
MSNBC mixes up Tom Foley and Mark Foley.  We’ve been here before.

Neil Gaiman posts the half page that got his book kicked out of a Nevada high school.

How Dick Cheney thwarted a possible assassination.

A lot of websites are tracking this guy’s dailykos posting of Rising Premiums as a “Even Dailykos is turning on Obamacare” 

Healthcare flubs: the Feds suck; the states are okay — when interested.

Behold!  A vintage Basil Wolverton comic book story!

An interview with Alan Grayson.

The Republicans: Just following the political battle cry of Thoreau.

OJ Didn’t Do It.  Real killer turns out to be … Jason Simpson?

The Upside of the Post American World.

19 Kids and Counting stars campaign for Cuccinelli in Virginia… and… Why?

Moveon dot Org embarrasses itself with Sedition Petition.




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