all the time? Why do you know who they are? Because they were placed there. They were chosen to fill that position, and they were chosen in order to misdirect you from the truth.

You will say, “C’mon, that can’t be true. All of them? I mean, they disagree with each other. How can they all be placed there?”
Look at it this way: say you wanted to control everyone in the world. Well people are at different levels. They have different interests and beliefs and levels of intelligence. So if you want to control everyone you have to place your guys at all these levels, all possible paths
If you are a football coach setting up a defense, you don’t put all your tacklers in the middle of the field, or on one side. You spread them out. You want to block all paths to the goal.
You have to defend against the run and the pass, the short ball and the long ball.

It is the same with government. If you want to govern people, you have to keep them on the path you have chosen for them. That is how the governors understand government.

You may think government is about keeping people employed and building highways and educating children, but it isn’t. It is about “governing” them. Moving them around at will.
Think of a governess. She keeps the kids out of trouble and molds them into the sort of adults her employer or her society requires. Same thing with the governors. They keep you from troubling them and mold you into someone who can make them richer.

With that goal in mind, the last thing the governors want is “enlightened” people or “self-actualized” people. Those people might make money for themselves, think for themselves, and govern themselves. People like that make very poor clients. People like that are just trouble.
Since people take many different paths, the governors have to place their blockers and tacklers everywhere.
They have to have blockers for smart people and dumb people, lazy people and ambitious people, caring people and uncaring people, progressive people and conservative people, men and women, young and old.

they have to have blockers and tacklers up and down the field, on the fifty-yard line as well as on the five-yard line. If you get past one line of tacklers, they have to have another line ready for you.
To switch the visualization, no matter how high up the mountain you climb, they have to have some guru on a goat-ledge positioned there to shunt you off on the wrong path.  […]

Just imagine the total market for domestic arms sales in the past five years. It boggles the mind. Which means the government is probably playing both sides, as usual.

So make a list of all the famous people selling both sides of this argument. No, really. Write down all the people you love to hate who are on the other side. Then write down all the people that you think are on your side.
Then ask yourself, “Are any of them speaking any sense?” Or are they all promoting this escalation one way or the other? This is how it goes, on all topics
Lyndon LaRouche was right about a lot of things, and he was even right about the “out there” stuff, like the government pushing drugs, laundering money, fluoride, the financial meltdown, pedophilia, and so on. So I went back and studied his writings across the board.
Turns out Lyndon LaRouche was just a higher-level guru, placed fairly far up the mountain to misdirect the most avant of the avant garde conspiracy theorists. He was a Marxist until he was almost 60, which of course I saw as a red flag.
It should now be clear that Marxism was never anything else but a disguised replacement for Republicanism, created to appeal to the idealistic youth of the West who were disenchanted with their own failed institutions.
Socialism was dressed from the beginning to look like a fairer sister of Democracy/Republicanism, but it was actually a crone in poor make-up. It was purposely created to break down immediately into fascism, the way plastic is now made to break down when exposed to light.
Marxism borrowed the egalitarian platitudes of Republicanism, and even outdid it in its flattering of the lower classes; but the theorists conveniently left out any of the hard facts of government, like constitutions or courts or human nature.
By resting the whole theory on the workers, Marx and his buddies knowingly built their edifice.
Though top-down governance is often or usually predatory, bottom-up governance is simply a contradiction in terms. You are just as likely to successfully run a country from workers’ cooperatives as you are to run your house from the kids’ bedroom.
I am all in favor of trade unions and worker-owned companies; but at the same time I would not like to see a co-op of Walmart, McDonald’s, and USPS employees running the country. While the system we have doesn’t put the best people at the top, Marxism wouldn’t either.
But there were many other red flags with LaRouche, including his promotion of Leibniz, Abe Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, NAWAPA, SDI, and so on. LaRouche was a gatekeeper like Chomsky, placed pretty far down the road to catch those who got too far ahead.
Like Chomsky, LaRouche was instructed to admit to a large percentage of US and British crimes, to appeal to progressives and good researchers who had already discovered them. And also like Chomsky, LaRouche was there to prevent deeper truths from being discovered.
Ironically, perhaps, LaRouche was—in most ways—positioned further up the mountain than Chomsky. LaRouche could admit to 911 where Chomsky couldn’t. LaRouche could talk about 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘦 crimes that wouldn’t appeal to Chomsky’s audience.
And they were instructed to blow a different smoke regarding Kennedy. Chomsky pretended to be above the whole discussion, but LaRouche was instructed to tell a new variant of the Oliver Stone story, intellectualizing it with the Yalta system and a new player, Mortimer Bloomfield.
You will say I am implying that SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) or parts of it were infiltrated by the government, but LaRouche himself tells us that.
His NCLC was originally a faction of SDS, and although If you can accept what he says—that other New Left organizations were dominated by these government think-tanks and foundations—why not his NCLC?
LaRouche’s organization has all the earmarks of late 1960’s government programs, including brainwashing, violence, cultism, and created confusion, so why not ask the question?
LaRouche writes in his autobiography that in 1971 the NCLC formed ‘intelligence units’, and the following year started training members in paramilitary tactics.” Intelligence units? Does that sound like the language of a Marxist professor, or of a CIA agent?
So if he is an agent, why did they later throw him in jail? Are you sure they did? Several famous people you thought were in jail probably never were, including Ezra Pound and Charles Manson. LaRouche’s alleged time in jail simply glosses up his resume even more.
Notice that LaRouche has always been encouraging confrontation. In the early years we are told his followers beat their Marxist foes with pipes and bats. I think it is just another planted story, but the form of the story is crucial.
They want you to think there is a lot of political violence going on, even though there isn’t; just as now they want you to think there are mass murders every month, although there aren’t.
The billionaires love a manufactured world of fear and chaos, because scared people are easier to control.
None of the articles on LaRouche over the years made any sense, because if LaRouche really were what the articles were claiming—a crazy cultist out to defame America and England—why were they writing about him? Why would the mainstream give someone like that the publicity?
Remember, LaRouche was right about some things, and one of the things he was right about was the CIA’s total control of the press. We didn’t need him to tell us that, since we got proof of it from the Senate hearings in the late 1970’s (see the Church Committee hearings).
Well, given that, why would this controlled press want to publicize LaRouche at all? Why not just ignore him completely? That’s what they do to people they really wish to bury.
So how far back does this rule go, you will ask. Is every famous person in history a plant, or just the living ones? We can take the rule back at least to the Civil War, but the further back we go the more exceptions there will be.
But 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘆 should immediately fall into your bag and ring a bell.
I saw Alan Watts being promoted in strange ways in the film “Her” recently, and had I not already known he was an agent, I would have been alerted to him in that way.
Going further back, we see that Walt Whitman was being promoted in the film Kill Your Darlings. This was one of the red flags that outed him for me.
Since the broad control of media didn’t take effect until recently, there will no doubt be many exceptions to the rule even in the late 19th century and early 20th century. There may be some very few exceptions still.
But don’t make the mistake of assuming that just because you have gone back before 1947 that the control no longer exists. It was less perfect and less broad, but it has existed for many many centuries.

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