Archive for August, 2017

the matter of Trump Man

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

For the second time, I see the guy in a Trump t-shirt and a Trump cap.  What’s funny is it’s a different Trump t-shirt and different Trump cap, indicating he has a whole wardrobe of such stuff.

I don’t know how much I should be impressed at a statement of defiance in a hostile environment in and about Portland.  Or, I don’t know to what degree I should find him a boob.  I found people in Obama shirts and paraphenilia circa 2008 / 2009 to be boobs, and that was a president I largely approve.  (Just don’t think id-ing with a politico is a good statement.)  So.  Given the twin ills, do I fine him boobish or double boobish?

the movement

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

I.  For the first time in a year, when my uncle alluded to Larouche by way of stating what a weird blog this is, I heard a random mention of the name “Lyndon Larouche”.  It was in an overheard conversation, with the man walking past me saying something like … “So.  He’s just been posting these long conspiracy diatribes on the Internet.  Like he’s Lyndon larouche or something.”
So, as we see, the name is, after all, Out there, in public currency.

II.  Robert Dreyfuss, for Rolling Stones magazine.  And so goes the deal, where any politically contentious article by Dreyfuss will get that … “say, you know where he got started” line.

III.  Sort of lost track of this one, but worth noting… Webster Tarpley has shuffled over some money over to Melanie Trump to get her off his back for calling her a one time whore.

The lawsuit was settled in January and Tarpley agreed to pay a “substantial sum” as a settlement. While how substantial the sum was remains a mystery, a separate lawsuit has given the world a price tag on how much defaming the first family could cost you.

IV.  By way of background, in the early 1990s, the Larouche group took up the cause of removing a statue of Confederate Albert Pike.  Which is how I’m particularly jarred by the manner this section of this wikipedia article moves through the Larouche protest to the “renewed interest after the Unite the Right Rally”, given the current Larouche line, more Trumpian than Trump.

In the case of Charlottesville, both gangs in the action were either controlled by the FBI or by other trained intelligence operatives on the scene.
The Klan and White Supremers on the scene, Richard Spencer and David Duke, are long-time assets in the FBI orbit. Duke was largely a George H.W. Bush creation.

The actual George HW Bush choice at the time of David Duke’s political primary victories was one Buddy Roemer.

It turns out that the other major figure, Jason Kessler, now proclaimed to be “Alt Right,” was actually an Obama activist until November 2016, and participated heavily in “Occupy Wall Street.” Some say he was an assignment editor at that point for CNN.
Some say…

A strange metamorphosis, to say the least. The man who drove the car injuring many and killing a protester, was a mentally ill grifter named James Fields, whose fascination with Nazism and violence had been profiled by authorities since high school.
On the other side are Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe;
Clintonista.  A more purer Clintonista than the one time Clinton lover Larouche,  and the strange metamorphosis we get from them on them….
Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer; Brennan Gilmore, a former State Department employee who some say worked for the CIA;
“Some say”…
the Obama “resist” apparatus in Virginia;
Don’t forget the hashtag!
and the violent, lawless anarchist grouping known as “Antifa.”

V.  Abdicating whatever claims he had as an advocate for Glass Steagall, abdicating his  war weary stance on Afghanistan, other than a grand Wall against the Mexican border — which runs contrary to Larouche line on immigration heard about Obama as “deporter in chief”, all infrastructure projects disperse  — what policy binds the Larouche to its pro-Trump status?

VI.  Letters!  I stand with President Trump. This is because I believe he is genuinely concerned about the future of our nation.
I am now going to say what appears to be the forbidden word among the major news media — “Lyndon Larouche.’ I’ve been associated with this organization for over 20 years now and I have an online subscription to the EIR DAILY ELERT news. I also listen in to their weekly conference calls. I deem this news source to be more truthful and reliable than any other news source I know of. This is the main source of the information I use in arriving at many of my conclusions.
It’s amusing because, when Trump was campaigning, Larouche treated him like a joke. Their organization is now one of his most ardent supporters, though I personally favored Trump at the time. The change came when they found that he is in favor of the return to the Glass Steagall Act. This act separates the banking system into investment banks and commercial banks. Commercial banks were not allowed to gamble depositor’s money in the stock market. It was first enacted in 1933 during the Roosevelt administration. […]

 And Ray McGovern’s group, right?
According to Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Russiagate has been proven to be a fraud. The U.S. citizenry must perform the necessary political intervention that can order the reorganization of the U.S. government, the U.S. Treasury, the Fed and Wall Street. Then fund the redevelopment of North America that can beat back the Wall Street directed Greatest Depression upon us. Millions of lives are at stake. We’re wasting time. Implement Larouche’s Four Laws. Contact your political representation. Contact the President.  Ron Wieczorek.  Mount Vernon

VII.  Dejavu.

Speaking of Trump’s staff, the National Security memo — authored by Rich Higgins, who was later pushed out of the NSC — is very disturbing. That these are the views of a key White House staffer, and that this information actually landed on the president’s desk, would make Lyndon LaRouche blush.

Actually what’s cited here appears to be in keeping with past Larouchian literature.  Nothing makes anyone with the org blush.

Foreign Policy: “Trump is being attacked, the memo says, because he represents ‘an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative.’ Those threatened by Trump include “deep state” actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans.”

More: “Though not called out by name, [National Security Adviser] McMaster was among those described in the document as working against Trump, according to a source with firsthand knowledge of the memo and the events. Higgins, the author, is widely regarded as a Flynn loyalist who dislikes McMaster and his team.”

And here’s the thing… That Andrew Breivicks (2011 Norwegian terrorist) had a plagiarized essay of a Larouchie penned article decrying “Cultural Marxism”.  It is important to note that the author who wrote it has expressed his horrors at the appropriation.


Greenwich, and we’re TRUMPIER THAN TRUMP, CHUMPS.  3 for Larouche / Trump, or Trump / Larouche.

Outside Town Hall Tuesday morning, Greenwich resident Patrick Servidio and two other members of the conservative LaRouche Political Action Committee handed out literature stating that President Donald Trump’s alleged connection with Russia during the presidential election was a British-directed hoax aimed at moving the U.S. to war with Russia and Middle Eastern countries.

“We’re out here to defend President Trump and the American system,” said Servidio. “We are in a very dangerous situation, and it’s a coup against the President of the United States. And this has never happened before in the history of America, but this is all British controlled.”

A registered Republican, Servidio has lived in Greenwich for 74 years.


Closer to the convention center, the controversial Lyndon LaRouche movement passed out flyers to Trump supporters waiting in line. The anti-capitalist, pro-labor group sees a friend in Trump, who has said he would consider reviving the Glass-Steagall Act to break up banks and not go to war for the sake of nation building.

“We did everything we could to defeat Hillary,” said Joe Billington, a Cleveland native who worked on LaRouche’s eight presidential campaigns, each a long shot. On second thought, Billington thought, Trump’s hiring of a former hedge fund manager from Wall Street to run the U.S. Treasury “is concerning.”

Don’t say?

Shopping plazas!

Myles Robinson, of the Massachusetts-based regional office of the LaRouche Pac Movement, brought his message to Richmond on Friday. With a full display of information and graphics which explain the LaRouche cause, he stood on the sidewalk of the Chariho Shopping Plaza on Main Street, explaining the Movement’s concerns to those who pulled over.

“We’re building a movement to protect President Trump from the FBI coup attempt, and potential assassination,” he said. “The problems are not being caused by Democrats,” he went on. “It’s a much bigger issue.”

Hey da.  About that Glass Steagall… it appears to mean as much for Trump as it does for Larouche, so maybe this isn’t such a reach after all?

“Defend Trump from the Coup!” “Donald Can’t Do It Alone.” “Trump Wants Peace: How About You?” “China, Russia and the United States Can End War.” “Build the World Landbridge!”

Signs and slogans proclaim the pro-Trump, anti-establishment stance of two men who set up a desk in the grass in front of the Ridgefield Post Office parking lot on Thursday, July 20, talking politics to whoever would stop to listen.

“We’re trying to protect Trump from the coup, and we’re calling for Glass-Steagall,” said John Scialdone of Hackensack, N.J.

BURN!!!  YIMBYs are a compelling man-bites-dog story for lazy reporters who treat San Francisco as metaphor and, as one local reporter told me, “Trauss is a beguiling figure to cover because she doesn’t seem reined in by the bounds of common decency.” She’s like followers of Bob Avakian or Lyndon LaRouche at a rally hawking sectarian newspapers.

Iran tv on sanctions.  North Korea “debate” with William Jones and William Overholt.

The Altramura Center for the Arts has a Schiller Institute relaying of Verdi.

Blast from the past.


Caulkins also recalled the 1980s battle with the Lyndon LaRouche organization. Then a perennial presidential candidate, LaRouche spurred controversy when he moved his campaign headquarters and fundraising operations to South King Street in 1983.
The friction between the organization and other businesses came to a head when fraud charges were brought against it because of allegations that individuals, especially the elderly, were being scammed. LaRouche was convicted of mail fraud and conspiracy and sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. He was released in 1994.
As one of the community critics of LaRouche and his associations, Caulkins came under threats during the period.
“That was a fun thing,” Caulkins said, recalling that people would drop off donations at the store to support him amid threats of litigation. It was also scary. He said LaRouche associates would come into the store, lay guns on the counter, and tell the clerks, “You tell Stanley Caulkins—he’s next.”


on rotten legacies from people who were people

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

Interesting.  What is Maryland to do about this Roger Taney statue, the man — Supreme Court Justice — best known for authoring the Dred Scott Decision?  In a previous bout of statue removing, they decided to “compromise” by sticking up fellow Marylander and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall statue.

I tend to want to keep these things up, and contextualize them… maybe change the meaning of what the heck a statue is representing, though I suppose that means a degeneration of the Marshall statue.  Here they are — Supreme Court Justices from Maryland!

Which, theoretically, would have put me on the side for now embattled Maryland state Senator Mike Miller, except then he’ll lob this at us…

Miller, an avid reader of history, also defended Taney’s character, describing him as a man with a “complex” past.
“Unlike George Washington who freed his slaves upon his death, Taney freed his slaves early in his life,” the letter said.
“Roger Brooke Taney was not a Confederate officer and he remained loyal to the Union until his death in 1864,” Miller wrote. “Many historians have debated the conflicting anti-slavery words and works of Roger Brooke Taney.”

Might be an interesting subject for a book, I suppose, in exploring the what of the great compromises upon compromises in societal racism on not wholly evil men.  But put it this way — the founder of the Ku Klux Klan — or, something of some early key figure — ended up denouncing the entity as it turned to a more violent vigilance and into the role as military wing of the Democratic Party.  All very interesting. Not worth venerating or celebrating the guy.  His statues must go… as they are.

gods at war with each other again

Saturday, August 19th, 2017

What have we done to anger the Sun God?

Conversely, what have we done to please the Moon God?

quotes and quotes abound

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

I’m thinking of that quote from Howard Dean, mocked and pillored as it was as a tone deaf caricature from coastal elitists, that the Democratic Party oughta get the votes of those with confederate flag decals on their pick up trucks.  And indeed, we run right into that snippy Fran Lebowitz quote that she doesn’t care what Trump voters want, we know what they want, they want the Confederate Flag.

And I suppose we have that obvious equation on just how much, how steeped, how much of this adopted culture the party would tolerate as it patches some disparate parcels of America to a hoped for majority — you do understand Dean’s sentiment even as we run right against that problem.  The one figure in the 2016 Presidential field (such as it was) who’s expressed some cultural deference on the Confederate flag, Jim Webb, ran a less relevant campaign than Lincoln Chafee.

To move toward an ever more extreme variant, there’s a comment I saw spurring about on “who these bozo Klan members in White Sheets” were — something from an old kindly grandpa, somewhat more sympathetic than most will give as thought it were William Jennings Bryan at the 1924 Democratic Convention platform debate against denouncing the Klan by name (and channeling the spirit of Donald Trump over the past week) — “Just look at the shoes.”

And there we have the currently en vogue quote from Lyndon Johnson — “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

And sure.  Sure.  But now we come face to face with the images at that “Unite The Right” protest, and see… jackals… with nice clothing.  Their shoes are fine.  And so we have the much mocked commentary of “Imagine if they suffered any actual oppression — how long they would last.”

And to be a tad tone deaf — seeing that we had some Bernie or Buster Jill Stein voter who shot Republican Congress members at the Congressional baseball game — so I maybe a little unpopularly end up sliding the Hitlerite youth who drove his car into the counter-protesters from the literal neo-nazi lead group of protesters …

just like the ACLU does…

That oughta be good enough.  Like, I sometimes think the awful administration has its advantages — he’s lands as a standard Republican who’s problems on this score are making him ineffectual in passing policy and it was doubtful the Democrats could win both 2016 and 2020 and Hillary Clinton sucks and wouldn’t get much either and if you had to win one you’d want 2020 due to the same problem that greeted the Democrats redistricting wise that happened in 2010 …

But!  It is here with the equivocation on this mass that consider themselves Trump’s Shock Troops that you see a little bit of… why it matters.

fissures within movements

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

I’m sure you’re aware of that which is the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.  But reading about, I’m wondering if there’s some fissure within the movement — on when and where we’d need to get going.

And I’m not speaking of this…

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement seperates its followers into two groups, VHEMT Supporters and VHEMT Volunteers.
VHEMT Supporters agree that we need to stop breeding as humans are overpopulated, but do not agree we need to go as far as extinction. They believe we should all cease breeding until humans have reached a “sustainable” population. Meanwhile, VHEMT Volunteers see extinction as the only sure way to avoid breeding ourselves back to today’s density.

Anyways, I would argue that the “Population control”group is, by definition, not in the category of “Voluntary Human Extinction” advocating, even if their arguments coincide to a degree.

But go to this paragraph from the book American Nerd, by Benjamin Nugent, page 93…  Now we’re in the category of transhumanism, and negating the question of when a human dies off and when the robot takes its place…

…and it doesn’t even matter if Hans Moravac considers his “the machines are our progeny, and we shall be leaving them as our human forebears” thesis as parcel to “Voluntary Human Extinction”…

Would we have two groups of advocates for the cause… one when the fauna overtakes all human traces — see The World Without Us — and the other wanting to develop our machine progeny and needing to stave off environmental or nuclear catastrophe just long enough to get resilient or self-replicating machinery to dominate or at least hold sway on the planet?