


Glass Steagall comes to the UK.

How the Climate Deniers won in graph form.

Historians debate:  Did Hitler only have one ball?
And is this just a discussion to generate page hits?

Goldman Sacchs Rules the world.”

John Boehner and his party caucus

Alabama Town orders offenders to church.
“You show me somebody who falls in love with Jesus, and I’ll show you a person who won’t be a problem to society,”

Prison Planet covers the “Heckler to Obama:  You are the Anti-Christ” story.  Watch the comments.

Minutemen to re-investigate Obama’s birth certificate.  Weird fruit-loop topic convergence:  What does Obama’s birth certificate have to do with the nation’s borders?

Marine Times does the Gay.  Yeah, this has always been a weird cause for Progressive activists.

No Ponzi Scheme in history has ever lasted more 75 years.

we haven’t historically had air conditioning in our East Coast fulfillment center says Amazon.

CWA nostalgic for yesterday’s porn.

Ich Bein ein Obama” racialist humor in Germany

“Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who transformed post-Soviet Russia by imposing Kremlin control over most aspects of public life, moved on Saturday to return to the presidency and could remain until 2024, giving him a rule comparable in length with that of Brezhnev or Stalin.” … and exponentially longer than that string of rulers pre-Gorbachev post-Brehznev

A little something for assholes who are complaining that there’s a lack of Occupy Wall Street coverage.
Be careful what you ask for.



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