

Ironically, Reason indicts Robert Taft and compares Ted Cruz to Joseph McCarthy.  But the “Grass was always greener back then” meme rings true nonetheless, even if… it gets a little complicated and we can bluntly say… the grass is in some ways browner right now.

Mississippi’s Republican Tea Party challenger against Thad Cochran spoke at Neo Confederate Conference.  Of course he did.

In response to a suggestion to bring freshness to the Simpsons by having them age:  Here’s a better idea:  Let the Simpsons die.

Ted Cruz’s father suggests his son was anoited to “Bring the End Times Transfer of Wealth”.  (Like a used car salesman schtik here.)

How Obama and Reid mended their frail relationship to prep for the Budget Showdown.

History on the Midcare Part D roll out of the Bush Administration.

The Daily Paul muses about the nuking of South Carolina by Team Obama.

Who is Dennis Linthicum?

NRA Calls For Teachers To Keep Loaded Gun Pointed At Class For Entire School Day.

Clash of the Titans!  Pete Sessions!  Barack Obama!  Insults!  Stupidity!  Who cares?

LA Times quits printing / posting letters of climate denial.

The story of the woman who sued McDonalds and that big coffee scandal, and the creation of popular myth.

 What’s weird about America?

Wikipedia rotting.

New York Times frets for 70 years on “The New Isolationism“.




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