Hire him.

If you are beginning some kind of news service from scratch, the journalist “caught on tape” by “project veritas”, then canned by abc news, is someone you will want to hire.
The political analysis on how this system seems to work, I noted in the 2012 Republican Primadies, with a long march of moving onto then away from one shiny object to the next, manufacturing the buzz, requires a curious theory of timing for the presidential aspirants — a matter of infotainment you can’t get away from entirely but an awareness of the effect suggests he will build into any suggestion on coverage limiting accents on the whole mass.rump
Trump circumvented the process in 2020 by perpetually being the bright shiny object.
What seals the deal is the Disney corporate cross promotion multiplatform synergy criticism. IT is what you get on Good Morning America, what Good Morning America is for — a showcase for Belle to pop up for the new Beauty and the Beast Musical, a showcase for Spiderman for his musical…
tee hee…
So maybe you cannot complain, per se, as the show behaves to its design. And I do not know why this right wing outfit wants to promote this left wing media critique, except I suppose it lands as a blow either way on the liberal media either way. Sows dissent. For the next line where he says he is some variety of socialist — a pliable word these days (you once had some outrage on the middling Lawrence O’donnell allude to the term — an online shout of “he admits it!” — before explicating the basics of mixed economies)
As it were, his media analysis is as much Daniel Boorstein as Noam Chomsky. If he claimed libertarianism, it would not alter anything.

Once avain, Donald Trump is quite the comedian. Funny, reminds me of attitudes expressed by Michael Bloomberg on how he could ban the big soda size — do the me.

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