surprised Palin’s nowhere on the list
Okay. So here’s what’s making the rounds for Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate…
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Tennessee Senator Bob Corker.
Indiana Governor Mike Pence.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
I like that last one, because he’s been roughly the biggest cheer-leader among actual Republican sitting senators. I suppose the same can be said of Chris Christie– ignoring the body language — though the case is something of the matter that Jeff Session’s politics lie roughly where you’d expect a Republican from Alabama to lie. On the others: Bob Corker appears to want out of the Senate, so it looks like he tested the waters by praising a Trump foreign policy speech. And Mike Pence is odd, because Ted Cruz tried to align himself with Pence and Indiana and attack Trump regarding trans-gendered bathroom politics.
That leaves us with Newt Gingrich, who…
Okay. Trump / Gingrich 2016? Now you’re just trolling us.