Archive for February, 2020

Hire him.

Saturday, February 29th, 2020

If you are beginning some kind of news service from scratch, the journalist “caught on tape” by “project veritas”, then canned by abc news, is someone you will want to hire.
The political analysis on how this system seems to work, I noted in the 2012 Republican Primadies, with a long march of moving onto then away from one shiny object to the next, manufacturing the buzz, requires a curious theory of timing for the presidential aspirants — a matter of infotainment you can’t get away from entirely but an awareness of the effect suggests he will build into any suggestion on coverage limiting accents on the whole mass.rump
Trump circumvented the process in 2020 by perpetually being the bright shiny object.
What seals the deal is the Disney corporate cross promotion multiplatform synergy criticism. IT is what you get on Good Morning America, what Good Morning America is for — a showcase for Belle to pop up for the new Beauty and the Beast Musical, a showcase for Spiderman for his musical…
tee hee…
So maybe you cannot complain, per se, as the show behaves to its design. And I do not know why this right wing outfit wants to promote this left wing media critique, except I suppose it lands as a blow either way on the liberal media either way. Sows dissent. For the next line where he says he is some variety of socialist — a pliable word these days (you once had some outrage on the middling Lawrence O’donnell allude to the term — an online shout of “he admits it!” — before explicating the basics of mixed economies)
As it were, his media analysis is as much Daniel Boorstein as Noam Chomsky. If he claimed libertarianism, it would not alter anything.

Once avain, Donald Trump is quite the comedian. Funny, reminds me of attitudes expressed by Michael Bloomberg on how he could ban the big soda size — do the me.

The race on the eve of the last primary before superduper tuesday

Friday, February 28th, 2020

Note in this open letter to the Green Party plumbing the travails of the spoiler effect — a wash, rinse, repeat exercise from the likes of Chomsky and a cast like that. The open letter speaks of winning votes that would otherwise go to Sanders, Warren, or whoever. Sure is a list of peoples with progressive bonafidas sitting in that “whoever” category.

As it were, fivethirtyeight notes that the evidence points to a Biden rally. As the Bernie Sanders nomination implications sink in, and as Bloomberg implodes under the illogic of his campaign, the South Carolina black and conservative of one definition of the word consolidates to Biden. He is in for a big win in South Carolina…
barring perhaps the Republican Party cross-overs deciding they can trample an old Socialist, right?
… and as the Republican Party cancelled any contest, lest they see just how much support transhumanism enjoys in the party.
Meantime, the happy talk of democracynow has it that Bernie is building in black South Carolina, socialism on the march against the tired neoliberal Biden, his firewall imploding and we have interviews with activists taking Clyburn to the cleaners…

Trump is easily the worst president in American history and Bernie would be the second worst.

Or… funny this comment debate… Not saying the Argentina model is good, it is just closer than the Soviet model as possibilities.
David Brooks frets. “Not liberalism, it is what replaces liberalism”. Meehaps. THen the coup sets in, right?
The reluctant if i must I guess I’m voting for Bernie in the general versus the It’s Bernie bitch and not you lamebrain loser neoliberal duke it out in the comments section there…

not to be confused on a jump from Warren to Bednieas if it comes down to drag queen story hour.
or that the real problem is that listening to Warren is like getting Lectured to by a fifth grade teacher

Nay. The problem is that comment, sensible that it may be, is automatically tagged as “sexism”, just as the Republican Party’s making hay of Bloomberg nearly saying “bought” in terms of some democratic house seats represents the most racist thing I’ve seen today. (How are they supposed to highlight the meaning of Bloomberg’s gaffe? Only allowed to use this one for white congress members?)

When all is said and done, I think we can nod at the genius of Bloomberg’s campaign. He spotted Trump’s rise as being built off free media so tried to replica it off of paid media. For a minute it worked somewnat, but the next moneybags oligarch will be well suited to heed the lesson to just shirk the debate stage. His fallback attempt, just take footage of the debate stage and craft your own narrative, might work in a different setting — it comes in from the paucity of actualn people watching the damned debate so would simply be competition against the news media coverage for impressions… BUt the narrative Bloomberg proferred — everyone speechless silent against his massive business experience — is not anything that impresses this electorate, and he could not get around beating news coverage. I think all the fake fans he has clapping and booing and fake twitter fans just lands as confusing.

Out with larouche, in with vermin supreme

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

I.  Can’t the Larouche org get any respect as a short hand for politico flotsam?  Consider how the New Republic references scenarios of politically undesirable candidates:
Vermin Supeme style stunt candidate, Larouche supporter, or a libertarian.

This Vermin Supreme guy — the new face of the Presidential Fringe. Note this book makes no mention of Larouche… How the mighty have fallen, indeed.

Though, at least one person from Port Townsend still goes to them.,
PTPD received a report about two men selling a box of “Larouche 2020” t-shirts at the post office.
Yeah, well… the campaign has takers, campaign results, defectors, and not takers.

Still shorthand to pummel Phyllis schafly, so they gots that. [As too merging to john birch to get to qanon. 40 years ago? getting there.)
floats about still.

II. The legacy of the Larouche movement: airport after thought to Hare Krishnas. Someone needs to create some retro-futuristic dystopian Mad Max ish sci fi where the future is revealed as Hare Krishnas vs the Larouchies for global dominance.
Crazy marxist dad did some haranguing, all back in the day. Well, consider the company he kept. (hm…
He has been exonerated after all.

III. Webster Tarpley refers to a “Tyrant Xi” on twitter. Thouugh that is part of why you see former fans turn on him and think he may be compromised by the deep state.
Not that I want to side with the people he has abandoned to align with ant Trump lefters, but his line is not consistent, being the one who rallied crowds calling Putin a force for Peace.

And Michael Billington sells the deep state on blog talk radio, leaving Tarpley… ?

IV. Interestingly, Jeffrey Steinberg, not Lyndon Larouche is the man listed in the 12 Americans against the British Royal Family. These days, Steinberg has… I guess… quit the org to pusue other other more comic book efforts.

I suspect a conspracy, where the powers that be are flooding headlines of peoples who share their enemies’ names to keep the public from this source. The British have some dude named Alex Jones we can make a story out of. See too the new director of… The Schiller Institute. Steinberg?

Confusion reigns in all corners. This blast from the past…and I could be wrong, but it does not read like Larouche.
More recent examples have clearer thoroughlines.

V. All about Stepping from the brink and mobilizing for trump, xi, putin.

Helga Zepp emerges as a social justice warrior, fighting microaggressions  on any pun laced headline or allusion to kung fu or bat soup. Maybe this is the play to a student activist core that have not been there in the era of Trump?

“Absolutely Heroic Response”, sayeth the Helga Zepp Xi Booster Movement. woo!.  (Lawrence Freeman thinks Ghana should be like China.

All the while, Trump fails to heed the call of the Helga Zepp Plan.

VI. It does appear you can blend the deployment Trump rally outreach with coverage of Burke’s 2020 New Jersey Senate bid.

As far afield as Ohio. Stop the coup; colonize mars

What I don’t understand is how Daniel Burke can get the stop the coup and colonize mars message into this nrws article without promoting his Senate aspirations, or the Larouche Movement for that matter. But I guess this predominates at a Trump rally. (Burke does the blog talk radio, and identifies as a… “Larouche REPUBLICAN”. Is that… official?

VII. Harley Schlanger looks to be emerging as the face of the Larouchian Movement. See “national spokesperson for Lyndon larouche”. [Hrm. He speaks for a dead guy?]
Sputnik News is
the place to go if you want answers and debate on whether Trump is winning Mega or winning Ultra, or
Obama getting ready to slam Bernie publically. Oddly, speculated in the National Review, but dismissed with the premise that he’s too much a wimp.

VIII. Ronald Wieczorek, Mount Vernon on Why you must defend this strong presidency

British MI6 launched this now years-long attempted coup against Trump, and our intelligence agencies and mainstream media joined in. These traitors don’t want to allow (any) president to cooperate with Russia or China or end the wars. They don’t want to allow (this) president to handle a financial crisis, because a strong President could adopt LaRouche’s Glass Steagall and national credit policies.
Glass Steagall pursued in one way or another by Trump… Any minute now…

IX.  Exiting the year 2019, entering 2020, a smattering of

memorial obituary;  notices, Gets to be called “influential” you see, and a return for a quick clip at the one year death announcement anniversary. capturing an essence, I s’pose.

X. While I was not looking, the citizen’s electoral council became the Australian Citizen’s Party.

Also, against the barrage of Neocon propaganda against china, and see too that neo-cons did it; not Trump
The Progressive socialist party of Ukraine is headed by one of those “Schiller party co-thinker”s. However one co-thinks.  Ossenkopp is associated with the Schiller Institute … International think tank.

XI. Somewhere Lyndon LaRouche says, “Hillary Clinton is crazy.” {larouche supported hillary in the 2008 primaroes, thpugh not so much afterward.}

Or is it Gabbard?. {Tulsi}.

“It’s not like she has a ton of places to go after this,” the operative said, likening Gabbard’s position in the current Democratic Party to perennial candidate and convicted fraudster Lyndon LaRouche. “She can do remote hits from Hawaii for the next five years—who wouldn’t want to do that?”

XI. abuse of power…

Steve Hassen has a book out.. Larouche barely figures.

“Pathological lying is characteristic of destructive cult leaders – saying things in a very confident way that have nothing to do with facts or truthfulness – blaming others and never taking responsibility for his own failures and faults – shunning and kicking out anyone who raises questions or concerns about his own behavior – his use of fear-mongering [calling] immigration a horrible thing… [saying] the press is the enemy of the people. That’s what Hubbard would say. That’s what Moon said. That’s what LaRouche said. Why? Because they’re demagogues.”

Ronald Wieczorek disagrees.

Back when Bloomberg’s positions had him living in colonial New York City, the LaRouche Political Action Committee created a stir there by portraying him as “Mousolini”—he shares policies with the Italian…

Bloomberg is currently getting slammed for cozy business and rationalizing China’s government.  Oh, and there’s a bit of authoritarian suggestions thrown about. Hm… the infomercial on viral epidemic tactic is familiar, ain’t it? (Buttitieg’s exit has implications for them all.

XII. Back in the day, the lym would spout “boomer” as a perjorative in Larouche’s internal politicking. Oh how everything changes..

On November 3, Massachusetts’ renown politicians Senator Ed Markey and Representative Jim McGovern convened a town hall open to the public at Clark University’s very own Atwood Hall to discuss the Green New Deal. […]

On Wednesday, Oct. 30, the House passed a set of procedures to govern the president’s impeachment inquiry. “What is happening to the president is a witch hunt,” said a woman named Jennifer, who identified herself with LaRouche, a pro-Trump super political action committee founded in the name of Lyndon LaRouche, a political activist, convicted fraudster, and cult leader.

Jennifer was quickly booed by audience members who shouted things like “this is about climate” and “OK, boomer.”
Ah well. They can always turn to choruses to balm the sting.

XIII. It isn’t set in the D.C. of K Street or Georgetown, or even the Lyndon LaRouche crazies hanging around DuPont Circle. It’s in the projects and town houses, the late night liquor stores and neighborhood baseball courts.
I guess someone else will have to write the Washington DC of the Larouchies.


And a standard Trump hires someone contributed once or twice to Larouche publication story.

IX. The Post Office tour returns.
They had sandwich boards set up between the sidewalk and Fulton Avenue. The signs and accompanying literature supported Trump’s policies that align with those of past political activist Lyndon Larouche, and decried the Green New Deal proposed by U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

By 1 p.m., however, City of Middletown police officers informed the pair that their signs were violating city ordinances regarding temporary signs. Under the threat of a summons, the demonstration became a single table of literature with a sign attached to the top of it.

the insult legacy.

ell, it has finally happened! The Lyndon LaRouche-like, tin-foil-hat-wearing, gender-deluded, pecksniffian Democrats, in a continual state of psychotic rage, have proven the truth of H. L Mencken’s statement that “democracy (and politics) is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage. …. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed … by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Counterpunch considers “executive intelligence review” a Spooky sounding name.

The state of the race, 1 of a series

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

I have no goddamned clue how this presidential election will churn out.  Somewhere between a Democratic landslide, or probably just short of something that could proper!y be called landslide, and a Trump landslide, or probably slightly short of landslide proper.  This is as opposed to 2016 when it became evident it was Trump as the nominee, anything between a Clinton landslide and narrow Trump triumph.  And on election night it was good on tight with the one silver lining at the result… at least we weren’t stuck with Hillary.

I’m listening to old radio broadcasts from 2007 of a prominent radio figure — a figure I consider you tick off as part and parcel to the last “old portland”.  The glib personality full and issue less political analysis I considered crap then, as you do more so from the vantage point of it being wrong an toto.  Obama’s ultimately just playing for the vice presidency and Hillary is inevitable, the screwy Republican primary is perhaps landing on the party giving up until 2012.  Or maybe the too cute analysis that 2008 will answer the question after two polarizing presidencies — are we as a country Bush People of are we Clinton People?  The answer is neither.  The mention of the odd Ron Paul supporters is interesting — “The crazy thing about them is they’re probably Democrats.”. So powerful the pull of the Iraq War as an issue, a smattering of liberal ( white men) could be pulled to a funny libertarian ideologue.  I have no idea how to parse out vote samples on whether they split three full to Stein and Johnson, Trump, and No vote as against Hillary in 2016, but it seems possible.

The thing I recall with Obama in 2007 and 2008 in his campaign was being impressed by now he moved ahead when the chips were down, at that point at the time of these radio broadcasts when Hillary was swamping him in the polls.  To put it mildly the batch of Democrats here in 2020 are the opposite.  Today we see Biden, now the ipso facto black candidate, delaying for the first time ever being imprisoned by the South African apartheid government while trying to meet with Nelson Mandella, a rewritten history for the one for “proud slave stater” that brings a whole new wrinkle to the Mandella Effect.

The travails of Elizabeth Warren, and how she ended up embarrassing herself, demands a book length analysis.  The funny thing is we are stuck with two competing concepts that refuse to deal much with the other.  From the Democratic party liberal, it falls apart when implicit sexism inherent in demanding full details of plans not demanded of Butgigieg or Sanders reared its head on health care policy shifting.  Political a analysis demands a staring of what people who are not you think they think and I have given up on such a thing.  The other analysis the wamo or newrep crews will not touch with a ten foot pole — except maybe to confirm what they buy on the sexism of the electorate in not jumping in with Elizabeth full hog — some confluence of the fight and picked with Bernie over some private statements, the refusal to shake his hand, the shipping of vetting privileges to a trans gendered teenager, and her online supporters getting hot and bothered that Bernie highlighted Joe Rogan’s support.  Actually the time I tossed her aside was when she gave a Trump like answer to a gay marriage opponent for the easy applause of the rest of the crowd.  (Yes, she may as well have been doling out the tiny hands meme.)  This pc troubles with intersectionality political analysis is skipped over by the liberal magazines, but gets good play in the comments section of American Conservative and Reason magazines.  For Warren, we seem to have passed that point found about 2011 — 2012 when the likes of In These Times and The Nation could kvetch on Warren’s rhetoric on income inequality heeding too much to a breadwinner male in job market with allowance for stay at home mom model overtones of Union nostalgia — an abandonment of inability to move to new rhetorical framing dashes the meaning of an editorial that she unlike Bernie being a one time Republican can speak a language he can’t for some segments of the electorate.

Apparently Sanders, just like McGovern and Carter, and for that matter Shirley Chrisholm weren’t too much into knocking George Wallace voters.  That, I doubt, means anything to anyone.  More politically unpalatable, this has a Dukakis question and answer on what ylu’d say if your wife was raped written all over it.
Even the Boston Marathon bomber?

interesting thought, this…. If you ponder something beyond d v r fighting… Bernie following Trump may force Congress to start doing more than that bare minimum.
Consider the haunting possibility as calls chime in wanting Bloomberg to jump out — why, he’s a carbon copy of Trump! — and spend his billions on marginal congressional races — the kind that see congress critters endorse the man seemingly for that very reason– so… Bernie wins and is met with a Democratic congress ful? Of Bloomberg clients?

Funny, huh?

Reconfiguring the 50 states

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

The various pipedreams abound from parts of states seceding, joining neighboring states.  A little different from the one of California splitting in two — the non Sacramento, San Francisco, Low Angeles state which … Staring at the vote tallies seems to me apt to be creating an even partisan 51 st state… Or that great state of Jefferson for Southern Oregon and Fresno land California…

I do have to be intrigued by the proposed swap of state / province for the American regions who can make sense of Tradeau and the Canadian regions that can make sense of Trump.

It has been some time since the dream of a split for Eastern Washington into Idaho made the rounds. I think some state rep just ran aground with the state Republican party for some disreputable agreeances with militia activists or something, which woulda included pushing for the secession. But today the hullabo goes with Eastern Oregon wanting to be part of Idaho. Changing the inflection point for the phrase “own private Idaho.”

Oddly, Virginians wanting to join West Virginia have their precedent in the Civil War creation of the state of West Virginia in the first place. If only they could have thought forward several steps from their then perch of disagreements over slavery to the future disagreements over guns, they could have avoided their current situation by siding with the West Virginia state splitters in the first place. Anyway, as the groundswell perks up in the ranting at community townhall level, it enjoys support from the influential powerbrokers of… the governor and the pastor. (Maybe this switch is a political ploy from Falwell 2 to retain influence with at least some governor?)

Noting Upstate New Yorkers trying to keep their fracking livelihoods by jumping over to Pennsylvania, I suppose not enthralled by the wind technology not yet yet driving economic activity.

But the most loathsome of the secessionist movements… apparently some Colorado residents want to get annexed into Wyoming. An aesthetic disgrace, destroying two perfect rectangles.  Personally, I want one of these two states to spit off some county lines of annex others to get us a square state… I have always been a bit peeved that Wyoming is not square.

Tulsi Gabbard’s unnecessary magnanimity

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

There’s this bit of a head scratcher I have, on the like of Tulsi Gabbard.  If asked to publicly opine on Rush Limbaugh’s ailment, some response round about what she offered via unsolicited tweet — round about a respectful hope health comes through, politics aside — will make sense and is what I would want from anyone.  There is no reason to go out of the way with this — Limbaugh just doesn’t matter in that way.  Note the comments section of a YouTube clip for the Simpsons parody from the 1990s — where we have some youngsters chiming in on the brilliance of this… Alex Jones spoof.

Frankly anyone short of a president or a colleague in the Congress… doesn’t warrant or demand a comment from her.  Or anyone not vying for his voters..

Or is she trying that one out?

Alienating maybe her supposed coming Russia backed third party supporters?… (speculated spuriously in unrelated news headlines. Does she chime in on the Sean Hannity Show to argue for drug legalization to win a smattering of voyes in that open primary of New Hampshire seems to have faltered at that kasich double digit declare s uccess before dispersing… Or maybe she goes where invited, and damned not in the debates any more.)

Is Weld, off his triumphant spiking of a delegate in the iowa caucuses, winning the support that may otherwise slip to Gabbard? Will the backers of Andrew Yang now trend toward Vermin Supreme [front runner of the libertarian contest?)