Who can stop Hillary Clinton?
Looking over the list of Presidential stalwarts as found at wikipedia. To round out my assorted list of Hillary Clinton adversaries…
… “exploring” Jim Webb, Lincoln Chafee, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley
… Sort of thinking and being bandied about — Joe Biden, Jerry Brown
… Have said “no” but people want her that badly — Elizabeth Warren.
And actually running right now… apparently…
Jeff Boss, 9/11 Truther and perennial candidate from New Jersey[3][4]
Vermin Supreme, performance artist and perennial candidate from Massachusetts[5]
Robby Wells, Reform Party and Constitution Party presidential candidate in 2012 from North Carolina[6][7][8]
Of course they are…
In the “publicly expressed interest” category…
Paul Strauss, Shadow Senator from Washington, D.C. since 1997[38][39]
Well. There’s always Alvin Greene. And Jimmy McMillan. And… ?