Absent something remarkable, and unlike in 2007 going into 2008 I don’t think this bit of conventional wisdom is inorrect, I don’t see how Hillary Clinton can be stopped as the Democratic nominee. 8 years ago, there was enough of a wedge in the Democratic Elite and misgivings about Clinton to allow for Barack Obama to win the nomination, today they’ve all pretty well aligned with Clinton.
So who do we have touting the possibilities? Well la de da de da… LINCOLN CHAFFEE!!! What’s even more impressive… he’s disavowing his vote for the removal of Glass Steagall.
So now the face of the Stop Hillary Clinton improbability consists of… repeatedly disavowed as running but either speculated about ad naseum or courted by activists… Elizabeth Warren and Jerry Brown. And Bernie Sanders, Jim Webb, Lincoln Chaffee, and Martin O’Malley.
The Larouche Movement is going with Martin O’Malley, sidestepping the past two decades of steadfast support behind the Clinton Machine.
Dan Schmidt reporting.
The confused mumbling of what Martin O’Malley represents, lest you chunk the Larouche Movement and join the O’Malley Movement:
What is required is the creation of a Presidency, (re-phrasing what he was “attempting” at Obama’s inauguration with the “Institution”.) not a “President with followings.†Since we have, certainly, no President, and presently no Presidential candidate qualified to meet the challenges this crisis poses, we must set our intention to creating a Presidency around a candidate.
In that connection, O’Malley is the only one we know of who has the qualifications to head up a new Presidency—not a political party, but a Presidency, which will address the issues of a global water crisis.
He’s very Keplerian, you see…Â As they implement NAWAPA …
The solution exists. We are qualified to fill it out. Our mission is to create a Presidency around it.
Does this mean that Martin O’Malley can expect to be hounded by Larouchies wherever he goes? Or –? Wins over faint praise by way of comments on the other candidates running with the two major parties…
“You take a case like Rand Paul, this guy’s a Nazi! He’s a Killer! He’s the enemy of civilization!”
Webster Tarpley Jumps off the Hillary Clinton Bandwagon.
Hillary Clinton has announced her candidacy for President of the United States. While the European press showers her with praise without thinking, Webster G. Tarpley recalls her balance sheet: in all circumstances, she supported war and corporate interests.
Fair enough commentary so far, but I’m stuck at the following: this was true enough in 2008, when Tarpley was stirring about the “PUMA” and arguing some ridiculous notion of an electoral realignment that included Oklahoma in the Democratic column.
Hm... Pardon my ignorance but what is a “LaRouchie”?
Perhaps a better question would be “What is Google?”
ah I know what Google is, but you seem to feel strongly about LaRouche so I thought I’d get your perspective. As far as I know LaRouche is a band.
And a classic from Berkley Breathed introduction to a “Bloom County” collection wraps it all up.
Where are they now…
Then: A longtime resident of Selma, Amelia and her husband Samuel William Boynton began fighting for voting rights as far back as the 1930s. They worked closely with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, allowing students to use their home as a meeting place. Boynton is often considered the catalyst for the Selma march, telling Dr. King he needed to come to the area. On Bloody Sunday, Robinson marched alongside many others as state troopers descended upon them. An image of her beaten unconscious on the ground became one of the day’s lasting images.
Now: At 103 years old, Robinson still has a sharp mind though her mobility is limited. However, she did attend this year’s State of the Union, invited by U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Al.) Throughout the years, she’s gone to commemorative Bloody Sunday events and served as the vice chairman of the Schiller Institute, founded by Helga Zeppa LaRouche, the wife of controversial figure Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Yes. There she is in this photograph marching in memorial with a person that “controversial figure” Lyndon H Larouche Jr has believes is embarking on a Nazi Genocide project…. and all the rest.
So long as Obama remains in office, the danger of general war—including war of thermonuclear extinction—remains far too real to tolerate.
History’s Mysteries…
Illinois… “Biggest Mistakes” of Politics:Â Listen to his explanation of space and science here and you’ll understand why Stevenson was doomed when two LaRouche disciples landed on his ticket.).
Belitting some candidates running for local office in Chicago… Putting into the frame of reference of perenial candidates… next to Eugene McCarthy and apparently time has worn out Harold Stassen.
Cleon Skousen’s Five Thousand Year Leap? Really? That’s like plagiarizing Lyndon LaRouche. The choice of material to plagiarize is far worse than the act of plagiarism itself.
Free Speech. Gotta Love it. Over time, efforts to suppress speakers came from representatives of Canada, Japan and other governments. When a telephoned bomb threat disrupted a lecture by Congressman Paul Findley, a critic of Israel, we continued the presentation in a stairwell. When followers of radical Lyndon LaRouche tried to break up a meeting, they were escorted from the premises.
If you’re anything like us, you spent this weekend soaking in the finer points of life, knowing North Korea can defile the rest of our Western Capitalist Utopia at any time. We cracked open that 2009 Revana we bought in Napa. We went to the park and lived out the fantasy of stealing every person’s dog. We kissed life on the lips, let her smack us across our faces, and recoiled to proclaim “Worth it, and we’d do it again!â€
In the meantime, North Korea was probably changing Mike Seaver’s Wikipedia, setting up a PAC for Lyndon LaRouche, and hacking our browser histories. You know, inspiring revolution where there’s none to be had.
A little spin on a LaRouchie suggestion. Lyndon wanted to ban people who smoke pot from voting. For two years after they quit partaking of spliff.
Story Number Four: United By Tragedy, and... ?
Lyndon LaRouche said that the people of France have begun to fight. They have realized that they must change French policies, which is a revolution in itself. France is mounting a heroic struggle; Germany has not reached that point, but we hope it will. France’s reaction could break into a new revolutionary improvement in the French economy and the French nation. Take the French situation now, and look at other parts of Europe, such as Greece. A revolution is occurring in France.
No. Lyndon larouche still remains irrelevant to the situation at hand.
Story Number Five: Jon Stewart dissects Vladimir Putin‘s government and propaganda machine. Swarming about the mass we have this “ignore the log in our eyes for the dust mite in your eyes” malarky from William Jones to Russia TV.
And the beat moves on.
In push for openness on terrorism, Lynch unlikely hero of conspiracy theorists
Only 17 members have cosponsored the resolution proposed last December by Lynch and Representative Walter B. Jones of North Carolina, which calls for release on grounds that “the families of the victims and the people of the United States deserve answers about the events and circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001, attacks.†In the meantime, the quest is making for some strange bedfellows. Lynch has become a hero of sorts to conspiracy theorists who assert US government complicity in the worst terrorist attacks in American history. Some of them, according to Lynch, show up at his town hall meetings to ask about the secret pages and interrupt the events to discuss their multiple theories about what really happened on 9/11, including that Israel was to blame for the terrorist attacks. One of these groups is the political action committee headed by longtime activist Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche, the 92-year-old New Hampshire native whose anti-establishment movement has roots in the leftist activism of the 1960s, held a webcast last week about the issue (and for good measure called for the removal of the British monarchy and the impeachment of President Obama as the only way to save the world from imminent destruction)…. -Larouche historical destiny as a side show here.
Then there’s The recent world historical Schiller Conference in Manhattan …
With additional “Kremlinology” found here.
1. Nancy Spannaus has been tossed off the NEC (first time for her in 45 years or so, but of course husband Ed has been thrown off the NEC moire times than Lyn can count).
2. Tony Papert is now in charge of Editorial, sworn to make up Nancy’s deficiencies with his own very special gifts.
3. No word yet on how the staff of Editorial is taking this, although I can certainly guess.
4. Word is that Nancy’s monumental gaffe was not to cover Helga’s latest “initiative” with the unrestrained enthusiasm it deserved.
From the Conservative National Review blog…
Toward the end of today’s Impromptus, I have a note on Lyndon LaRouche and his followers. I saw a few of them (the followers) on the streets of New York the other day. Hadn’t seen them in ages.
Yeah. No reason to think about them after the “prosecution” / persecution. Now you’re more likely to sledge through the “persecution” of murderer Mumia Abu Jamal — who, incidentally has more people clamoring for his “Political Prisoner” angle than Larouche ever had.
Hm. This is the equivalent of Lyndon Larouche meeting with the President’s staff of France, Britain and Italy.
In the storyline they give, Larouche was in “talks” with Obama about the creation of an Institution. Fell through. They then announced Obama was Hitler.