
do as we say, not as we do a covid-19 epidemic.

Matt Taibbi on that current political split.

Sean P McCarthy Wants to return politics to 1938, when he would be considered a fascist by the Communists.

oddly, getting at the same political problems but sticking with sniveling at the small town as pile of fascists.

as close as we will get to an antiwar president… Deal with it.
The much maligned Glenn Greenwald.

sorry, but by definition Natives were not “crucial” to Biden’s victory — it may have been had it come down to Arizona, sure, but…

organizing super spreader events. Whose effects on the virus can’t be reported seriously, as more superficial or politically deplorable ones will, because it’s a good cause.

The final paragraph of this Huffington Post article attempts to draw Amy Comey Barrett into Bundyville for innocuous patriotic reasonings.

why no one has any grounds to complain on heavy handed politicking of new Star Trek.

Worst Thanksgiving Weekend Box Office Numbers Ever … No Duh.


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