Archive for May, 2020

Brush up a celebrity obit…

Friday, May 15th, 2020

The first comment to this story, Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson disclosing in an interview with Dan Rather that he has lung disease and is terminal…

“No Auqa Lung jokes, please.”

That would be tasteless.

So, the first sign, symptom he spotted that he knew something was wrong?  Snot was running down his nose.

Was that the line they feared?

Should you make a gag out of a 40 minute song or his Grammy bonafides in the field of Heavy Metal music?

Close but no cigar

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

A rodeo did business off in California, a crowded restaurant happened in Colorado, and we begin to see some splitting of attitudes — rural v urban — which get nasty in terms of appropriations.

A couple months back I heard the call of “no one is saying” in rhetorical arguments “we shut down for two yearz”.  At the time you saw signs in businesses saying a re open in the middle of April — laughable even then.  The problem now is I spot the experts who basically are saying shutter for 2 years… I see it in a Willamette Week article where one doctor advises we need to get it down to thirty deaths for a week, but then there is another who says zero… Or, in other words — two years from now when the projected vaccine comes.

Still, Eastern Oregon may just be able to sneak in a rodeo — and half sanctioned at that.  Pro basketball — the NBA– has allowed practices — to what end at this point in a delayed season who knows?– With apparently just two teams taking it up.  MLB baseball is looking to start a stadium empty season at the predictable time the Vegas linemakers set their line on — July 4th.

I see that a business has its computer projected image on and I can not tell if the blue error screen is a sign no one comes in ever and fixed it or if the thing has been fixed but like — down again.

Here, here.

Monday, May 11th, 2020

“You know, I still feel out off when I see someone put on a mask as I am approaching.”

Fashion homages

Sunday, May 10th, 2020

So I ponder whether there up — a turtle neck shirt draped all the way up to the mouth — the better to act as your surgical masks to stop disease flow — is a conscious tip to the band Devo.  Probably not, but maybe.  The other way of questioning is when Devo put the costume on — how much of their “rust belt deindustrialization” themed futurism was mimicking the kind of pandemic which brought to bear that extreme turtle neck?

Hillary Clinton for dog-catcher

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

“I voted for him last time, but sure as He’ll not this time.”

Yep, there he is — the disenchanted Trump voter.  The reason for his disillusionment a little odd — the high end corporate slant on the recent corona emergency stimulus — “but I guess those are who he knows personally.”

” last time, couldn’t vote for his opponent.  Who would vote Hillary Clinton for dog catcher? ”

Actually I am not certain Hillary Clinton wouldn’t make a great dog catcher.  President, no one does — really, but dog catcher?… Seems she would get that job done.

Cue joke about her husband, probably a little strained.

The Mask

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

IMG_20200506_131458 The President wore goggles for no clear reason rather than mask.  I suppose there is an aesthetic problem — bad visual in being tied down in talking muffled behind the mask, but it doesn’t make sense goggles — unless perhaps one has the habit of scratching around the eyes, and that deters the thing.

“Exasperated my allergies…”

” Actually seems to have cleared up mine, but… Barely effective… ”

In a few weeks we will all be wearing masks.

the burning keeps me alive

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

IMG_20200501_103627 The man is deriding a casual callousness he perceives, seemingly attributing it to the coronavirus lock-down.  He does an example — a young woman walking quickly, and before passing an old woman walking slowly yells, “Hey!  Speed up!”. The man calls out the young woman, receiving only a dirty flare from her as she speeds on ahead.

The problem is the thing is not necessarily attributable to anything.  Correlation requires some data indicating the woman wouldn’t have acted that way absent the current era — certainly lots of jerky before — as there will be afterward.  Further, that things aren’t offset by any increase in “random acts of kindness” — though that May just offer a separate effect — extremes and cultural bipolarity.

It is possible the man wasn’t touching on anything and was probing the modern world in general — that whole “kids these days” line.

… we make a pretty good team…

Monday, May 4th, 2020

In addition to the “anti anti social distancing club” short — theoretically the slogan on other materials — refrigerator magnets for instance —

The slogan “anti social social distancing club” — more apolitical, keeping with they who dress in black to match their souls, or whatever.

Who goes with the coiled snake and the twist of an old rightest standby “don’t cough on me” (as opposed to “tread”) in the current moment, I do not know.


Packed up and ready to go

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

IMG_20200501_103619 “Okay.  Here’s one.  What is George Bush doing … Right… Now?”

I do not know what they think they are heading to with this question, or what their point of reference is — something like “Katrina ain’t so bad” I guess, but I do know the answer…

Collating any and all comments made on pandemic preparedness, passing it through sources to arrive at a scattering of media headlines in “Bush said this”, to burnish his presidency.

Understand, regardless of whether they dropped into a vacuum, missed some points entirely, or fit the circumstances of the moment.

” Yeah, Bush.  Our first chimp president…

… And I guess now we have our second. ”

Better not touch that denigration for the one in the middle.

Sillier seasoning

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

IMG_20200501_103013. No.  I do not know who Berry is.  Perhaps a combination of the Democratic Party’s 2004 and 2008 presidential candidates, or perhaps the face shown on the signpost that is the next one.

Who do we need as life looks to be turning into 40s noir plot mixed with tapered revolution or just devil may care petty crime waves?