 World Protection Group Inc.: The Protectors of the Elite
Iceland uses social media to draw up new Constitution
The extra psychological inflictions of our nation’s safety net
The International View
Anti-Americans Celebrate Too Soon
Don’t Misjudge America
Victor David Hanson says something stupid?Â
Jim Demint said something inflammatory about Obama?
Kennewick Candidate plays for the “Shoot the Brown People” vote
 Limbaugh Letter Obama Burglar and “when I stopped listening”
Explaining where the Democrats won and lost in the Wisconsin recall by using Oregon towns. This is actually a useful reference that could be used by each state.
Nebraska Attorney General and Republican Senate candidate Jon Bruning, part of the burgeoning “Recessionary Mean” Caucus: “Scavagening Racoons”.
another day another closeted gay republican politician caught doing gay stuff
19th Century African American Village uncovered under Central Park