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what Trumpers fear from Biden:
halting fracking permits and rolling back the Obamacare contraception exemption for nuns.

This exchange between “republicandon” and “jimmycrackcorn” (phrase comes from minstrel song, I should note( is full of straw men and either willful ignorance or not willful ignorance. I focus in on the “erase history” “you mean toppling confederate statues?” “No, I mean toppling Columbus, Lincoln, founders” “sources?” elicits one Hell of a sigh from me.

Further down, Kathleen King drops example of media condensation and manages to make a political point of a popular movie featured on MST3K, in a manner of pop analysis reserved for… Movies not featured on MST3K.

Common tnought: Loathsome just like the male incels living in their parents’ basements, who need to grow up, instead of wasting decades playing video games on pot, or feeding the ranks of antifa or Proud Boys (or sometimes Proud Boys pretending to be antifa, like a guy who set fire to a Minneapolis police station a few months ago). Or whatever crazy things celebrities may say. I pay no attention to Hollywood fads or gossip magazines, I think that whatever merits celebrities have, they are no better than the average American in IQ or cultural insight.

Soon afterward, Jones said Chinese president Xi Jinping “owns Hollywood” and has expressed his love for Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Rogan didn’t push back at all, claiming Xi may have made the comments only to push back against Trump’s trade policies.

While it’s true that major American studios have capitulated to Chinese demands for censorship, Xi certainly does not run them. And while Xi may run re-education camps for Muslims, Insider found no record of him praising Hitler and Stalin.

The technical aspect of “China owns Hollywood” being a mete exaggeration of “capitulated to Chinese censorship” brinhs the problem with blasting Alex Jones: the litany of “gasps” ALWAYS includes totally defendable statements.

I support Biden over Trump in the same spirit that Lenin supported Kerensky over Kornilov.

Partisan self parody convinced Trump is playing ten dimensional chess.

The End…
In addition, while I don’t worry about secession, I think local and state nullification is increasingly a possibility. California already thumbs its nose at federal immigration laws as well as federal laws on marijuana. I could easily see other states following suit in the years after the 2020 election, albeit on different issues. For instance, if the Democrats win the White House and both house of Congress and then pass strict gun control legislation, officials in very conservative states and localities may simply refuse to enforce it or to cooperate with the feds about it. We could have a situation similar to Prohibition. The bottom line is that we increasingly have a crisis of legitimacy. Both sides see the other as an illiberal threat to the Republic and thus are less likely to accept defeat in election and rule by the other side. The country probably won’t literally break apart over this. That said, we could become similar to a married couple whose marriage has failed, but who can’t afford to divorce because they live in a big, expensive house. So they just live on separate floors and talk to each other and work together on anything involving the house as little as possible. I think federalism more state and local control, would do a lot to defuse the current situation. However, it won’t help if we get more federalism by default because we refuse to work with each other instead of both sides recognizing the real need for federalism in a country as big and diverse (politically, economically, culturally, religiously) as our own.

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