We won’t have dining room tables to kick around anymore

Blast of the Past:  Lebanon
MEMRI TV Clip No. 1165 – ‘New TV’ Host Maria Ma’louf and Executive Intelligence Review’s Uwe Friesecke Discuss AIDS, SARS, Mad Cow Disease, and Avian Flu in the Context of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt
To view this clip visit, http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1165.htm.

Yeah, the reputation preceeds them.  From The Guardian — a source for the Larouche Movement when it jibes with their political purposes (Blair Bush and all that), a tool of the British Empire when it does this:
In recent years, before being discovered by Mr Nelson, Mörner had largely been reduced to self-publishing pamphlets on the web and penning overblown diatribes in loony-tunes publications which bear as much relationship to scientific literature as the Spectator does. One of these – titled There Is No Alarming Sea Level Rise! – was published in an online publication called 21st Century Science and Technology. It might sound impressive, but this magazine is in fact a vehicle for the views of Lyndon Larouche. Larouche is the US demagogue who in 1989 received a 15-year sentence for conspiracy, mail fraud and tax code violations. He has claimed that the British royal family is running an international drugs syndicate, that Henry Kissinger is a communist agent, that the British government is controlled by Jewish bankers and that Barack Obama is a puppet of the renewed British Empire, which is supposedly trying to start a third world war over Syria (see end for references). He sees science and empiricism as yet another conspiracy, and uses 21st Century Science and Technology to wage war against them.

Hm.  Find a contrarian professor, and run with him:
 In an interview with the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), Akasofu explained that the Earth hadn’t finished recovering from the Little Ice Age. The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling that stretched from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Since then, the earth has been warming up to its pre-Little Ice Age average.

Keep an eye on foreign Press.  Like here.  Lawrence Freeman on Russia Today.  Jeffrey Steinberg on Russia Today.

I.  Alex Jones Props Up the Cult

Blast from the past.  Congressional Testimony by John Birch Society President and Conservative Democratic Georgia Congressman Larry McDonald against the Liberty Lobby, Spotlight, and its connections with Lyndon Larouche.  September 9, 1981.  Without delving into spurious conspiracy theories
why do they spend their time attacking the conservative anti-Communists while at the same time they collaborate with the strange leftist cult headed by Lyndon LaRouche?
This is interesting.  Worth keeping in mind as we see an attack from AIM, and an alliance with Alex Jones…

This great man knows what he’s talking about.. IMO he should of entered the 2012 presidential race just to spread his message
Yes, Lyndon is great! I think he was/is a John Bircher, no?
Larouche is either a shill for TPTB and/or is a complete nutjob.
You dont understand, hee hee, you silly

I don’t like the precedent for this choice, as he is not a “Larouchie” but by an elastic definition of the term, but when I post this in a few weeks — the Second Annual “Larouchie” of the Year — Alex Jones will get that coveted top slot.  I think the rest of the list, but feel free to send in your suggestions.

And we will see what Lyndon Larouche does to the Alex Jones brand:  The credibility of the infowars brand and by extension of Alex Jones is damaged by every reference to Lyndon La Rouche. Why Alex has any contact with the man is beyond me. He has never been right about anything.

No doubt about it, Jones has given the Movement some spots on the political fringe from people who… might have forgotten they exist, or take Alex Jones guest as a serious tip.  Yes, they always had something like this — Anton Chaitkin appears on D’Anne Burley.  But… This guy makes it explicit.  Radio host Steve Kates interview Lyndon LaRouche on the immediate threat of general thermonuclear war, removing Obama, and the Strategic Defense Initiative.

And notes from this interview I actually listened to for some reason.
“This empire is determined to set the nations of the world into a war with one another, which is intended that civilization as we’ve now known it, will no longer exist. This is not only a general prospect; this is the immediate situation this weekend. This is not a weekend like other weekends. We’re now on the verge—and it’s set in place right now—of a chain reaction, which could mean the extermination of civilization as we’ve known it.
“Now this is being set up by the British Empire, and nobody else. And nobody else. If you don’t think the British Empire is the enemy, you don’t understand the ABCs of the situation.
Tony:  “Fiat Currency”…
“This NAWAPA Project is the Greatest Project Ever Undertaken in the History of Mankind”.
Dave: “I remember Larouche…” 3 key issues… Patriot Act,
“Hear you all the time on Alex Jones!”
“Veteran of World War 2.  Was a supporter and admirer of Franklin Roosevelt, I also had admiration for Eisenhower and for Jack Kennedy and some other people.  Belong to the Franklin Roosevelt tradition.  I’m a successful economist in terms of performance.”
[LIAR!  Larouche hated FDR right up to the 1980s.  Still don’t know if he likes him, quite frankly.]
“Obama… personality characteristics of the Emperor Nero.  This President is the Greatest Danger of all the Dangers .  He’s taking us to Hell.
(23)  “This guy is eligible to be Ousted.  We have to get him out now or we will not have a nation.  […] “
“This guy spends his time playing with basketballs.”  [I note a minor racial element to this statement.  Also, Larouche doesn’t speaks of playing with basketballs as a foreign concept.  Anyway, I suggest tipping it off to “Playing Golf” when in front of a predominantly black audience, though that gives a suggestion of actual glad-handling with the power elite.]
 “He’s getting us into a war… which will be a Thermonuclear War.”
We’re a matter of Days away from Hell.

Let’s turn to Satan’s Fake Apocalypse for some analysis on the latest screeds from larouche.:  I suspect that this is intended as a smokescreen to conceal the relationship between the increasing threat of world war and the financial crisis, in an attempt to neutralize LaRouche’s warnings. It’s the same thing as having their puppet Obama put on an apron and dish out Thanksgiving dinners to distract us from the reality that a record number of people are food-insecure thanks to Obama’s policies. It’s a snap for the oligarchy to manipulate some stock prices and get their media to spin a narrative around it, but it doesn’t change reality.
It looks like they’re trying to lull us into a false sense of security, to make LaRouche look like an alarmist, but he predicted an escalation toward world war, apparently as a result of the the collapse of the British empire’s financial power, and that’s exactly what happened, although perhaps not in the precise form he predicted. I suspect that Drudge’s fixation on Putin is a clue to what’s coming down the line

How to make Larouche look like an alarmist… quote him saying that we are days from Hell.  Hey!  Speaking of Hell!
Question of the Day:  The British Empire’s WW3 Plan Must Be Stopped This Weekend!  Was it?
Inside the Eye — Live!  for Illuminati Observer…  Saturday, November 26, 2011, Inside the Eye – Live! was joined by Harley Schlanger, Southwest Bureau Chief for 15 years for Lyndon LaRouche PAC Executive Intelligence Review Magazine. In what proved to be a lively and informative conversation, it is clear that the Harley Schlanger’s views and insights of the American and geopolitical scene are very much in line.
A main contention, and it is hard to counter the arguments, is that President Obama, aside from perhaps being a “userper” (one who is holding office illegally by virtue of his legal status to hold the office not being affirmed), has violated so many laws and rights of Americans that the guy should be impeached. Perhaps jailed.
President Obama is but an outward extension of this much darker force, a force that came to bald open power with the NeoCon/Mossad/US Synarchic attack on the United States on 9-11.
Yeah.  Satan.  Synarchists.  Illuminati.  Hm.
Alex Jones gets us this.

II.  Barney Frank Retires.  Will set up dining room tables however he chooses.

Alice Wolf puts in a word against Barney Frank and for Rachel Brown before Frank announced his retirement.

Rachel Brown, whom he described in a town hall meeting as talking to a dining room table, challenged Barney Frank, with regard to the Glass Steagall take down. In the video recording of their electoral debate he was so self congratulatory it was completely mental.
He toots his horn like everything he did was just great and everyone else caused the meltdown. […]
The bank cartel in Mass. is THE VAULT and that’s his boss. They are the remains of the original oligarch’s banking group dating back to the times of the Tea Party itself. One of the group is Fidelity and this outfit has tentacles in Chicago too. He may look and sound like a buffoon however the iron fist inside the glove so to speak is looking for ways to destroy the US, they are mad as anything right about now, their monetarist system is still on it’s death bed.

And the people are remembering Barney Frank via the quote — dining room table and what planet….

NHPR hour 2.  Rachel Maddow.  Here.
Bill Press:  And he’s the bluntest man in Congress, telling one constituent at a town meeting: “Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table.”
The Clip of the Ages, right
Also, the climate in Congress has “substantially deteriorated” since he first got to Washington, Frank said at his press conference, although there was no hint the man who famously likened a dissenter’s intellect to a dining room table sees himself as playing any role in that substantial deterioration
.  Hm.  I say insulting the Larouchies should get a pass on that one.
By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr 
 As for wit, all I noticed was a clownish demeanor, somewhat reminiscent of W. C. Fields, though without the booze. A specimen of it was presented on National Public Radio for us to savor the other day. In responding to a contrary constituent in 2009, Frank said, “Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table.” Oscar Wilde he was not.
And don’t you probably suspect there are plenty of Frank’s colleagues in the House on both sides of the aisle who often wish they could face down an addled constituent at a town hall meeting and note: “Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table.”
Those who admire him say that Mr. Frank served up his sourness equally, without regard to the political importance or social status of his audience.
And his flavorful putdowns stirred supporters, who cheered when he told a woman at a 2009 town meeting who likened President Obama’s health care plan to Nazism, “Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table.”
Steve Williams:
  Back in 2010, when open meetings with constituents were all the rage because of the rise of the Tea Party, Frank had an exchange with a woman from his district who questioned him about his role in America’s financial meltdown. Frank refused to partake of any discussion, saying, “Debating with you is like debating with a dining room table.”
:  Kamen noted that while Frank once called to grouse that he hated his column, “we’ll miss his quips and pithy, sometimes withering comments.” The Post staffer rattled off thirteen quotes, beginning with  a now-infamous 2009 quip in which Frank dismissed a critical town hall participant by saying that addressing her concerns was “like trying to have an argument with a dining room table.”
 He’ll leave behind a long legacy of legislating, obviously, but he’ll also leave an equally impressive legacy of quips and zingers, which he deployed at will to ridicule reporters, belittle political opponents and, on one memorable occasion, compare the LaRouchie version of Ani DiFranco to a “dining room table.”
The Progressive:  Most of all, I’ll remember him for telling off a Tea Party person who came to his 2009 health-care town meeting and compared Obama to Adolph Hitler. Frank invoked his “ethnic heritage,” and said, “What planet do you spend most of your time on?”.
In an era of carefully crafted political images, he has stood out for his rumpled demeanor and scathing wit.

“Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table,” he told a detractor in 2009.
Frank is a sometimes crotchety advocate for many causes dear to online gamblers as well as many liberal voters. Inside the gambling community, he’s known for his efforts to pass legislation that would allow secure online gambling in the United States. Outside the gambling community, he’s probably best known for being the first openly gay member of Congress. And he was once reprimanded by Congress for encounters with a male prostitute. Oh, and there was that one time he told a woman arguing with him about President Obama’s health care plan that he’d rather argue with a dining room table.  Bless the people of Massachusetts because none of these things kept him from being reelected every year
On the Absurdity of a Donald Trump hosted Newsmax sponsored Republican Debate:  It looks like Ory Taitz and the woman that Barney Frank compared to his dining room table are going to be on the panel asking the “Tough” questions.

Don’t forget the other part of that equation!
He asked critics: “On what planet do you spend most of your time?”

When a woman at a town hall meeting in 2009 called President Obama’s health care proposals “Nazi policy,” he famously said, “I’m going to revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question: On what planet do you spend most of your time?”

“What Planet” is a sub-heading in the career overview here.
When he said to a nubjob, “On what planet do you spend most of your time?” He handled his office with a style that was really unique. He’ll be missed.
This one from NPR gets both of them in
.  As does Fox News.

Interesting to note the drawback to the Rachel Brown Campaign.  There is less likely a chance of appearing on a Public Access aired debate against the two or three “legitimate” primary challengers.  I suppose we’ll see if she can sneak that 20 percent anti Frank vote of 2010 into a Kesha Rogers victory, and make next year’s “Larouchie of the Year” list…


Dateline… Look it Up Later… Libertarian-Ville/  As it turns out, they are followers of Lyndon LaRouche whose beliefs I can’t seem to place anywhere on a political spectrum. According to the Wiki article, the views are applauded by communists, socialists, totalitarians, and fascists alike.
I asked how this effort was being funded and how do they plan on enacting laws and regulations and the answer was that people would just do this. It reminded me of Star Trek and other socialist programming but it had very fascist overtones. Mark then gave up, exasperated by my inquisitiveness and desire for answers. Having failed at proving his beliefs he resorted to ad homonym attacks calling me closed minded and brain washed. He walked off and under his breath said that he needed to find other people to get things done with.
It is obvious to me now, having read up on what these LaRouche guys believe, that they are truly lost. Mark had announced he had read Mises’ book Liberalism proudly beating his chest with his self congratulatory intellectual prowess. Perhaps he did in fact read the entire volume. Obviously, he had not understood it.

Dateline Livingston, New Jersey:

Members of the LaRouche Political Action Committee — named after American political activist Lyndon LaRouche Jr., who unsuccessfully ran for president on eight consecutive occasions from 1976 to 2004 — did not identify themselves but instead referred requests for information to their Virginia-based offices.

“Our sole focus right now is to remove Barack Obama by the 25th Amendment or impeachment,” said LaRouche Political Action Committee spokesperson Angela Vullo. “As long as he is president, the world is being threated with a World War III. And that is a nuclear World War III.”

Dateline Ewing, New Jersey  Only in the land of the free could there be political posters ridiculing President Barack Obama in a Hitleresque mustache, or wearing a derby and “Dancing to Wall Street’s Tune” as half of the famous “Laurel and Hardy 2011” team.
Only in the home of the brave could there be campaign literature warning that Obama is Britain’s puppet and leading the U.S. into World War III while calling for his ouster under the 25th Amendment on g rounds that he cannot perform his presidential duties.
Such was the display of posters and political flyers set out on a table outside the Ewing Post Office yesterday for the curious to gawk and listen to supporters of Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.

Joe Lerner, Dateline Seattle, August
However, I disagree with my own tee-shirt, however politically correct (beneath the slogan Lyndon LaRouche is shown bursting from a phone booth, with a swastika stitched on his chest). But when Lyndon LaRouche activists set up a table in front of my favorite store (the U-Bookstore on the Ave), I wanted their attention. […]
The first time I spoke with the LaRouche-ites, meaning to “dialogue,” they responded by harassing and intimidating me: taking my picture with their cell phones, asking what my name was and where I worked, and so forth. When I refused to leave, they called the police, and when the police arrived, I was accused of harassing them. The police, who obviously just wanted to defuse the situation, asked me to leave, but I stuck around a few more minutes anyway.
Several days later I ran into the LaRouche-ites again at the same spot. Again the police were called. (One anti-LaRouche guy who joined the fray with me bolted after they had dialed 911.) […]
It was cold and raining. Now I saw things from the LaRouche-ites’ perspective. Passersby hurried past, not looking, as intent on avoiding me as much as the LaRouche-ites. I saw one guy I knew from work (it was lunch time). He reddened and turned away. I yelled his name. When he did look I shouted, waving my brochures, “I’m not them, I’m the anti-them!”
“I have to be somewhere,” he murmured, and hurried away.
Later someone did read my brochure. “I didn’t know this information was so readily available,” he said.
Yeah, these guys are evil, I was about to reply, when he joined the other LaRouche-ites behind their table. […]
Over the next few weeks I saw them several more times on the Ave, and once in Fremont. Eventually I was talking with a friend who worked at the U-Bookstore. “I thought of you the other day,” he said. “I read in the paper about a woman who jumped out of her car to tear down one of their Obama-with-a-Hitler-mustache posters. She was arrested.” He then told me of another recent incident when a group of LaRouche-ites and Socialist Workers Party members had set up tables next to each other and proceded to harangue each other. “Can you imagine a more dysfunctional picture?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Did they call the police on each other?”

The masses are talking about the Thermonuclear War Prediction:
Okay, I’ll stop. But seriously, can you believe people take this guy seriously? I wouldn’t have thought so, if I hadn’t talked to one of the members of his cult today down by Sproul on the Berkeley campus. They genuinely believe this crap, along with some other fun stuff (Obama is a diagnosable narcissist, if you didn’t know).
As weird as it sounds, I’m kind of intrigued by how odd the whole movement is. So as soon as I post this, I’m sending a link to the appropriate email addresses on the site, and I’m going to ask for real evidence to back up the claim that the “British” are behind a plot to end the world. Because I can’t really see a motive, can you?

Dateline Odessa:
They are recruiting for political activist Lyndon LaRouche’s ‘alliance of patriots’ to ‘remove a disaster’ and ‘junk the new world order consumer economy.’
‘Some people are turned off, but then they come around later because they realize what we’re saying is the truth,’ Jambor said.
I saw these outside agitators at the annex when I went to renew my tags. Lyndon Larouche is the guy who has his followers pay him $24 a month each to go out and beg money from the public.
He’s been a part of every conspiracy theory ever developed since the 1960s. I couldn’t believe that he was still alive, but he is, after Googling.
Just proves that evil never dies, and there’s a sucker born every minute. This group is associated with the KKK, among others.
No, thanks.

Dateline Odessa, Texas
“The biggest problem we have is people are so pessimistic and selfish. They think they are going to keep making money on the stock market and shopping for Christmas while Obama sends the world into depression and war. If we took all the energy people are wasting on shopping and focused it on removing Obama, he would be out next week,” said Craig Holtzclaw, the LaRouche PAC Organizer
The protestors will be traveling around West Texas for the next 2 weeks and then will be traveling all around the state spreading their message.

What a waste of time, money, and effort. If they think they can impeach with in 2 weeks They obviously have not heard how hard it is to impeach period.

Dateline leepy little town of 13,000.  San Mateo County.   It is just a reminder that  we really need to probe a little deeper into peoples intentions.


Ms. Mirak-Weissbach is a member of Lyndon LaRouche’s organization (far right), and a collaborator of the conspiracy theory web sites mondialisation.ca[2] and globalresearch.ca. The level of honesty is exactly what can be expected 

V.  And now the Alex Jones Commentspalooza!
Part One.
Lyndon FUCKING LaRouche???? You’re actually interviewing this lunatic? This man regularly gets his information from little green men from outer space…that’s not a joke, he ACTUALLY has quoted space aliens as his source on more than one occasion.
 never heard that..can you provide i link i googled Lyndon larouche speaks to alien an nothing but fake stuff pop..any videos
As a Larouche fan, totally agree with you! What is missing is punishing traitors who voted for NAFTA, bailouts, obamacare, SuperCongress, etc. Arrest ’em all, seize their assets.
Lyndon is about as sharp as a bowling ball.
ALL HAIL BRITANNIA, ALL HAIL LELOUCH  Did anyone ever thought about Lyndon relation to Code Geass?  Code Geass is the most Anti-British TV Show ever made
 Lyndon LaRouche is the Scientology of contemporary American politics.
logically a full scale nuclear war wouldn’t happen right now because the USA has not officially adopted a collectivist type state like socialism. Only after that came to pass, the old order could be leveled, depopulated.You can’t depopulate when everyone isn’t reduced to the common denominator: communism!  but again this is only a theory, even though it’s my theory
 I don’t know why Mr. LaRouche thinks removing Obama from office will solve everything. There are Constitution hating facists in the Congress that can destroy this country without Obama’s help.
 La dousche is a right wing National SOcialist Nazi. and he uses Labor party as an in the pocket social nazi commie card. He says Impeach Obama and more socialist programs. Dams, Mag lev trains. And no other plans to pay for it. More taxs. If you read about his foundation they CIA style brainwash interns. and hes been imprisioned for his NAZI facist shenanigans. Reads like a CIA, Communist Nazi Manchurian canidate
[long debate about biblical numeracy and the war against Russia.]
the idea that Obama might be ‘lifted’ out of the presidency on the grounds of being declared insane by the vice president and cabinet (the body under the 25th Amendment who would make that determination, subject to approval by 2/3 of Congress) is laughable. whatever you think of Obama, he’s clearly regarded as sane by those who work with him. that LaRouche imagines this is a plausible scenario suggests that the man has been drinking his own kool-aid for far too long.
 Listen up Lyndon, your story doesn’t hold water..If you dont impeach Clinton for rolling blunt with monica lewinsky, and you dont impeach Bush for planting 666 tonnes of thermite in the Twin Towers, Dont pretend you can impeach Obama for making more of a difference to Man KinD than any other president .. Impeach Obama? For what? That and a dime cant buy a bum a cup of coffee!.. why does your voice sould my my family DoGG when he barks
I agree with a lot of what Larouche has to say but his rabid hatred of Obama is over the top, stupid and irrational. And no I did not vote for BO but that’s besides the point. The Larouchies are a very weird cult-like organization. Like David Icke, much of what he says makes sense but then he will just totally go off into left fucking field if not leave the ballpark entirely. Some of his comments about the British Royal Family are on a par with Icke’s reptile space aliens, i.e., batshit crazy.
this is horrible, i’m russian and I consider many american’s as my brothers, Nuclear war would be IDIOTIC, these bankers are insane, willing to end millions upon millions of lifes for something as petty as money…… god help us all…

Part Two.
LaRouche says Britain was behind the assassination of the French President prior to WW1.  I think he meant Jean Jaures, the leading pacifist who was killed prior to war.  He wasn’t President.
this bloke just hates the British…
OK. I see. LaRouche is saying SOMEONE would be “filling in the absent term of Obama” from those elements in government he believes would “do the right thing”. So if he means within the structure of the “continuity of government” apparatus, there is a PERSON of unquestioned integrity among them, who is it?  1 honest man that is not Illuminati, please step forward.
LaRouche referred to France’s President Carnot, assassinated 1894 by an “anarchist”, a favorite term for Illuminati (who oppose ALL government, in order to promote a cosmopolitan world under their control.)
 “Throw this bum out.” Yes, okay, so Lyndon truly thinks Obama masterminded his dictatorship and that will end it? The united states was bought by the Queen and her relatives the Rothschild. After the scapegoat is gone and the bribery and intimidation continues, then what? The Queen E and B are criminally insane. She needs her jaw shut like a nasty tempered British Bull Dog.
We need a high ranked Mason like Ron Paul.
LaRouche’s babble has re-affirmed my conviction from 10 years ago — the guy is an idiot.  He guarantees the world will change, but can’t explain how. I thought Alex put the point to him very clearly, but he can’t explain it. Guy is schmuck.
LaRouche told the newspaper White had been “reduced to an eight-cycle infinite loop with look-up table, with homosexual bestiality”; he said White had not been harmed and that a physician—a LaRouche movement member—had been present throughout.[41] White ended up telling LaRouche he had been programmed by the CIA and British intelligence to set up LaRouche for assassination by Cuban frogmen
 I’m no fan of Obama,  But Lyndon Larouche sounds totally bonkers.
Also, is LaRouche stuck in the Cold War era? I’m sure there will, inevitably, be another world war, but would any country REALLY be stupid/insane enough to launch a nuclear attack? Dumb question, I know. I just hate to think that a group of insane individuals would actually want to destroy the world in that way. Well, I guess The Powers That Be will be safe in their underground bunkers, while the rest of us are vaporized, or worse.

Part Three.
OMFG this guy has repeated the same $hit about 20X, literally. His old brain cell can’t hold more than 2 or 3 thoughts. I think he also has early stage Altzheimers. It’s like his short term memory doesn’t function N E more. Every 2 minutes, starts from the top – same old $hit = yawn.
OMFG now he’s praising Rosevelt! As if he should B admired 4 murdering MILLIONS OF WHITE PEOPLE in Europe, as well as KIDNAPPING (drafting) tons of Americans & murdering them also – 2 enrich the bankster jews & so on. WTF? Rosevelt was WORSE than Hitler & the Nazis. If we just left them the fuk alone Europe would have been far better off – just another temporary dictatorship (as they always R, ‘cuz parasitism = production collapse), instead of a bunch of dead people & bombed-out landscape.
What ‘message’ clown? LaRouche says NOHTING! He makes random ‘mysterious’-sounding doomsday rants 2 scare up contributions 2 his ‘news wires’ & other ‘survivalist’ nonsense. Nuke boats troll the oceans ALL THE TIME. Moving them near active military on land is nothing unique4 or special, especially during wars 2 blow up more nations 2 further enrich the jew banksters. It’s been going on ever since nukes were invented, clown.
Hey I got a new scam 4 LaRouche. He could chat up how the Earth can only B saved if Martians will land – not tomorrow – but NOW! The martians must land NOW or there’s ‘no telling what can happen’. Well that’s nice Lyndon – now U have en excuse 4 not being accurate, so U R ‘spot on’ with your vague, meaningless statements. “Things will B corrupt, & people will kill each other”. Oh really? Like when did that ever stop? ROFL!! =)) UNLESS THE MARTIANS LAND NOW!! HAHAHA Buy my books! HAHA
He talks like “Throwing a President out” is as simple as taking the trash out…..While Larouche can be brilliant at times, he lacks a sense of reality that cripples his ideas…..
LaRouche needs to get real. Ridding the President won’t change the mandate that the core group shares. Clinton is no lap dog, she is pushing this foreign policy as much as Obama, and if he goes what about Patreus? I don’t think that La Rouche is living in Reality. I stick with Webster G. Tarpley bro., he is sane, pragmatic, and mentally well-balanced. Thanks AJ for the intro.
Yeah we’re in for thermo nuclear war !!!! lol Imagine W speliing that thermo NUKEAR war !!! ha ha ha !! Larouche is a douche !!!! This interview really sucked !!! Also Alex sits there and doesn’t do much to counter Larouche’s at times lame and quite ”doubtful” claims…. Seen better inetrviews at AJ show…. Definitely a thumbs down for this one !!!
LIES! LIES! LIES! Lyndon LaRouche has a psychotic paranoid persecution complex about the British Royal Family. He needs psychiatric evaluation. Mr. LaRouche’s slanderous comments about our Royalty can be disproved instantly. If they actually wielded the power that LaRouche claims they do, Lyndon LaRouche would have been assassinated long ago! His poisonous diatribe would have guarenteed it!

Part Four.

Great interview. I had heard OF LaRouche a long time but never heard him speak in conversation, only as a lecturer very long ago. He was treated by media back then like 9-11 Truthers are treated now.
(Lots of FDR bashing in this comment thread)
oh so it’s all Britain’s fault is it ? Nothing wrong with America, Israel, China, Russia, Japan. Oh it’s Great Britain to you, Lyndon. Just nuke Britain and all your problems are solved. Just shoot Rothschild or something, unless of course, Lyndon Larouche is a Rothschild agent. I’m sure he’s been saying Thermo-Nuclear war is coming for the past 10 years.
FALSE TEACHER ALERT!!! I was agreeing with what this Lyndon guy said until he started saying the galaxy is billions of years old (with no evidence) and then went on to teach a new age belief system that we are immortal and we determine our own destiny!!! Sounds very much like what the serpent said in genesis 3:4 that “we can become like God’s”… Alex jones then puppets “true self determination” “true self development” — more new age crap propaganda. Wake up alex Jesus is the only way!

Punk Rockers Forum… Note to Rex Kuntz.  This man hates your music.
It’s getting played around…
In his interview with Alex Jones, LaRouche put all of his immense moral and intellectual authority on the line.

Yeah…. it’s all on the line.  They love him at Lunatic Outpost!

Been a while since I’ve looked into the Wikipedia Attempts on the part of the org.  Note the same old same old.  Inland Empire Oath keepers would like to ask if they’re Whigs.

One Response to “We won’t have dining room tables to kick around anymore”

  1. Hylozoic Hedgehog Says:

    Just a brief comment on Larry McDonald. As head of the John Birch Society, McDonald first publicly attacked LaRouche and the NCLC as a Communist organization (as indeed it claimed to be) in early 1977.

    In a study of the far rightist Roy Frankhouser, I extensively summarize McDonald’s Congressional Record entry from 26 January 1977 where he offers his own history of the NCLC and raises the possibility that the NCLC may be some sinister East German or KGB-backed organization.

    Around the same time, another JBS writer named Gary Allen suggested that the NCLC was most likely taking money from the Rockefeller family in an elaborate plot to discredit real critics of the Rockefellers such as himself.

    For more, see “Palimpsest World: The Serpentine Trail of Roy Frankhouser from the SWP, the KKK and the ‘Knights of Malta’ to Far Beyond the Grassy Knoll” available on the LaRouche Planet website at http://laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.PalimpsestWorld and in particular footnote 97.

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