Archive for May, 2020

You ought to get you some sleep

Friday, May 1st, 2020

IMG_20200501_105750 A phrase of inspiration from a business out there.  Again with the American flag, at a moment where we do seem on the verge of a bit of federalism.  Again — what do the think this is … 9/11?

I think it is a business with a hefty suburban clientelle.  Might explain it a bit.

Place it around this, and that May be more the speed for, oh, the anarchist book collective…

IMG_20200430_170408 Though, to be sure, i don’t really get it. For the most part this slogan I have generally heard from “common sense” conservative minded, either in specific to the argument or as a more wholesale philosophy.  Something on the travail of being “open minded”, or pluralistic in acceptance a supposed liberal value.  Though there is some pushing against the middle centrist — like the fas respecting the antifa more than those damned liberals.  Or perhaps vice versa.

Vaguely similar to some wheat pasted revolutionary communist party quote from Bob Avakian on “there is no wait to see what happens” and give Trump a chance … Photo of nazis…

Then again, maybe this is part of the same packet of materials.