Archive for September, 2012

Rachel Brown vote percentage slashed by 66 percent from 2010 to 2012

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012



The debate analysis.  We are getting debate analysis from Michael Goldman, a democratic political consultant.
Kennedy is the runaway frontrunner in this race and he held his own in his first televised debate.
“There was no reason to vote against Kennedy before the debate for most democratic primary voters and there wasn’t a reason to vote against him after the debate so basically it was a wash for him,” says Goldman.

And yet the conditions were ideal for an upset… or something amounting to a “Moral Victory”.  Low voter turn out and all that.  A somewhat unusual date for voting.  Thursday?

“We really want to emphasize that it takes place on Thursday, not Tuesday,” said Town Clerk Marianne Staples.
Staples said she expects voter turnout to be at about 20 percent.
“Historically with the primaries there is a lower turnout. I’d like to see better than 20 percent but there is little competition on the ballot,” Staples said.

So Rachel Brown makes her pitch.

This is a Hitler policy, and must be repealed immediately  Another stimulus package would add to the hyperinflation  This crisis is too big to be solved by cutting, or taxing!

Rachel Brown:  “The issues facing the country now are thermonuclear war and hyperinflation, both of which are imminent if Obama is re-elected. The only reason we haven’t passed Glass-Steagall, which is the only way to stop the bailouts causing hyperinflation, and the threat of war behind it, is because of resistance from British-run Obama,” Brown said in statement.
Brown also proposes investing in space and science research, including the North American Water and Power Alliance water project, which she said would solve the water crisis and create 6 million productive jobs, and provide full funding for NASA.

And OOOO.  Howie G BURNS Kennedy.
BUT NOT AS BADLY AS THIS COMMENTER… AND  A Kennedy liberal versus a LaRouche conservative. Should be real old fashioned intelligent exchange of ideas and solutions. LOL

And so we have the results…

John Fitzgerald Kennedy… 36388… 90.1 percent
Rachel Brown …  2611… 6.5 percent
Herb Robinson … 1368… 3.4 percent

Delving into more local results to see where Brown County lies, Robinson County lies, and etc within this district.

Localized Dover results  On the Democratic side, Joe Kennedy III bested Rachel Brown and Herb Robinson; the totals there were 249 for Kennedy, 13 for Brown, 11 for Robinson, with 11 blanks.
According to the unofficial results supplied by Town Clerk Danielle Sicard, Kennedy walked away with 455 votes against fellow democrats Rachel Brown who earned 41 and Herb Robinson who garnered 10.
In Needham, Kennedy won the Democratic nomination with 2,118 votes, easily beating opponents Rachel Brown (110) and Herb Robinson (86).

Analysis.  Although she was trounced in yesterday’s Democratic primary, the fact remains that 180 Newton voters thought it was a good idea to vote for Rachel Brown yesterday.  I personally find that unsettling.

To bring you off the ledge:  Rachel Brown got less than 3% of the primary vote. Statistically speaking, if you put a dining room table on the ballot it would’ve gotten more votes — probably a lot more votes.
I guess it may be significant Brown beat Herb Robinson, even as Robinson had more resources at the ready.
Huffington Post picks up on the latest Kesha Rogers news.  In such a politically polarized country, the Texas-22 race could have national implications. Hinojosa said the Democrats had a real chance of picking up that seat in the district if KP George, Rogers’ main Democratic opponent, won the primary.
Oh, who are you fooling?
Rogers said she wasn’t worried about not being invited to the party’s national convention. “I have no reason to be in Charlotte when the American people are suffering and they need leadership,” she said.

Where did the whole “Find a Replacement for Obama at the nomination” thing go?  Did that just fall by the wayside with fewer resources and a too old Larouche to badger the delegates with?  See Howie G:  Time to get the man in the mirror to do something.  There won’t be much of an environment after a thermonuclear war.  Time to get Obama out, preferably before the Democratic convention. Don’t be an opportunistic turncoat like Hilary Clinton, fight now.  Well, that whole promised for crusade turned out to be a dud.
“Right now my concern is for the prospects of the nation surviving,” she said. “If Obama commits thermonuclear war, I won’t have to worry about November and neither will you.”
That’s a relief!  Must be referring to the latest?
In a tight,stark presentation of a mere 35 minutes, Lyndon LaRouche PAC’s latest video documentary, “Unsurvivable” presents the horror of the thermonuclear war Obama is leading the worldAnd here it is.  Starts with a nuclear blast.  Not just any nuclear blast … a Thermonuclear blast.

And with that…  Brains and Eggs endorses Don Cook as the closest thing to a Democrat running in the Texas 22nd Congressional District.

Interestingly, Kesha Rogers’s online campaign calendar had No campaign events listed through August.  And nothing yet for September.  I know she was out there lending some musical accompaniment to the Rachel Brown campaign, but otherwise her staff of 12 aren’t bothering to publicize her appearances on her campaign website.

Into the Huffington Post comments section… a larouchie chimes in with, Point:  :  Ms. Rogers says she would not caucus with either party. Caucusing and making a difference are two different things. Ms. Rogers will make a difference, and is already making a difference, as exemplified by her leadership on many issues, all of which are laid out on her web site and campaign literature.   Uh huh.  Counterpoint:  How will she make a difference? By running a campaign based on the plot of the films Men In Black and Independence Day?
The best of the “She so crazy” comments:  Didn’t think there was anyone crazier than Cynthia McKinney and Michelle Bachmann….but here you go… ’cause it’s bipartisan.  Beyond that there’s some confusion that spill about.  She hasn’t been elected to anything, unless you count onto the ballot in November.


Former candidate for NJ’s 5th district, LaRouche Democrat Diane Sare intervened into a town hall meeting in Clifton, NJ hosted by Congressman Bill Pascrell Wednesday night.
That Reform Party guy in tow?

Meanwhile Diane Sare finds herself increasingly bitter at the American people.
The Enemy is not Syria or Iran, but the Stupidity and Corruption of the Person Facing you in the Mirror
Which I guess follows her leader’s comments.
In remarks to associates Lyndon LaRouche took on the real crisis inside the United States, that of the cowardice of the American people.
And on we go back to this…
The following is a statement released by former congressional candidate, Diane Sare, NJ-5
Lyndon LaRouche has given you many opportunities to wise up. He warned that Richard Nixon was going to take down the Bretton Woods System, which he did on August 15, 1971

and yet he was a (marxist) supporter of Nixon against the Kennedy clique that was working to bring him down over a bogus Watergate….

I know Larouchies took over the New Jersey Reform Party… kinda… or, a Larouche sympathizer was kicked out of the party is a better way to put it… this is amusing, but probably not right:  My guess is that Occupy has been pretty much taken over by the LaRouchies and anarchists…let the head busting begin. Looks like you’ll get your dream team of Willard the Rat Man/Eddie Munster after all. Woo-hoo.  I think I can dredge up negative comments from official Larouche publications on Occupy, after trying to float into it.  And Anarchists were always a big part of Occupy.


A headline in today’s larouche outlets.  LaRouche’s 90th Birthday Marked By Variety of Prominent Russians  Congratulations to Lyndon LaRouche on his 90th birthday continued to be published online in the Russian-language section of the Internet today, the day of LaRouche’s jubilee. Among the highlights was Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine leader Natalia Vitrenko’s greeting letter, published on the PSPU website
Actually this reads pretty well identical to the annual birthday messages on the website of the Korean Central News Agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the recently deceased dictator of North Korea — a tradition I assume with the new guy.  

And so we get further messages along the lines of …. This year is the year of LaRouche.

The SGT Report commenters are being won over, I suppose.  Used to be there were comments along the lines of “WTF are you posting this Larouche crap?”  I don’t see it for this Alex Jones interview linking.
We have the further consolidation into the Ron Paul fan realm with this bunch of comments to a Harley Schlanger interview.
The GOP is officially a corrupt and lying entity, and presented their true colors by slamming Ron Paul. The democratic party went down the commode long ago. Seems LaRouche may be our last chance.
It makes sense selling the Arrest of Geithner and Paulson to this crowd, but NAWAPA will limit one … which I guess is the point.  It’s like Liberal fans of Ron Paul who can entertain his foreign policy and civil liberties positioning and drug policy, and not have to sucker into Austrian and Ayn Rand economics.

And about that interview… The highly acclaimed and recognized historian and former Presidential candidate, Lyndon LaRouche  completed a stunning interview with Alex Jones on what Americans should prepare for if President Barrack Obama is reelected for a 2nd term.LaRouche will truly make you think about Obama back into office again!Even the conservative Hollywood actor Clint Eastwood just released comments to the media that the GREATEST HOAX TO BE PERPETRATED UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE is PRESIDENT OBAMA! – EFG-BN
Y’know.  In the past I’ve always flooded over to the comments of the various links at Jones’s prisonplanet and infowars.  I don’t have it in me right now.
Ah, here’s the good stuff.  Over at … Silver fans.  Not as universally enthralled as SGT Report… yet.
Our friend Sean from has released another excellent interview with LPAC spokesman Harley Schlanger.
LOL Larouchepac.
I have tremendous respect for the analysis of LaRouche model. I am unaware of the issues behind the apparent “bad blood” that some people have for LaRouche. I prefer to focus on the excellent concepts that he has discovered.
The Liberty Movement is steered and funded by….   Give me a break –

And Godlikeproductions gets us the declaration of  “Bullshit” — dated June 21, 2012 a bad prediction… which, you know… this facebook page shows we can Entertain ourselves with the perpetual prediction.

Lunatic Outpost asks the question.  Listen to this, days before the foiled assassination!  I think larouche is right but I’m hoping he’s not provocateuring something.  This guy uses rhetoric to persuade people. Fathead, making generalized statements like ‘the gutless American people’ should take down Obama and if they don’t they’re the enemy, but in no way does he explain how these American people should do it. Yeah, yeah, the people are responsible. They just need to get more serious. Yeah, yeah. We’ve seen how well that goes. Solidarity, blah, blah. Just another mouthpiece.

Or, more favorably…   They need cooperation from the press to get any attention to the issues.. perhaps the 2016 movie will kick start that...
 That’s the D’Souza film which… advances some of the thoughts of David Goldman, actually.

In other items … Tarpley seems to get this wrong.  From Factnet, “Fightapathy” points out:  In the latest WORLD CRISIS RADIO ( around 56:00, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley digs into LaRouche for running a campaign ad for Mitt Romney!
Tarpley claims Leandra Bernstein’s LPAC production “Unsurvivable” is fantastic [only] in that it pins potential thermonuclear holocaust exclusively on Obama, with no mention of Romney whatsoever. Therefore, LaRouche supports Romney, and “IS THAT WISE?”

Hm.  It may be around the realm of the Conspiratorial that the Elites are just dumping a candidate slated to lose, which I think was Tarpley and the Larouchies in 1988 on Dukakis… which would hold that Romney is essentially a non-entity put in place to lose the election.    But there’s … comments like this one…
Neither of the current candidates represents the human race, and we have to have one that does, LaRouche said. This has become especially urgent, since the human race is now on Mars!
Wait.  Humans are on Mars?
This showdown could occur within WEEKS! Are you still talking about the elections, the elections in NOVEMBER?
The Democratic Platform Committee Hearings held recently in Detroit exemplified the type of sophistical arguments people make to themselves about why they don’t have to take necessary action. Although the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act is probably supported by about 80% of the population, and even Sandy Weill is now promoting it, Newark, NJ Mayor Cory Booker, and other sniveling traitors to the human race, were able to prevent its addition to the platform on grounds that, “There’s already a bill in the Congress, and that is LaRouche’s fight, anyway.”
In other appearances around the globe.
Lawrence Freeman talks on Russia Today about the Conventions
AS WELL… again on Russia TV:
Lawrence Freeman from Executive Intelligence Review Magazine agrees that the US is searching for a pretext to intervene in Syria.
“What is being said now is exactly what we saw with the scenario leading up to the Iraq war. We saw the same thing in Libya,” he told RT. “The idea that we should move 50-60,000 troops into Syria to protect chemical weapons is a pretext for overthrowing the government.”
Hm.   Still waiting for Larouche’s return to Russia Today.  After that one hilarious instance in 2008.  (He did get on one time afterward.)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, American author and historian from Washington, to further discuss the issue at hand.
He is joined by Middle East expert Huseyin Bagci from Ankara and Lawrence Freeman, with the Executive Intelligence Review from Baltimore, on Press TV’s News Analysis program.

Wait.  Tarpley.  Joined by Freeman.  Could they at least please mention that Tarpley used to work with Freeman at the same outlet at EIR?

Bill Jones on Press TV: “Stop and Frisk Anti-constitutional“.
Edward Spannaus on Press TV castigates Obama for use of War Sports metaphors.  I’m sure that’s beyond what Ahmajinedad would use rhetorically.
Harley Schlanger on Dr. Deagel Show.  August 29th.
Nancy Spannaus on the Dane Burley Show:  Tonight Nancy Spacious financial analysis journalist and member of the editorial management OF the Lyndon LaRouche party will discuss the real issue of Tue collapse economy and how the united states is on the brink of war within the middleWill this new election service as a promise to over come this nations woes or is it just another well played game in politics to cover up the issue of earmarks mis spending and hidden agendas out of the reach of the publics eyes call in let’s talk real politics and if you are seeing the collapse hitting your state.

Howie G Pushes a Zavtra interview of Larouche.  Wow.  Larouche made Zavtra?  That’s big and stuff.  They watching Unsurvivable closely to see how our American Democratic Republic ends with the Larouchies successfully petitioning to cancel all elections and their overlings be put in charge to sort everything out with NAWAPA and Glass Steagall?

Historical notes.
I may as well note that the David P Goldman wikipedia page (Which had once been essentially written by one David P Goldman)  has been rolled down to stub level.     Anti-cult PJ Media focuses attention on the David Goldman confessional.  Interesting
Gnostic Cult, eh?

 In regard to the great battle of Freemasonic Cubism vs. Gnostic Spherical Fullness, I am stuck in the middle.  This article does not endorse an affiliation with either school of thought.

A new page at Larouche Planet shows he worked with a Satanist in the 1970s…  Ironic, as so many of his battles through the 1980s and early 1990s — say the Franklin Cover-up — concerned alleged Satanism.  Actually, they’re always battling Satan, aren’t they?

Here’s the crux of Jehovah’s Witness support.
And interestingly, even though the collapse of the USSR supposedly took intelligence agencies by surprise, LaRouche forecasted the event a few years before it occurred.
Do you know any disgusting thing in God’s sight? Do you know an Organization who declare themselves righteous before men?? High places of the Ba′al [earthly kings] ?

And what you get when you read old Larouche stuff.  These papers are fascinating, in a car-crash sort of way, much like a political intelligence letter from the LaRouchies.  Zaid Hamid

Accordian Restoration  So it looks like I have about 150 accordions now that I have most of them  put in the same place. Right now restoring a 1920’s era Scandalli 2/5 60  bass and worked on the bass machine many hours and just about decided to put  double springs on all the bass note valves.    So this  Scandalli will have 60 basses, more than the 36 basses of the Michelangelo,  and 34 keys all the way up to E, and I should be able to adapt it to play  the things I am planning to record on youtube. I just discovered, when I got  around to doing the reeds, that is is tuned to A 435. Oh well, I read a long  article by Lyndon LaRouche of all people, who said that the old A435  standard made things easier to sing.

This looks like comedy.
The blogosphere is ringing with increasingly frenzied reports of a planned invasion of Lubbock, Texas, by U.N. troops, led by the President himself on a white (! O, the irony!) charger. […]
Our research staff has further discovered that the whole plot was hatched as part of the Riemann Conspiracy;  details available to our paying customers only.
For the inside scoop, enter your password, your passcode, and the even digits of your Social Security Number, and send us five hundred dollars in small-denomination nonconsecutive unmarked bills (ten-percent discount for readers of the Executive Intelligence Review);  then click here:

Dateline Foxborough
Ian A. Brinkley was then arrested after allegedly not following police orders and failing to leave the area outside Bank of America, according to police reports. In addition to the trespassing and disorderly conduct charges, Brinkley was charged with unlawful wiretapping after police discovered he was allegedly using a recording device outside the bank to record people without their knowledge or consent, according to police reports.

Poll of polls.

CRAP. Zero Waffle Factor.
To hell with this batshit buffoon and his followers.
connor wrote:  The LaRoucheys are fucking magnetsHow do they work?
A long time ago, south of Pittsburgh (rt. 51 near Overbrook, for those of you who know the area), someone sprayed this on a railroad trestle:
Free LaRouche
Kill Satan
Sometime after that, some inspired soul amended it to readThings to do today:
1. Buy milk
2. Free LaRouche
3. Kill Satan
Anyway, LaRouche: crap.
These guys have a small but noticeable presence here every time an election rolls around, and they get the Monster Raving Looney Party treatment from the media – probably because they’re easier to poke fun at than the neo-nazi party that crawl out of the woodwork every four years. Their last manifesto was the Glass-Steigal(sp?) thing (which few Danes have an inkling of and even less care about), and the solution to the Danish economic crisis? A high speed train link across the Kattegat to Sweden that uses the electromagnetic floating train system something something something
They must have some resources though, the last two elections there were a surprising amount of posters and pamplets going around. Not fringe party level at all. Maybe they believe that a very small group of dedicated people with crazy ideas and access to large amounts of cash can change the world?
In any event their politics are a load of cobblers, but they do provide a bit of comic relief when it’s necessary, so crap with chuckles.
BUT… No, the situation in this nation is not bad enough that I would ever seriously consider voting for Lyndon LaRouche.
Dateline PhilaWhat is happening? You don’t need to know much about the political activist, Lyndon LaRouche, to understand the photograph’s statement.  But to ease and shorten the discussion, it may help to know that many people feel that LaRouche and his opinions are extreme and kooky.  And yes, he and his supporters truly believe that President is leading us to Nuclear War.  That leads us more quickly to the point of the photograph:  Here we have a rabid supporter handing out pamphlets, yet his efforts seem to be for naught.  The girl’s passive expression indicates where she stands, or at least where she doesn’t stand.  She has no interest in what has been offered, and she is clearly passive. She actually seems to be ignoring him.  This photo is therefore a bit of a comment about the LaRouche movement: No one seems be taking LaRouche or his supporters very seriously.So that’s the tale, so let’s get into that editing aspect.  The truth is that Dominic took two photos of the LaRouche supporter.  I haven’t seen the other, but he describes in briefly in response to a comment over at Flickr.  Allegedly, the other photograph features the girl looking at the supporter, possibly showing some interest – at least in the still frame.  Both photos tell different stories.  One – which is featured here – tells the story of the ignored supporter.  The other would imply that the LaRouche movement is stirring up attention.  Which to choose depends on the story that Dominic wanted to tell, and that answer comes in his very curt comment in the photo description:  “Apparently, our current president is threatening thermo-nuclear war. Not sure I agree …”  From Dominic’s perspective, the choice is a bit of a no-brainer.  But of course that requires Dominic – the editor, not the photographer – to pay attention to the small details that sway the story one way or the other.  Photojournalism is biased, don’t ever let anyone lead you to believe otherwise.  But this is the power behind photojournalism, and that’s why it is so important.  An image like this can sway opinions and stir up emotion.  Then again, isn’t that the point?Dateline Bay Terrace
A pair of political action pals rallying to impeach President Barack Obama fought a protest of their own when they said an irate middle-aged man pushed them and ripped down their posters.
“I was scared. The guy was just violent and crazy,” said Margaret Greenspan of the tri-state LaRouche Political Action Committee. “I’m used to people who don’t like us, but people who attack us and rip our signs down are not usual. We set up and people try to scare us like that. We have the right to be here.” […]

“He said, ‘How dare you put a mustache on Obama in front of a synagogue,’” said Greenspan, 61, of New Jersey, who pointed to the Benenson Family Chabad Community Center directly across the street.
But when Greenspan said she whipped out her phone to call the cops, the man fled, “taking off like a bat out of hell.”
“We were shouting at him to leave us alone. We told him he should be ashamed of himself,” said Burke, 26, of New Jersey.

Dateline Nashua
Set up near Buckingham Place, a veterans housing facility, they posted signs featuring Obama with a Hitler-style mustache. That didn’t sit well with Cleaven Ferguson, a Merrimack resident and Air Force veteran of the Vietnam War, who reached out to The Telegraph because he was offended.
“We fought the Nazis because of Hitler’s policies,” he said. “I’m not going to be silent about this right now. I sacrificed and other guys sacrificed for this kind of foolishness? I’m not going to duck right now. This is war right now if this is the respect the president of the United States gets from people.”
Yule said the image of Obama-as-Hitler is the easiest way to show people that Obama is as much a fascist as Hitler.
“The truth hurts,” he said. “It’s the quickest, simplest metaphorical way to say outright he is a fascist.”
The group was seeking donations and handing out literature about what they say are the policies of the Obama administration that are pushing the United States and the rest of the world toward “the very brink of thermonuclear conflict and potential extinction.”

I am ashamed and embarrassed that it takes a man from Massachusetts to post an Obama as Hitler sign, Come on N.H. we can do better than that! Show your disdain for this lying, failed, illegitimate president.
Roger Ogden:   The Founder of the Black Nationalist movement actually mandated that black groups should emulate white supremacist groups, such as the KKK and later the Nazi Party. He wrote that someday blacks would produce their own “Hitler.” More info here:
Scott Dichard:  Roger, who gives a shyte? Crawl back in your bunker and put on your tinfoil hat. The Flat Earth Society meets every Thursday at the loony-bin, and you just missed roll call.
Roger Ogden:   It’s a just matter of history. I know it is difficult for simple people, who have been brainwashed, to grasp. Black nationalist identity religions are similar to white nationalist identity religions. Black Liberation Theology, as even the name indicates, is a black nationalist identity religion, a form of Black Nazism.
Scott Dichard:   And President Bush was a shape-shifting reptilian alien from the planet Zmorph. What has any of this got to do with reelecting the best President since Clinton?

Dateline DC
My husband jokes about putting a LaRouche sign in the yard to see how the neighbors would react.
Friend of mine threatens to sign me up as a LaRouche “volunteer” when I piss him off. Apparently, once you’re on their list, you never get off it.

The difference against Ron Paul.
Paul knows when he’s funny; LaRouche doesn’t know when he’s funny.   There are plenty of Paul supporters on Y/A; LaRouche doesn’t have any of his cult members on here.  I wouldn’t want LaRouche to know who I am; with Paul it doesn’t matter.  LaRouche is more of a social conservative than Ron Paul.
RNC Convetion 2012 twit feed  Ron Paul people are just slightly less insane Larouchies.

Actually this is one of those odd “Neo-Conservative factoids”, which works to scrub some common mis-apprehensions.  (We keep hearing of this rabid Trotskyite influence.)
 Still, of the CCNY group, there were only ever four Trotskyists who transitioned into Neoconservatives: Irving Kristol, the sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset (author ofPolitical Man, published 1960), Kristol’s wife Gertrude Himmelfarb, and the political scientist Martin Diamond, who would meet to lunch in Alcove 2 of the CCNY’s cafeteria. Hysterical claims by libertarian reactionaries like Ron Paul that the Bush administration was being run by closet-Trotskyists reveal a hatred of real history (see also Congressman Paul’s reactionary denunciations of the American Civil War), not to mention a paranoid mind-set (see also Congressman Paul’s flirtation with LaRouchies and 9/11 conspiracy-mongers).
… Actually the latter is accurate enough, the former I believe is just Harley Schlanger’s sales pitch — the “If Ron Paul and Larouche could join at the hip they would be unstoppable” dynamic that’s flowing on his forays into various conspiratorial radio and blogspots.

Updates on Senate candidates you’re not paying any attention to

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Well, let’s roll through those “Sacrificial Lamb” Senate challenger list.

Dateline Tennessee.  The Most Embarrassing Candidate of the 2012 election cycle.  Here’s your Mark Clayton update.  And depressing as Hell.  Because… the… Tea Party is focusing all of itself on fiscal discipline?

Mark Clayton, the disavowed Democratic Senate nominee, might be unpopular with his own party’s leaders, but he beats the hell out of Bob Corker with tea partiers. This week, Clayton lost to independent Shaun Crowell but thumped the incumbent Corker in a straw poll of the Humphreys County Tea Party. The vote was Crowell 60, Clayton 7 and Corker only 1. […]

Clayton gave a little speech to the tea party before the straw poll, scoring points when he ranted against the homosexual menace but losing support when he waffled on whether he might vote for President Obama. That’s Pangle’s analysis of the results anyway.

In other Mark Clayton news, he appeared on Janet Mefferd’s Christian Right radio show this afternoon. Mefferd, who is virulently anti-gay, likened Clayton’s situation to that of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin—each has been ostracized by his party for courageously sticking up for crazy right wing things. The only difference, according to Mefferd, is that the media isn’t paying much attention to the plight of Clayton.

The state party is tripping into some rough waters with this one.

Apparently in an attempt to show Democrats are moving forward, as Forrester claims, one Executive Committee member, Cleveland lawyer Jim Bilbo, has been asked to develop proposals to change the party’s bylaws to prevent a nutty fringe candidate from ever again topping the ticket.

Under this plan, the party would try to strike wack jobs from the ballot ahead of time. The difficulty lies in trying to distinguish lunatics from ordinary Democrats. Even Bilbo concedes it’s basically an impossible task.

“We’re in the process of trying to come up with a way to vet candidates and see if they are bona fide Democrats,” Bilbo said.

“Part of that process is coming up with a definition of what is a bona fide Democrat and, you know, it’s not that easy to do.
“Frankly, we have members of the Democratic Party who are members for just a wide variety of reasons. I count myself as an example of that. I’m an evangelical Christian, belong to a Pentecostal church and have been actively involved in my church virtually all of my life. I’m very much pro-life, believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. I own guns and nobody’s going to take them away from me, and I believe we pay too much in taxes, and I believe that government is too big and too intrusive in our lives. But there are other reasons that I’m a Democrat. So our task will be to try to come up with some kind of objectivity.”

It’s the South.  The party is going to consist of a lot of people who Democrats nationally wouldn’t really recognize as Democrats.  Sitting unevenly with people who might well be quasi-Socialists.
No.  The vetting process to weed out your Mark Clayton has to be to prop up the two candidates who were reasonably Democratic.

Onto another race.  Albert Gore Jr in Mississippi gets his CNN profile.

He says he tossed his green beret into the ring when “no one else would step up.”
“I promised the party last year that if no one stepped up, I would,” he said. “I’m not one to sit around and wait for someone else to do it.”

I counted a couple candidates, on paper looking no better and no worse than Albert Gore, Jr.  All I can say is … I hope this old man is making an effort to go across the state, get before audiences and media, and uphold the banner of the Democratic Party.  (Policy wise he appears to be where I’d want him to be.)

A bit more competitive, though The Democratic Party is probably fooling if they expect they will win it, Arizona, and this article in The Atlantic goes a ways toward explaining the sometimes crude identity politics gambit with the Richard Carmona run.

One former Democratic congressional staffer was blunt about what he sees as his party’s inept outreach to Latinos here, calling the president’s drafting of Carmona a “ham-fisted move.” “They speak Spanish in Mexico, they speak Spanish in Puerto Rico. Really?” he asked incredulously. […]
Carmona’s most enthusiastic fan base is not even Latino. The week after I saw the canvassers in Maryvale, I stopped in at a gated community called Hidden Paradise, 25 miles and many tax brackets away, where Carmona was making his pitch to a group of wealthy white donors who called themselves Women for Carmona.  […]  “My name is Richard Henry. Some of my family wanted me to be Ricardo Enrique,” he went on. “But my mom later told me, ‘I named you Richard because you’re going to be a leader.’ ” “Smart woman,” someone murmured appreciatively.

Har de har har.

Looking over the stats page and searches, I bring some interesting items.

“chestnut” and “senate” and “wyoming” and “facebook”
Nobody told me this, but the Wyoming Primary has been held.  Last week of August, apparently.   Final results.

Republican U.S. Senate Race:
John Barasso (winner) 90%
Thomas Bleming 6%
Emmett Mavy 4%

Democratic U.S. Senate Race:
Tim Chestnut (winner) 54%
Al Hamburg 27%
William Bryk  18%

Chestnut did indeed beat the two perennials.  Thankfully… such as I can be thankful for such an unimportant election.  (Will a Democrat ever win a Senate race in Wyoming?)   For second place, the candidate who actually lives in Wyoming right now beat out the one who ran a campaign in Indiana earlier this year — making his Wyoming bid two campaigns from his perch in New York.   About as importantly, the Republican incumbent beat out the neo-nazi… though the neo-nazi beat out a candidate I know nothing about.

Interesting here.
 When Steve Forbes and other guests start arriving Wednesday for a fundraiser for Republican Senate candidate Barry Hinckley, the Raging Grannies will be there too — protesting 

Vote nobody supported by  Steve Forbes.  What is this — billionaires raising funds for billionaires?

There was also some pretty interesting and I’d say bizarre (unless there’s a political context to them) search phrases for Don Bongino, the Maryland Republican sacrificial lamb, but I’ve lost them… unfortunately.

Pray for the President Team sets a date to Pray for him.

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

A bit of spam that is floating out there I need to take note of.

Pray for the Presidency day Sat. Nov. 3rd. National prayer moment at 8pm EST. text [thing at thing]   – more info at [url with purposeful comma where there should be a period.  Even though the url is in the name and this is relatively innocuous spamming.]

I saw these prayer warriors once.  They were praying for the President.  Bush, it was.  When asked if they’d pray for a Democratic President, they said yes.  And so they go on and have done so.

They were interviewed on NPR for All Things Considered.  A letter was read on Thursday asking “WHY?”.  A decent question.

And they’ll pray for the President just a few days before Election Day.  Which is interesting.  There will be a lot of people praying for the president to come out on top on the 8th.  They, presumably, have other things in mind.

Well, you know.  He hasn’t been assassinated, so I guess they’re prayers have been working.  Hopefully this will hold until the outburst of prayers comes in November.

waiting for Charlie Crist for no real reason

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

I guess I’m waiting to see Charlie Crist’s undoubtedly uninteresting and uninspiring convention speech.  If there was a Ron Paul contingency running around the Democratic Convention, I’d be looking about to see that, but alas I’m down to this exercise in comparison sakes of a new genre of political convention speech givers — the party switcher.

Look!  Todd Akin’s making use of Crist!  He’s running now against the Corrupt Republican Party bosses that … have the crime of… um… dumping him.  Until he recovers in the polls, at which time they’ll gingerly back him as well they can without tainting the national brand and dragging down, say, Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

3…2 … 1.  Comment winner.

The problem that Akin has is that nobody in Missouri ever heard of Charlie Crist.

Won’t the Convention speech change all that?  Just like the Artur Davis speech at the Republican Convention has raised his Q rating to an all time high such that now you can’t turn around without hearing everyone talking about Artur Davis.

Funny thing on Artur Davis.  I saw some Republican blogs talk up the speech as speaking for disaffected Democrats with the smug question of who is Charlie Crist going to speak for.  I have yet to see a proud chest bumping from Democratic blogs on Charlie Crist, who seems like he was a good enough governor…

… he probably lost the Republican rank and file not when he accepted Obama’s stimulus funds, but when he kept early voting lines up and running … didn’t he learn anything from Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris?…

… but isn’t really speaking for anyone but his attempted political future — and no Democrat is under the illusion that he is doing anything but that.   He may find himself stuck in the middle, not able to weave and bob between new constituencies.  (Or maybe he can win people over by …er… coming out?)

Apolicy-wise, I mostly associate with having to make a youtube video as part of a litigation settlement apologizing to David Byrne.

Looking at the sidebar, I see this question in “Politico’s Most Popular”.
Where’s Al Gore?
Hm.  Actually, hosting his Current TV coverage of the coverage, sans Keith Olbermann.   But  this line of questioning seems to be a favorite past-time at Convention time.  Like “Where is George Bush”?  Also I note a story on the front page of USA Today… part of the unraveling of North Carolina’s Democratic Party, I suppose… “Where is John Edwards”?  Hidden away as far out of sight as can possibly be, I would say.

Sun MYung Moon… Gone but not expunged from the History Books

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

…. and with this Reverend Sun MYung Moon charged into the American Political scene, holding mass rallies to thwart the looming Impeachment of President Richard Milhous Nixon.

  Years later, on August 1, 1996, Former President George Herbert Walker Bush addressed the Moonies on … um… things and matters of concern.

  Jerry Falwell called him a Good Christian.  Defended him against tax fraud charges.

And so it goes… Congressional Co-Chairs of the event (Congressmen Danny Davis, Curt Weldon, Roscoe Bartlett, Sanford Bishop and Chris Cannon), others played roles that evening. US Senator Lindsey Graham, NRCC Chair Tom Davis and Congressman Phil Crane served on the Host Committee, as did noted GOP political consultant Charlie Black. Weldon — who had his staff initially deny he even attended, then claimed he possibly popped in briefly on his way to a meeting — actually delivered the official “congratulatory remarks” welcoming the guests. Weldon, however, seems to have a good reason to fear exposure of how closely tied he is to Moon. On June 19, 2003, the Congressional Record shows that Davis introduced remarks on behalf of himself and Weldon for last year’s Amassadors of Peace Award ceremony held in the Rayburn House Office Building. […]

In a related development, it seems the Washington Post‘s “Reliable Source” column on April 4 unsuccessfully attempted to report on Moon’s remarks at the event. They quoted Moon as proclaiming (and this is the same quote that appears in Moon’s own video): “The five great saints and many other leaders in the spirit world, including even communist leaders such as Marx and Lenin, who committed all manner of barbarity and murders on
Earth, and dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, have found strength in my teachings, mended their ways and been reborn as new persons. Emperors, kings and presidents who enjoyed opulence and power on Earth, and even journalists who had worldwide fame, have now placed themselves at the forefront of the column of the true love revolution. … They have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity’s Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent.” However, shortly after it first appeared on the Post site, it was deleted by the Post and oddly replaced by a paragraph about Celebrity Jeopardy.

In recent years, former Vice President Dan Quayle and Attorney General John Ashcroft (in 2001) and former President George H.W. Bush (in 1988) also attended events with Moon. Bush even called him “the man with the vision.” Finally — as if you aren’t sick already — senior Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) signed a proclamation on Congressional letterhead in April 2004 recognizing Moon as the “True Parent” and “King of Peace.”

Funny business, our government.