
News Anchor accidentally reports on Hillary Clinton’s Death.

The emails of Colin Powell everyone cares about — “dicking bimbos“.

The Trump Poll Watching Army — which, I note, has been trumped up and recruited by Alex Jones.

Continuing adventures in Yale’s Student Sensitivity Culture.

Nuts and Bolts and why Hillary Clinton remains the favorite;  Trump’s ground game sucks.  (It’s what snuck Obama to victory 4 years ago.)

John Stossel on just why the lesbian taco problem on Seth Rogan’s food movie slides into the discussion on free speech problems.

Paul Krugman responding to the Trump — Putin concern.

Getting slapped with an arrest warrant for tagging an oil company’s equipment is possibly the most punk-rock move for a presidential candidate since Eugene Debs campaigned from prison a century ago—though not likely one to win many votes.



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