everyone’s problem with the white working class

The question:  “Who Recorded Romney’s Fund Raiser Comments?
Just a guess:  the exact same person who filmed Obama’s “Bitter;  Cling to guns and religion” comments in 2008.
Really.  It is good to see how a political figure speaks to his donor base, and the prejudices this brings out — because it will get out how they perceive the electorate in a way that they will not speak in their canned public political staged speakings.
From the 47 percent free-loader comments we move on to words on the Latino vote.
“Bitter cling”, of course, did not cost Obama the election, or even very much of the election.  I suppose it helped teetered his campaign in the “Rust Belt” against Hillary Clinton, and  I suppose it may have slice five percentage points off of Obama’s vote total in West Virginia or something.
Meantime, this “gaffe” is asked by some media hounds “Will this cost Romney the election”?  There was something different last week in foreign affairs which prompted the same question.  The answer is both “no” and an accumulation of “yes”.  The dynamics of the race are set and this is Romney, just as the dynamics of the race in 2008 were set and that was Obama.
Oh, for George Romney circa 1962.  So says the 1962 vintage Political wife:   Refugee from Mexico, first year of life on Welfare, up from boot-straps and all that
Update:  James Carter IV.

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