Archive for March, 2013

The next Star Thingy movie

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

(Blink)  Er… Obama Administration

This is a phenomom of “Sure, why the hell not?  It’s what people are talking about”.  (We may be at that point in political discourse when the only way we can get substantial parts of the electorate to gravitate to a point is by throwing out pop culture references willy nilly.)

And like John Boehner has anything better up his sleeve.

And Obama goes forth despite the factoid that Star Trek is not Star Wars and

During his news conference Friday, Obama said some people unfairly expected him to be able to force Republicans to accept his terms. “Even though most people agree… I’m presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don’t take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these folks and convince them to do what’s right,” he said.
That phrase “Jedi mind meld,”which he uttered during extemporaneous (read: no prompter or script) remarks during the question-and-answer portion of the newser, appears to combine elements from two distinct sci-fi worlds.

The worlds converge, though…  It doesn’t take too long to point out that the director for the next Star Wars and the next Star Trek movie are the same guy.


another one of those “raging against the machine” candidates

Friday, March 1st, 2013

All right.  The Chicago special election has settled who the next Democratic member in a corrupt one party district… the resigned corrupt congress critter’s crimes if they had been on a smaller scale just might be accetpable in the “We’ve done worse” manner.

And the Republican slated to lose the race.

McKinley, a convicted felon who served nearly 20 years in state prison for burglaries, armed robberies and aggravated battery, declared victory. Wallace, however, was not willing to concede, and he called the prospect of McKinley representing the GOP “an embarrassment.”
McKinley is a frequent protester in Chicago with nearly a dozen arrests to prove it. His campaign mantra has been to rage against the machine. During candidate forums, McKinley has given passionate speeches blaming all of the district’s woes on the long rule of the Democratic Party machine on the South Side and in the south suburbs.
“I was the only one in this party making the effort to rattle the saber against the machine,” said McKinley, who would square off against Democrat Robin Kelly in the April 9 special election in a district that is overwhelmingly Democratic. “I think that’s what resonated.

The band Rage Against the Machine was not available for comment.

One basic problem.

Wallace expressed disappointment in the turnout, especially the low number of votes cast in Will and Kankakee counties, where he said many Republicans chose to cross over and vote in the Democratic primary to support Debbie Halvorson, who had opposed the president’s proposed assault weapons ban.

I suppose the NRA still has a candidate in the race.

Political protests.  From the description of him, I get the feeling that if I look him up at on youtube I’ll see a youtube stream composed of him just yelling into a bullhorn at aldermen… both sense and nonsense.