The GOP Round Up of Presidential Aspirants: THERE STOOOD GINGRICH!

I hope those Ron Paul folks are happy.  They have hit media pay-dirt.  The image that the media is printing and the video the media is using for Presidential Candidate Rick Perry at his moment of Campaign Horror — it includes Ron Paul, standing at the podium just next to him!

I do largely sympathize with Rick Perry after his Dunce Brain Freeze “oops” moment.  I suppose one could say that this complements his problem — knows what of national workings? — but on its own it’s just one of those things I’ve gone on record as stating voters need to slip aside.  The one problem may be that in his fund-raising pitch off of the “oops moment” — listing presidential “oops” moments such as Ford and the Soviet Domination issue, he slides in “Obama is still looking for all 57 states”.  This is an admission that can not stand, something on the order of Romney with health care.

The bigger problem with Perry is not his “oops” moment, but something we see in his recovery efforts.  Something like this pops up in the news articles about it:
“This ain’t a day for quitting nothing,” he declared.

Perry had sent out a trial report balloon about ceasing these debatings, and I guess we now have a fuller scope on just why.

And the Republican field has been thrown for a loop now.  Kind of.  Don’t believe it — this is still a charade — we’re just sitting around waiting for the Mitt Romney nomination.  And here’s his current selling point, by the way:

“He won’t embarrass you,” Rep Jason Chaffetz, a Romney supporter, tells Republican lawmakers still on the fence.

It’s a variation of that old Kerry — Dean dynamic, as the final push went “Dated Dean.  Married Kerry.”  And Romney looks to fall under the long line of Party “UGH” nominations, which stretches back at least to Thomas Dewey.  [Note that Obama is said to be studying in some detail that Bush victory over Kerry.]

Michele Bachmann, of all people, is getting in on this premise.
“We can’t have any surpris4es with our candidate” Representative Michele Bachmann says in a web ad.  As she speaks, an image of Cain is shattered.
Yes, you definitely know what you are getting with Michele Bachmann.  Is that supposed to be a good thing.

So, here’s we stand with this Big Charade:
The CBS News poll, conducted Novemeber 6-10 during the span of both crises, suggests a 3-way tie for the nomination among Cain, Romney, and a resurgent Newt Gingrich among GOP primary voters.

No.  Seriously.  Gingrich is back in play.  It’s just like prophesied in his classic Press Release.  THERE STANDS GINGRICH!


It’s interesting to compare the profiles of Gary Johnson and Jon Huntsman for some “men’s magazine”.  GQ, Esquire, one or both.  From a distance and a glance, they both seem to frame the two the exact same way — the “Reasonable” candidates, who don’t have a damned chance with this GOP electorate — never mind one’s that “moderate Conservative” at least temperamentally, and the other is libertarian.  And then we are flashed the same rough-hewn image: we have this image of a flabby and shirtless Gary Johnson on a motorcycle before New Mexico desert and mountains.  Not to be confused with the similar components in the Jon Huntsman photograph against Utah desert and mountains.

The other candidates:  Buddy Roemer is reaching out to “Occupy” in framing a possible third party bid.  Probably not the final Anarchist Occupiers in Portland.  I suppose Fred Karger is reaching somebody by appearing on Alan Colmes.  Rick Santorum is hugging Iowa.    And this should be the end of his Presidential bid if Roy Moore is going to bid for his Alabama Supreme Court job — I mean, you can’t be both US President and Alabama State Supreme Court Justice at the same time, can you?


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