Item number one:Â 2014 Prediction:
Lyndon Larouche will die. This will result in a pretty massive shake-up in the organization, where the bulk will decided to carry on while disassociating themselves from the publicly disreputable figure of Lyndon Larouche. Thus will be born the La Moose Movement.
Kesha Rogers will shock the political establishment by winning the Democratic nomination and than the general election for Texas governorship, (after making a last minute decision to switch races) drawing a coalition from equal parts Occupy Movement and Tea Party movement, and a contingency of Theodore Roosevelt enthusiasts.
She will immediately be considered possible presidential timber, as she wins mass public approval by following La Moosian principles. Eventually, Hillary Clinton — seeing her as her only threat for stopping her mad rush to the White House — will buy her out of running for office by agreeing to run on a program of Moon colonies and Glass Steagall.
The one possible blemish of Governor Rogers’s record will come when she corroborate and pushes the Obama Administration to implement a Waco style assault on a bizarre sectarian political cult in rural Texas, which had come to issue increasingly alarmist and assaultive Apocalyptic missives. The assault will be highly controversial, and will push the likes of radio host Alex Jones to issue a clarion for Americans to arm themselves and prepare for the Final Battle against the One World Government, but most Americans will decide the assault was a necessary, if sad, evil, and any political figure in Texas who tries to make political hay about the attack ends up coming across as shrill and catering to extremists.
Upon further review, the apocalyptic missives will turn out to just be re-hashings of old Larouche pronouncements.
See by brodrik94 » Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:53 amLyndon LaRouche has issued a pointed warning: The final collapse of the comprehensive worldwide monetary method is just months away, and the window is quickly closing on the final, greatest chance to avert a international plunge into a Dark Age that will make Europe?s plunge in the 14th Century look mild by comparison.
See amusingly…Â
1. There is no Weather Underground. They are defunct. Your comparison is like asking which is worse…The LaRouche Campaign (also defunct) or the Tea Party.
There will be no challenge to Hitlary from the middle as there is no middle any more. Any attack from the left will have to be so far out that they will look silly…like a LaRouche…though Bloomberg might register as a democrat for a run….
Item number two:Â JFK Assassination — the Freemason Connection, as exposed by the Larouche Movement.
The Super Crook of the Masons, now burried in a wall of the DC Mason Temple. It appears he started the KKK, and JFK was trying to put an end to KKK type problems in the South with Federal Troops sent into places.
Corrupt General Walker was fighting JFK on these matters, along with his corrupt Ala. Governor Wallace.
Even HL Hunt promoting George Wallace and Curtis LeMay about a week before JFK came to Dallas.
During the 1992 presidential campaign, Lyndon H. LaRouche and his vice presidential running mate, the Reverend James Bevel, launched a mobilization to remove the statue of General Albert Pike from Washington, D.C.’s Judiciary Square. On February 1, the campaign drew an angry attack from freemasonic leader C. Fred Kleinknecht, who attempted to defend both Pike and the Ku Klux Klan from LaRouche and Bevel’s attack.
This one comes back every so often.
Item number 3... And it is… Press TV.
West interruption of Africa, doctrine of genocide: L. Freeman
Otherwise don’t complain when a LaRouche PAC member is the only person posting usable information about the Volcker Rule. Top.
Harley Schlanger on the SGT Report. The debate this is sparking.
also agree with what he said about the fact that the American People have to be the ones to deal with Obama and bring him down. Any military take over would be a complete disaster. It would lead to a definite civil war, and huge loss of life. History is full of too many examples of why this is a bad idea. Our military is no longer our “Militaryâ€. We have a military industrial complex and a group of banksters controlling the military.
.A younger generation now carries the torch of anti-collectivism forward. It
was young acolytes of right-wing fanatic Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. who created
those Town Hall protest placard images of Obama morphed into a Hitler avatar
with a little extra mustache and hair. The irony here is that LaRouche is an
actual neofascist who has spent his career calling everyone he despises a
fascist. LaRouche has more pages of content on Wikipedia than most U.S.
Presidents; and fanatic fans spent years trying to keep the term “fascistâ€
off of LaRouche’s main entry.
Item number 4... factnet review of a laouche clip
The Larouche/Jason Ross video clip is simply astounding to watch.
Jason gives an impassioned 4 + minute intro about grain shortages for Larouche to enter and resolve for the universe. For the first next 40 or so seconds you will hear Larouche build up to mass death and chaos. In WTF moment, Larouche seems completely oblivious to whatever Jason was doing and now has to tame the Solar System. This is comedy gold with poor Jason and Grandpa Simpson er Larouche. The camera pans back and we see Jason sitting as Larouche looks down and at Jason .
Barbara Boyd’s corgi has more freedom than Jason Ross at this stage of his life.
I found that clip by accident after my local paper had a business section blurb about the record wheat harvest. I googled Larouche and food shortages and out of a bunch of choices, I clicked that one on. I really was looking for him to go off on food harvest shortfalls as he does every year.
Item number five... PO Tour
Dateline Canton In Canton, I twice accosted Lyndon LaRouche people outside of the post office after they shrieked some nonsense about Obama, and I told them they should be ashamed of themselves for having posters of the president doctored with a Hitler-like mustache. Freedom of speech is paramount—but so is human decency. Both times the young woman at the LaRouche table turned into a blubbering mess.
Dateline Venice
Venice Mayor John Holic said the group did not require city permission to demonstrate as long as it was not blocking the right of way. But because the LaRouche backers set up a table to gather signatures, a permit may have been required. Holic was checking with the city’s code officers.
The mayor said he did not condone how the group delivered its message.
“I was very much an activist myself in college,†he said. “But I think you can get your message across without disrespect. This is disrespecting not only the president, but also the office of the presidency of our nation. That kind of approach does nothing to help deal with the real issues we face.â€
[…] Jim Stalnaker, a supervisor of a Venice medical lab, also joined the cause.
“I’m against the policies of the current president,†Stalnaker said. “I think Obama is going to influence my job and my family’s health in a bad way. His executive orders are what I don’t like. He chooses to change or amend laws whenever he feels like it.â€
Dateline Bonifay
Signs with President Barack Obama’s image marked with a Hitler mustache and insisting on his impeachment garnered a lot of attention as representatives from LaRouche Political Action Committee positioned themselves on the corner of State Road 79 and State Road 90 on Dec. 11 to rally supporters in favor of their campaign to impeach the president.
“The Obama administration is supporting the most criminal institution in the world,†said Rick Lopez, Political Consultant with LaRouche PAC. “His agenda is to cripple America. His agenda must be stopped; he must be stopped.â€
Lopez said Bonifay was on of many stops on their nation-wide campaign.
Why is the comment section on the Nativity article disabled. I don’t know what is more stupid, his actions or his excuse. This clown should be fired
Dateline DC:
Ah, they’re just modeling the look they think we all should have.
I’ve had some contact with people like this. We use the same language, same words. But the meaning we attach to those words, and the assumptions that accompany the meanings, are quite alien to me . I’ve tried to understand, but I obviously have a mental defect that prevents that.
Dateline Seattle
I asked one of them “so, what’s up with the signs?” “We want to impeach Obama for being like Hitler”, the young man answered. That was rather obvious. But I figured they were saying the Obama Administration has totalitarian policies. So I asked “how is Obama totalitarian? Does he put big blimps up in the air with a picture of himself that say ‘Obama is watching you’? Does he put the same picture in public buildings and whenever you walk by, the eyes follow you?” More relevant to Hitler and the Nazi Party, is Obama trying to build a master race of half-Kenyans as part of a eugenics campaign? […]
I am not an Obama supporter (I voted for Jill Stein back in November, 2012). However, I still think it’s quite a stretch to compare Obama to Hitler. It sounds like the Hasty Generalization fallacy to me.
He was a socialist in the 1960’s. He’s more of some strange free market conspiracy theorist right wing weirdo type these days.
Larouche is no ?socialist?
“Lyndon B. LaRouche… the only man George Bush (H.W.) feared enough to put in prison!” :O
Lol, I bet some of those posters from 20 years ago are still plastered around town.
It’s bizzarro world stuff that I haven’t paid detailed attention to. Years ago I read one of his pamphlets on international finance and he absolutely mangled Rosa Luxemburg’s work into some weird propaganda against the British. I guess he’s extremely anti-British for some reason. Thinks they’re trying to recolonize America or something along those lines. Strange stuff.
Five Democrats have filed to run against him. In particular, Maxey Scherr is a lawyer in El Paso. She says that Cornyn is under Cruz control.
If you like Lyndon LaRouche you will want to vote for Keisha Rogers. Not my choice.
Even if the Democratic nominee does not win in November 2014, we can make Republicans spend more money defending Cornyn.
[new] Â Yeah, Keisha Rogers is a real JOKE (2+ / 0-)
You can definitely tell all Lyndon LaRouche supporters and candidates are cuckoo when they want to impeach President Obama and put a fascist label on him with a Hitler mustache. Â Seriously, they’re just giving ammunition to Alex Jones and his conspiracy show.
And it’s even more disgusting that this isn’t the first time a black candidate running for Congress, at least on the liberal end, would spew loads of B.S. Â I was living in San Francisco in the Richmond district back in Fall of 2010 and there were two supporters passing out literature on write-in Democratic Congressional candidate Summer Shields who oddly enough praised the Democrats for the Affordable Healthcare Act but still think Nancy Pelosi had to go. Â The campaign literature had Barack Obama’s face with a Hitler mustache and I took the literature and promptly threw it in the trash.
By the way, Summer Shields only ended up getting 24 votes. Â Yes, 24 votes in just San Francisco, which is Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional District. Â He may have been a write-in candidate but in San Francisco, if you’re a write-in candidate with Nancy Pelosi not retiring, there’s absolutely no chance in winning, PERIOD.
I never understand these LaRouche supporters.
teen-age groupies trying to clog internet sites and polls with our rock-star leader who is something of a Constitutional Lyndon LaRouche.
Daily Paul supports… kinda.
heard she was running, should be interesting. Imagine if she wins her primary, and Stockman or Stovall wins the GOP primary. Arguing about who wants to impeach Obama more.
And the public is… “doesn’t make sense to me.”
Item number 7Â What the Haters are saying
Storm FrontÂ
It greatly disappoints me that Larouche supports Gerry Adams and Nelson Mandela.
Laconics … on how the Jews were out to kill Truman.
Only thru LaRouche speeches/articles did I discover how widespread the Brass’ opposition to nuking was. & Time Mag archives show that
And… on Larouche support for Clinton.
Heh, no though I think she’ll get nomination & probably be elected. Hillary smart enough to know crooked ways of Jews/PTB but is super-ambitious & has at least a touch of psychopathy. She see Bill making train-loads of $$ & wants a piece of that pie. LaRouche, while not exactly defending Clintons, has said ~’they had potential but blew it’ ie Bill let himself get embroiled in Monica stuff & PTB used it to force him to end Glass-Steagall, the major disaster of late 20th C.
France. for a comedian on trial for anti-semitic hate speech.
LaRouche once mentioned, some 20 yrs ago IIRC, that France was one of the world’s most corrupt countries. I guess he was right, Jew .
Was reading a LaRouche article about history of Chinese philosophy ie humanist/orderly Confucians vs mystical anti-science Tao Humans are …
“Tomsupfrontnews” is always… complete and utter crap, but here, for the record, is how the Larouche backing of Nader by way of Fred Newman was a Larouchian plot to elect George W Bush.
Daily Paul reads the Larouche literature.
My favorite Commies! LaRouche people like Webster Tarpley whine when we call Obama a socialist. They call him a fascist.
True maybe, but they all seem to follow the Commie Manifesto.
Subscriber to the Newsletter! To me his grasp of history and his ability to link everything together, with his talent in explaining it in a relatively simple manner is impressive!  Uh huh. No one bites. (Puts up the Central Connecticut State video. Damned you Professor Mezvinsky for the invitation and validation.)
Interesting Question… Is there anything a hot woman can say that will make men not want to fuck her? (If that’s too objectionable, go ahead and mentally prettify it in whatever way you want.)
“I don’t know why more people don’t listen to Lyndon LaRouche”
Free Republic discusses
LaRouche? Seriously? How can they spare time from pursuing the Queen of England’s drug racketeering?
I never knew that hatemonger was active outside the United States.
That review, which I just read, uncovered something I didn’t know “Spengler” aka David P. Goldman was at one time a Larouchie.
Larouche is another worshiper of the exponential growth equation…just another follower of the just think positive ignore negative algorithm.
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on Monday, January 6th, 2014 at 12:39 pm and is filed under The LaRouche Challenge, Uncategorized.
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