third party temptations
Jill Stein works to shed her “anti-vacciner” problem. No, she isn’t so homeopathic. She just wants the homeopathic vote.
And, I suppose she would not have been assassinating Osama Bin Laden. The latter would be a defensible position — ideologically situated on “you can’t bomb away an ideology”, if not for the specific alternative she has here — “into custody”.  The repercussions of raiding Osama Bin Laden’s hidey hole and then putting him on trial.
Gary Johnson’s blanking on Allepo reveals the problem of Libertarianism, and the isolationist stance around the world. In his defense, no one in Allepo ever heard of Gary Johnson either, and I suppose there’s a decent chance most Americans are stumped, and only have the vaguest idea beyond “Syria. Troubles”. And maybe they shouldn’t have anything beyond that… because beyond accepting refugees —
So says Bill Mahrer, on the troubles of voting for Johnson…
But, let’s be honest. When casting your lot in with the third parties, some details will be left… not important.
I see the New York Times has an editorial published, back with the old “Vote Swap”game — you Nader supporter in a swing state? Get someone in a non-swing state to vote your guy so you can vote for their guy, Gore . Eh. A game suggested back in 2000 with Nader / Gore, except back then the Nader voters had a definite goal: to 5 percent, and a thing in common with the Gore voters: Gore is still preferable to Bush. This time around, the Trump problem is certain for both Johnson and Stein, but there may not be enough Jill Stein supporters and the Johnson supporters are less compatible to seeing Hillary as a lesser evil.
Unless they do, in which case they’d be voting Hillary anyways.
Gamely selling Johnson as someone who you should not vote for if you trend to Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. The current embarggalo with Clinton’s polling down-turn has a group of millennials entertaining third parties (Don’t remember the repercussions of Nader with Gore versus Bush, after all; and are passionate to shake the system) — and a group of Suburban Women shirking back to the Republican Party because Trump’s new advisors (probably Kellyway Conway as opposed to Steve Bannon) have finally gotten him to quit acting like a buffoon, and somehow the past can be washed away sometimes.
The third party candidate that’s likely going to come in third in the third party race — Evan McMullin (for anti-Trump Republicans who care about the repercussions of Johnson’s Allepo flub) — is not on the ballot in Florida, meaning — I suppose Clintonistas can’t swap their vote for McMullin’s — though… they can swap their vote for the Prohibition Party candidate for all this is getting us. Rick Scott and the two party duopoly putting a stop to such madness where they can…