
 Obama does a Recess Appointment

The most ardent of Ron Paul’s followers think the US government is too big when it has more people than the secret number Ron Paul has written on his magic anti-alien hemp underpants.

 Newt Gingrich on the Anti-Romney Path.

25 People who google “Santorum” for the first time.

Norwegian Newspaper headlines it right.

Rick Santorum channels St. Augustine.

Newt Gingrich on the Founding Fathers hatred of Marijuana.

 Obama denies Mars trip.

Snopes:  Fannie Mae execs weren’t Obama’s 2008 economic advisors.

Scientology scandal: obsessed with cash.

Chris Hedges On the End of the American Empire.

Tennessee Christian Right supports “Right to Bully’ bill.

George Will loves him some fracking.




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