the democratic field
Well la de freaking da. The Burlington “alt weeky” has compiled the Bernie Sanders material for all to see — and they’re worth a read to see the route taken by one of the more interesting politicians in this country —
And now as they follow the presidential campaign … and to Brooklyn to discover such great tidbits from the old neighborhood.
His eyebrows lifted when a reporter informed him that a candidate for president of the United States used to live in the building. Lopez said he’s never heard of Bernie Sanders, who declined to be interviewed for this story.
And we await to see if Martin O’Malley gets similar treatment in Baltimore.
Lincoln Chafee’s not getting the hometown attention, and has to suffice with fact-checking up on his metric claims.
In 1982, Reagan defunded and abolished the U.S. Metric Board, which was supposed to spearhead conversion. That signaled the beginning of the end for metric conversion, even though Reagan six years later signed an omnibus law that, tucked deep inside, contained a measure stipulating the metric system “be used, to the extent economically feasible, in Federal agency’s’ procurements, grants, and other business-related activities.â€
Reagan did talk about it, though.
Worth noting… maybe? The Democratic field consists of… three ex-Republicans and one ex- sort of still Socialist … and that one always Democrat. What’s it mean? Maybe not much.