history lessons from a zits comic strip


Reading this edition of the comic strip “Zits”…
zitsjamesbuchanan  Yes, it’s another one of those “visual representation of a figure of speech” strips that this cartoonist (Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman) does with regularity.  Its chief virtue is that it is not a “talking heads” gag — and shows off the the form of the strip.  Its chief defect is a sort of “yeah, whatever” to the joke itself.

I do find the sentence that Jeremy is reading kind of interesting.  “Incoming Republicans lead a congressional move that forced James Buchanan to”…

Details on congressional movements during the James Buchanan Administration leading up to the Secessionist Crisis and the Civil War are sketchy to me.  Certainly a good amount of gridlock after the 1858 midterm brought the Republican Party into power, though it was nothing like the chaos that ripped about the Franklin Pierce Administration.

Urm… the historical legacy of James Buchanan was one of inaction — he’s considered the worst president because he let the Secessionists at the end of his term take off and begin… seceding.  I’m just wondering what the nascent Republican Party forced him to do.

Can I get the conclusion to that sentence?  If nothing else, it might give some suggestions for the current Obama Administration.

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