What is the proper mathematical equation to describe the effects of Larouche appearing on Alex Jones?
Alexandar Cockburn and Counterpunch slides into that “publisher of William Lind” problem — William Lind a person who figures prominently in the manifesto and assorted postings of Oslo Terrorist Andrew Breivik .
This is followed by more criticism for Cockburn, which includes this.:
Another curious fact about Lind’s analysis is that it appears to have been influenced by a tract by Lyndon Larouche operative, – “The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and ‘Political Correctness’†—
I note that the factnet message board user, “Friend” has been posting sarcastic strawmen — sarcasm which vary.  One recurring idea is about the cult’s post Larouche existence being a prelude to an organization dedicated to the mass slaughter of Jews.  I suppose I can ponder a radical splinter group with that bearing. But an uncomfortable fact is that the article “The New Dark Age:  The Frankfurt School and ‘Political Correctness'” — is referenced online exclusively by people who, if not desiring the immediate elimination of Jews, Homosexuals, and Atheists — believe they have a controlling influence in world affairs and seek to eradicate that controlling influence.  The backlog of the organization’s articles show up a good number of pieces of this type — and a good product is to look about and catalog the citation-ers for such articles as, oh for instance, the “Truth about the ADL”.
Meantime, the writer of the “New Dark Age” piece wrote his regrets — which can be found here.
The monthly conflab with former CIA operative and presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche (or is he “a famous American economist of French or Canadian origin“) and Alex Jones achieved a tiny bit more “viral” action than previous appearances, this being owed to the better news-timing which creates the more immediate “HITLER!” analogy opportunity.  “This is the moment”, apparently, that America turns into Nazi Germany.  The line has a certain attraction.  Here are the good folks atune enough to this message to link and hawk the thing.
NCN Blogger. Criminal Invaders twitter feed (blog wanting to “Build a Wall and Deport them all“). A blog post form trends king Gerry Celente has former Presidential Candidate and political pin cushion to the globalists Lyndon LaRouche called Obama/Soetoro WHAT HE TRULY IS! (Most recent posts include one about Obama’s birth certificate.) Your Jehovah’s Witness fan of the day. Watch this Interview BUT — (Be aware He is NOT a Christian and has New Age /evolution of humanity point of view… as if we can “fix†our problems without Divine help) “Live Free or Die Report“. Off Grid Survival Blog. Well, it is here — from Debra Freeman… IT IS HERE!!!  Some random guy here.  This guy goes into sarcasm mode after taking it all in with all credence.
Alex Jones and Lyndon Larouche make up more than the sum of their parts.  It is not Alex Jones plus Lyndon Larouche — it is Alex Jones MULTIPLIED BY Lyndon Larouche.  Or maybe it is Lyndon Larouche to the Alex Jones power?  Work out the equation however you might.  I personally have not used illicit drugs, but I gather that this thing makes for a good substitute for psychedelics.  Read this array of comments *and we get an acid trip — and the real reason that Larouche takes a hard line against drugs (he already has a potent mixture of paranoia — a cocktail mix may prove deadly.)
We see in the comments sections Larouchies making a Recruitment bid. I understand this pretty well focuses like a laser on Larouche’s target audience, unlike, for instance, Steinberg making his foray onto Iranian Press TV.
It is interesting to note that on the following day, another former presidential candidate — and described as such in the bio — Chuck Baldwin made an appearance on the Alex Jones Show. He gave his take on the recent dealings in Washington, parallel but distinct from Larouche’s — it may be worth a compare and contrast. Now, Chuck Baldwin has been getting a bit of media coverage in relation to his part in the revitalization of right-wing extremist activity in Kalispell, Montana and the Flathead Valleay area. He moved from Pensecola, Florida, as God told him that Kalispell, Montana is where the “Freedom Fight”‘s center is going to come. He held a rally with 200 people in the cold Winter, and inspired the mother of the neo-nazi teeny bopper pop duo Prussian Blue to post invitations on stormfront for everyone to move on to the area. There’s a good deal more (right?) — Oath Keepers, the former president of the local Tea Party was ousted for posting facebook comments mocking Matthew Shepherd’s death, a group has rented the Library room to show Holocaust Denial films, and on and on. It is interesting to see Chuck Baldwin follow up Lyndon Larouche, and reading the comments threads for Larouche’s appearances, I imagine how an Alex Jones listener processes the two. One day, he is gripped by the horror and spectre of the Obama Hitler and the official start of America’s Nazi Germany moment. Wondering what is to be done, all he knows is that we need to implement Glass Steagall. It’s not enough, though. The next day he hears Chuck Baldwin expound on the same slide of America. And it becomes clear — he needs to move to Montana, and prepare. How prepare? Enact Glass Steagall! AND… if the Feds come in to take the Glass Steagall away, Just try it — the ammo is at the ready.
Some skepticism abounds about what Larouche had to say on the Alex Jones Show.
Typical larouche, ”reformed” communist carrying on like a pork chop.
What Hitler coup?
Can anyone tell me what this means?
Keep in mind that Bohemian Grove just finished. It’ll be the Sr. Rockefeller behind this attempted coup. He needs to be exposed.
From “Glass Steagall Fan“: Â The associated video explains the ‘super congress’ that is part of the debt ceiling agreement. Essentially it makes the current congress impotent.
LS – I can’t find any communist background on Larouche. Can you enlighten me?
(Really? Â This Larouche fan — and he goes on to post the Larouche articles –pretends that the “Communist Background” doesn’t exist? Â Really?)
Goldbugs react with some skepticism.
I don’t think that guy had enough caffeine this AM.
Whatever he had it was too much.
 How exactly is this a coup? Is there some measure in it all that extends Obama’s term of office? This guy seems a little hyperbolic or unhinged.
“We’ve got 24 hours” Â I’m off to rearrange my sock drawer…..
Are you crazy!!?? I already started calling every single member of congress. HITLER COUP!!!!!!!
Today Lyndon LaRouche issued this urgent call. Â Aaannd that’s where you lost me…
Guess we can all stay home from work the rest of the week since the world is coming to an end.
More skepticism here — from someone playing with Nazi analogies him/her self.
Finally and most disturbing, here are ur-cooks Alex Jones and Lyndon LaRouche saying that Obama will become Führer of America today because of the debt deal’s passage, just like Hitler became Führer of Germany on August 2, 1934 (apparently, there’s a secret clause in the law giving Obama dictatorial powers). The real scary thing is the number of people that believe this crap.
Aperbik responds:
If the package worked out through the debt ceiling negotiations with the Obama administration is passed, it means that the United States is sunk overnight, and the U.S. and the world goes into a Dark Age.
Wait. Â I thought we already entered the New Dark Age. Â Or was it a quick dark age, which is to be followed by another short dark age… and then another… and —
Former Small Time Reporter in Peoria.  How it plays in Peoria.  Schlep it off to the Tea Party:  No real source was given for this message. I was going to make a joke about Tea Partiers, because God knows how many Tea Partiers actually believe this. Hm.  Real source?  Debra Freeman — there’s your real source!
Sing Hitler Themed Songs
Wave banner for Glass Steagalls
Will be called Douches
 Dateline Central Valley, out of San Francisco.
Fight for high ideas
Umbrella toward the traffic
to flash glass steagalls.
Some – like James and Perebikovsky – believe that repealing the Glass-Steagall Act directly resulted in the Financial Crisis of 2007.
And even though their approach might be somewhat extreme to the layperson, James sees the current times as somewhat of a call to arms for all Americans to stand up for what they believe in before it’s too late.
“What they want is to get you out of the way. And people think that they’re just going to wait it out, or take it to the ballot box in 2012,†she said. “But if we don’t fight on the higher idea, the only other way is to bankrupt the financial institution.â€
Vrad766: Â Go back to San Francisco and stop bothering people…that’s what Don Rickles would tell you.
Youcandoit: Â You don’t fix a sinking ship by increasing the size of the gash in the hull. We need a competent Captain, not a perpetual presidential candidate.
Michael Billington
Sends Hitler Analogies
Special Delivered!
“We need to do something about it now,†Billington said. “All hell is going to break loose soon.â€
Michael Billington — IN ACTION! Â Doing Something about the Hell that is about to break loose.
Henry MacWhirr:
Obama is an updated version of Nixon. (Was Nixon Hitler?)
Dateline Harrison, New York
The LaRouche PAC is an international political movement that works to promote LaRouche’s political ideas and ambitions.
Troubadours are we
Playing Hitler Obamas
ACross metro spots.
Dateline Huntsville (see too)
Overton Window
Slides straight into Godwin’s Law
Cops move them on out.
Watkins, along with a few friends, approached the LaRouche followers with their concerns.
“I fought for this country so that people can believe whatever they want,†he said. “We only had a problem with the pictures. You draw the line at the commander-in-chief.â€
[I don’t much like that attitude, but in his case I’m pretty sure it’s consistently held]
Overton claimed Watkins and others attempted to rip flyers and disrupt their booth. Watkins said only one woman grabbed the actual poster, which was securely taped to the table. […]
Eventually, the Huntsville Police Department arrived to the scene. Officers threatened to issue citations to both parties, but after speaking with the postmaster, decided instead that illustrations of Obama as Hitler had to be removed because of incitement.
“You could put up any sign you want that says ‘Impeach Obama’ or you disagree with his policies, but referencing the man to Hitler is obviously in the wrong,†Officer Chris Myers told Overton.
The LaRouche followers left the post office soon after speaking with police but also appeared at Tuesday’s City Council meeting delivering the same message.
Iain Overton:  Oh my God. I have a namesake in Huntsville who is clearly a tea party fan. Obama turning the US into a dictatorship? My twin alter ego clearly hasn’t been to a dictatorship.  No.  You have a namesake who is a Larouchie. Difference. (See here — I won’t delve into the current non-controversy that evoked this blog post, which is much ado about nothing)
This is sort of a typical manner in defusing charges and counter-charges of violence.
Lt. Barnes says the biggest concern of the officers was that the poster debate would become physical, so they offered up the idea that the posters could come down, but that the protesters could remain at their booth and hand out their literature. Barnes says both sides agreed to that solution.
News 3 is waiting to hear back from the LaRouche PAC’s representatives in Houston concerning this incident. Barnes says the protesters remained at the post office for a while longer even after the posters were taken down.
We have some debate on the issues of free speech here. Â Interesting to see the name of the sheriff with “Strikes Again” — this is that sheriff’s approach. Â blomejj chimes in: Â I don’t have any problem with Lyndon LaRouche and considered him a political prisoner when he was in prison. He is not blaming Obama for how all of the presidents since Carter have been pulling down the US. He and his supporters appear opposed to using a twelve person legislative committee to resolve the unsolved budget issues. Normally I would agree some with LaRouche, but haven’t committees been used for this purpose more in more during the last one hundred or so years?
This Huntsville post office plays by different rules than this Library Meeting Room.
But it is really appropriate for what we’re talking about when it comes to library meeting room space. Goddess Oceana has just as much a right to meet as the Democratic City Committee, as the Lyndon Larouche fanatics, as the bookclubbers, as the Intercambio conversation group, as the Friends.Â
The Larouche Wikipedia Team are waging two major battles. One is at the Movement page, where Rumiton and Cla68 continue to push in “Supporters” instead of “Followers”. Follow Cla68 to his / her rule that “a description of a movement should first describe the movement as its members see themselves and then list outside opinions” to its conflusion and I imagine a lot of space taken up on the page to the “controversy” with the “critics” asserting the word “Followers” — it could be a subsection?
Rumiton spots several references to “members” and “volunteers” and then, for reasons that elude me, brings in Larouche’s “current political stand” by excerpting a “piece dated yesterday” — I can’t tell if Rumiton is positive or negative on the load of Hot Air he excerpts, and what one is supposed to do with it in regard to wikipedia editing.
The second area of battle is a list of grievances — or supposed problems — to be addressed at the Larouche page. This has a lot of old familiar efforts — a dropped Validator for SDI, for instance. Two stand out as interesting. Waakies wants to wash out Larouche’s representation of his childhood, not seeing the value of his “nasty duckling” line. I imagine recent posts I’ve seen online which make mocking reference to this played a part in the realization that this can be interpreted in light of Larouche’s Hot Air. And therein lies the classic problem of wikipedia editing of this topic — Neutral becomes negative by dent of reflection.
The other item up to their dispute concerns James Bevel. They, naturally, want to emphasize his work with MLK on the Larouche page, and less so the “Franklin Cover-Up” work. Also they point out that “he was not convicted on incest until 20 years after his association with Larouche” — a line I find mighty convenient in terms of rounding numbers. Meantime, “revenire” here at this blog — at the time of the Bevel news — suggested a set-up along the lines of the propaganda against Martin Luther King, Jr.
Comparing to Beck and Republican Party…
Kinda like when I saw a Lyndon Larouche 30 minute spot right after watching Saturday Night Live in 1976. I wondered if it was still part of the comedy.
“I think about Lyndon Larouche nowadays. Nobody took him seriously then, except lunatics (as I recall, anyway). He would be a national star now, probably.â€
What we call “The Right†actually is a grab-bag of paleoconservatives, Tea Partiers, Christian Dominionists, Libertarians, gun nuts, and a handful of LaRouchies (who, like Zoroastrian fundamentalists or Bruce Willis, don’t realize they’re ghosts yet).
 The meaning of Randal Terry’s campaign:
Given that he has some fundraising potential—he’s already running a few Iowa radio ads—it seems likely that he could be the only Democratic candidate on the ballot besides Obama in many states. In some places, with very low turnout it seems possible that he could get a delegate or two to the national convention if ardent pro-lifers decide to vote for him. (This isn’t impossible: Cultist Lyndon LaRouche has managed to win a few delegates in the past.) They probably won’t be seated but, if they are, it could make for a few interesting blow-ups in what’s sure to be an otherwise stage-managed, coronation-like convention.
Ayn Rand acolytes:. Â Nobody is going to challenge Obama from within his party. There was brief talk of Hilary Clinton doing this, and it went noplace. Susan Sarandon or Sean Penn might jump in, but they’ll have as much effect as Lyndon LaRouche when he used to do the same.Â
 Remembering 1989.  Think about this. He wasn’t leaving mimeographed bile erotica at truck stops in 1989 and then sitting by the phone crossing his fingers that some like-minded degenerate would call the 900 number in the letterhead. He was on the internet. Civilization’s newly-opened steam valve on thousands of years of taboo. Remember when pot was kind of an underground thing? Remember when you could never find yourself accidentally reading an essay by Lyndon LaRouche? Remember when you had never seen even a picture of a dead body, outside of a war textbook? Now I can pull up, within seconds, crime scene photos of Jeff Dahmer’s fridge on my phone to settle a bet. And every kink you can think of, even as solely an exercise in grotesqueness, already has a community devoted to it. That’s an acknowledged fact. Quantum physics writ large (if you get that pun, I say to you NERRRRRD). Every perfect has joined perverted forces with every other brother in perversion.
Cue “Toward a Republican Labor Party” for this one: Â The best (and maybe only hope) for the country and Progressives is that there is no debt-limit increase agreement— and the resulting economic turmoil is seen by voters as the fault of all Repubs, some Blue-Dog dems and BHO. And the voters will be correct in assigning blame, in that case — and have time before the 2012 primary season to massively reject many incumbents– including BHO. I see no other alternative with an outcome that actually might give us a Democratic President and Congress in 2012– as opposed to choosing between a Reagan and a LaRouche Republican and at best a divided Legislative Branch.
Dateline Pleasanton:
I’m saying Ron Paul is an incompetent hack, and I don’t trust anything he says. He’s unable to make himself intelligible except for the mentally deranged fringe crowd who’d be gathering around Lyndon LaRouche or some other slimeball if they didn’t have this clown of obfuscation to worship.
 Ron Paul is a flake & has no influence on the party. He is the new Lyndon LaRouche…
Intervention Update: Â Drug-legalization advocate Zaffaroni is well known to the LaRouche movement. In August of 2009, members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) confronted him as he addressed the Latin American Conference on Drug Policy … And now something about a Prostitution Scandal, or something. Â Yeah, well… they didn’t trash Eliot Spitzer, did they?
The Rachel Brown — Barney Frank “Dining Room Table” makes Comedy Centrral’s “Snark Week” — yes, it is a moment of political lore. It should be an honor to sit there in the Hall of Greatness alongside Lloyd Bentsen telling Dan Quayle “You’re no Jack Kennedy”.
Asking Fred Phelps about Larouche. Â Why? Â Because it’s what everyone wants to know.
Thank you for the Hatemongers DVD. I showed in my church and the film was well recieved. The WBC message has come to Australia! I have one question: what is Pastor Fred Phelps and the WBC opinion on Lyndon LaRouche?
As for your question about Larouche: he is an evil, money-grubbing thief (spending time in jail for stealing from people) and is bound for hell. His agreement in his own mind that homosexuality is wrong is really no different from a blind hog finding an acorn. He didn’t believe it because of a humble heart of obedience to his God;  it’s his own sense of righteousness (man-made) that motivates him. Pastor Phelps is a humble man who has spent all of his days since the age of 16,
serving the Lord in fear and laboring in the word DAILY. Phelps knows the Bible, by the hand of God, better than any man alive on earth today; he is
nothing like that fool. You’re majoring in the minors here, Daniel. You have bigger fish to fry. The Lord is coming.
Well, it makes more sense to ask Phelps this question than it does to ask this to them —Greatest Generation and War and — ?  Why are you asking this question to these people?
* All right. Here’s your array of anonymous and sometimes not anonymous Jones — larouche commenters. Need a soundtrack?  Okay.  Two songs:  “Too Much Paranoias” by Devo and “Insane in the Membrane” by Cyprus Hill. (Don’t click the links if you don’t want to hear these two songs, which I imagine you don’t.)
Alex Jones report:
LaRouche would make a good president.
Mr. LaRouche doesn’t like the British too much!!!
Thats just crazy!
This is a constitutional crisis! The treason ends here!
on msn.com it says it pass it… to THE GUN STORE(ILLEGAL)
Lyndon inspired me. I know exactly what to do once this is all over, but I don’t think I’ll be able to quickly enough… but we’ll see.
Great show, get ready
Grab your guns, Get ready for a revolution. We will win. And get our country back.
It’s time we tie chains to the banks with big vehicles and drive off with so their fucking buildings fall. Obama must be stopped. That Mitch O’connell is a traitor to the people. It’s time that the bankers are lined up in a guillotine for high treason. The UK is on the brink of collapse. I can heat OFF WITH THEIR HEADS breaking the sound barrier. The globalists must taste hell.
I’m worried. Will we still be able to buy beer and watch football if the middle class is kaput? My favorite porn sites omg so scary!
This is insanity!!! The current admin couldn’t be able to pull this off so quickly… I thought something like this would take years and years for something this big to happen?? Is this for real? Is this true? How soon till this all happens???
instead of a sleepy comment such as Time to end, Let us say to all, ‘Get off your butt and do something’, Alex Jones And Lyndon LaRouche are doing a lot to wake people from accepting slavery & starvation though people are so asleep, so scared, or on drugs, or Seduced by Hollywood, – in total it is demoralisation, that they are inactivated. It is not time to give up it is time to Wake UP, Get Busy. What Have I done to help? A question we need to answer every moment of our Life.
I find this all very humorous. Lyndon has been doing this for forty years? And yet nothing is done until the end game. Something is amiss here, and I feel it’s in the interpretation of the information. Alex has been doing this for 16 years, and is great just like Lyndon, but neither of them gets anything done. Are they accountable, could it be that life is time to end. I certainly think so. My perception is different, I’ve never had so much as I have now. Go figure.
Okay, I’ve been listening to LaRouche for 30 minutes, and I consider myself fairly smart on average, but I can’t figure out what the hell he’s talking about.
Man made virus aimed at those 60+ yrs. old. They have already tested a couple of strains. Solves so many “problems” for TPTB. WW3 would kill off too many young slaves, whom are needed. The pandemic would take out a big chunk of boomers, perhaps they would put the death trigger in the annual flu shot vaccine? Then announce a “mild” flu season, only “seniors” should get the shot. Then unleash something that only attacks those who got the shot. Just thinking like these evil assholes.
Paul + Larouche 2012
white nationalism is the only answer. only white people have the brains and motivation to overthrow them. we must starve the beast then expose their fake Luciferian war cult/permanent military indiustrial complex and globaL BANKING/LUCIFERIAN CHOICE. the super congress is to protect the oligarchy and defeat the will of the people
Are these the end times lol? If this works this is the end times I think.
It is Edom who is behind the Illuminati Edom is not white. Edom is the synagogue of satan. go screw yourself. dont talk to me.
LaRouche is the TRUTH. Great to see him on again Alex.
No Jesus Christ is the TRUTH! As long as you accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior, you are save.
AJ and LL, have stones of fire hardened titanium.
Who would you rather be in a bunker with AJ and LL
or obama and Biden ?
if you wanna live probably obamy cus theyd fire nukes and kill the world but if you wan freedom aj and ll all the way
I first found out on this supercongress treason, on LarouchPAC, This is treason! you can not vote for this congress, If you vote? then what is the point of your existence? This is the implementation of an oligarcy in congress,
We need a Moe Howard style of crackdown. Who want to be Curly?
Before he was voted into office I knew there was something off with Obama. I got that vibe. Now I see I was right all along with all I said.
im poor dont own any guns and there is no organized resistance what could I do alone or 20 people? we need everyone especially if they start live fire and using drone helicopters
If Obama is re-elected in 2012 he will be in office after 2016 in my opinion. I know of the 2 term rule but Obama and his buddies are corrupt as anything I’ve ever known, i.e Soros, H. Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Eric Holder, Big Sis and thre are others that don’t come to mind..
The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots. Shit is going to hit the fan seriously soon
I know and ill be there just aint gonna run into a line of fire for no reason when they could call me a lone right-wing terrorist
Right on. haha! A terrorist, they call Iraqis terrorists.. They are freakin defending themselves from invaders. When the people serve their government there is tyranny, when the government serves the people there is liberty.
Time for isreal to take over now thanks to British and American empire now we going to be slaved by the most evilest Rothschild state. first USA must invade another middle east or Pakistan next and then it will crash yep paper money collapse affecting the world economy and all USA golds is being transferred to Israel no gold in fort Knox.
What is unfolding looks less like Nazi plan but much more like a Bolshivic blue print to take over in a blood bath.
2012 race Ron Paul vs Barak Hitler – it’s 1933 all over again, who are you gonna choose America ?
lyndon larouche is also a fraud who wants you to give him your hard earned money while he has been wrong over and over and over again !!! fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on ME !!!
it’s England and those in congress. They are the ones who committed this fraud. he’s not even a citizen. This is a frig gin outrage. That’s it… I can’t take this sh!t anymore, I’m committing Hara Kiri.
what are YOU doing?? what more have YOU done than post THIS on youtube?? are you out there throwing Molotov cocktails at the whitehouse or something? seriously tell us, enlighten us on your methods of “doing something”! perhaps then people will “DO” something, when to actually do!
Anyone seen Igor lately? He loves these types of videos.
Thumbs up if you think Larouche could easily be mistaken for rupert murdoch lol
yeah you’re right. unless we went down there with a group bigger than the police and military that show up, and we win that first battle, then we’ve lost.
think there is a BIGGER issue needing addressed here. Obama will not have the support to implement this new power…could this be leading up to a NEW BIGGER False Flag with the benevolent beloved Ricky Perry coming in to save the day same way Hitler did for the people to demand him use such power? Wishful thinking, it would be nice if Ron Paul got elected, such power would allow him to reverse things overnight that destroyed this nation.
I think you have a good point. We already lost, I don’t think we can win. Because if a large abundance of people go down there, they will have an excuse for martial law, But if we don’t go down there they will enslave us in anyways. It’s just how do we want to go down. I hope many realize that this nwo is predicted in the bible and if you’re a follower of Jesus, you already won.
I just put an infowars(dot)com bumper sticker on my car. I know it’s not much but it’s something. Talking and fighting with family and friends for me has been mostly unsuccesful but I know that when you stand with truth a trickle can become a flood. The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Gov. do not have answers to peaceful protests. The mainstream media has been getting two thumbs down from me ever since I’ve listened to AJ. I’m in revolt
This will be the bloodiest battle in the hbistory of the world if they think they will just robb Americans of America!! They are deeply mistaken, the “think Tank” that initiated this evil must have been the most psychotic scum the world has ever produced, or they are not from this world.nothing will suprise me anylonger. I am sick to see my country in critical condition cos of a bunch of losers that are hell bent on killing humans and destroying gods creations.B on th Right side of history & WIN
i’m with you. but i think the only way for anyone to do anything is to get the undying support of the people around them…block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood. each man has to know that his neighbor will die protecting him, and the he will do the same. every street must be ready to take on an army and hold it’s ground or die trying. it just may come to that…but strength in numbers will win, and we have more numbers than the governments arm of force. its about starting
If you believe that non-violence is the only solution, even against violent deception masters, you have been thoroughly brainwashed by the globalist and their media!
This interview inspired me to finally put a infowars bumper sticker on my bumper. Talking to obama football watching zombos is less then worthless, off the charts worthless unless they are family.
didn’t think alex jones know who franz kafka was lol…
I would like to see Alex Jones on Bill Maher.
Lyndon LaRouche is certifiably insane and has been for decades. You’re really scraping the bottom of the cesspool for sensationalism, Alex. Honestly! ROTFLMAO!
Only the insane would dismiss his comments and laugh on the floor. Normallacy bias? Check Pretty scary you will soon be bowing down to Michelle Obama She wears the pants in that family.
This Anglo-American garbage is a distraction to divert people away from the obvious Zionist control over our country. It’s pathetic.
the zionist are part of the anglo american oligarchy. i would even say they are predominant. but there ae others apart of them
Alex Jones should take some steroids or something and do a workout regimen and get all ripped like Sylvester Stallone was and then come onto his show and be like “Hi” and we’ll be all like “Woooow”
You heard it first here people. Obama is going to mass-kill Jews in a Hitler style legislation because he wants to be super-rich. We’re all going to start killing each other and people will die everywhere.
THIS is what Obama was created for the take down of America
The notion that the British Empire created Hitler is embarrassingly stupid. Yes, Obama and the Congress are monsters, but La Rouche is full shit also. Be careful where you get your information. This man has ZERO credibility. Read Celente, Faber, Schiff, Rogers and those guys; La Rouche has been peddling the same “blood on the streets by tomorrow” crap since I was in high school. Prepare for the worse, of course, but don’t fall for false prophets.
so did he become fuhrer today?. i can’t believe alex is still pushing this paranoia
This was good – I needed a good laugh.
The mega banks are owned by Jews, for Jews!
In Democracy, Democ is Demon and cracy is government .. Satanic Government system … a system in which you count people instead of weight them then you are asking for big trouble! Guess who invented Democracy!? All this is bound to happen and spiritual people from centuries ago had predicted the demise of the West which includes USA.
YOU’RE ALL NUTS..!!!!!!!!!1
death in the streets, understatement. I fear for the people of USA, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE.
Holy shit!! Can you imagine a Black Hitler!!
LaRouche is right. The solution is Beam Weapons. Turn the Oval Officer into a laser matrix and cut that sucker to fuckin pieces. Then it’s the Chinese – Zap Hong Kong to fuck. Russia’s been cool though, Russia Today being the last Capitalist Stronghold against the Socialist Mainstream Media’s Mainstream Scoialist Corporatism.
LaRouche can get the New Black Panthers to hook up with the OC NSM and some Ex-Mossad and Apartheid Mercs.
Zap em Alex!!!
Obamas science Czar Holdren co-wrote Ecoscience and his friend, Max Ehrlich, wrote a movie called Zero Population Growth. /watch?v=p2skwjiDZyc
I’m not making it up.
They are killing people by mandating Ethanol be made of Corn already.
So, now lets watch and see as Obama becomes the next Fuhrer. I’m sure it’ll happen anytime.
I have great respect for LaRouche. He TRULY loves the USA and is a constitutionalists. If anyone could pull us out of this with force and dignity as well as charisma, it’s LaRouche. He is totally aware of the Rothschild bankster Zionist connection and has been for decades. If you want to know how much the NWO hates LaRoushe, read his history. They were so afraid of his expertise and knowledge, they trumped up charges and threw him in prison!
This is a retarded video and channel.
I like my guns and freedom more than I do my Social Security I am now a independent because George Bush took my freedom with the Patriot Act and Obama is trying to take my guns so I vote for only people that supports gun rights and freedom. I put guns first because without guns we will shortly lose our freedom I am 68 years old I own a small farm and a good retirement I will sacrifice it all for my children and grandchildren to keep their freedom
I bet the idiots who liked this video worship Adolf Hitler
Beam me up Scotty. This planet sucks.
Hitler…blah blah blah…blood in the streets…blah blah blah…Fuhrer…blah blah blah… dictator…blah…blah…blah…British empire…blah blah blah…bold statements…blah blah blah.
larouche has wonderful ideas. unfortunately the state is an immoral institution. the only true alternative is an anarchocapitalist society. these things are essentially empircally decided. you use “myth” too loosely.. the true myths are largely gods and governments.
How many apostles did Jesus appoint? 12! The same number as Obama has named as a “Super Congress.” REVOLT against this Super Congress. RESTORE our Super Constitution. VOTE for Ron Paul 2012. WAKE UP!
douche larouche – if they’re alive it’s jive, if they’re dead – truth was said.
Holy shit. Arm yourselves people..We’re about to hit WW3.
Maybe we shouldn’t revolt against the government, however resisting these types usually leads to blood shed. We need to move towards our goal of removing them. That can be done with either a revolution or constant demonstration. They who have the money and the access to wealth and food and power. Won’t give it up easily, we could actually need to revolt. Then enact the constitution for all that it is. Force them to follow it.
I dont like Obama either, but this is stupid. Only HITLER was like Hitler. I dont see the comparison, sorry.
Neither did anyone else, see the danger, until it was too late to do anything about it History shows us, that man learns nothing from history. Those that forget the past, are condemned to repeat it. Either of these ring a bell?
Go to LaRouchePACdotCom and join. we are doing something. Lyndon LaRouche has done what needs to be done. That is, LaRouche has built the movement that has the knowledge and structure to jail the traitors. When you join the LaRouche movement you will be doing what needs to be done. Go to LaRouchePACdotCOM and join
This LaRouche, and all of the rest of these American buffoons ensure the victory of those they supposedly are against because of their utter cowardice. They continue on labeling the Bernanke’s and Blankfein’s as ‘Nazis’ or calling Obama ‘Hitler’, regardless of how inaccurate and asinine it is.
Americans, you have nobody to blame for your predicament but yourselves. Your brains are kaput.
I remember living in Eastern Europe and seeing how everyone was afraid of everything by the look in their eyes, etc and now I am seeing the same thing in the eyes of people here in the states.
Lyndon LaRouche is evil because he is for freeing humanity! That’s what today society is saying when they do everything to support this system.
I thank God for you Alex and Lyndon everyday–we are truly blessed to have at least a voice speaking up for us the American people. But I ‘am telling you. There are many of of us out here that will bring blood to the reality of this time. We will not let you just come in and take what we have earned with our own blood and sweat and tears. You Elites are over stepping your boundaries. If it takes to the last man you will die along with us. We are tired and coming to the end of our ropes.
If Obama is compared to Hitler, who is being metaphorically compared to the ANTICHRIST?
This is the best video I’ve ever seen… ever. It’s so inspireing. I wish I could be in the US, helping. When my education is done, it’s likely that I’m coming over.
If I was living living in the U.S.A I would start thinking about acts of terrorism on my government, not the people, the government only. That what I would do if this happen in my country.
I think everyone agrees that the U.S is about to have the biggest economic crisis ever seen in human history. The only think that we can do is to be prepared by buying gold and find a source to produce our own food. Whomever do these things are going to be among the i billion that will survive this chaos.
is there a corralation between aug 2 2011 and aug 2 1934??? i think so
I know a way out of this. Get on your knees and repent. No man alive can solve this problem, only God can.
Ron Paul Lyndon LaRouche presidential ticket. 2012
Like Lyndon thinks he’s superior to me…?
Lyndon larouche – is full of himself, and has done nothing to help anyone, all he does is talk, talk and talk and making a living with people thinking he’s somebody. Lyndon is a big zero. You hear that Larouche A BIG ZERO.
basically they can kill everyone on the planet then clone people using the DNA they have taken from a large population to be there slaves
again with LL the guy who obsessed over “we need an FDR approach to the economy” way back. (Yeah, FDR who said he wanted “a corporation clothed with the power of government” — which was TVA. ) Yet, b/c nobody followed LL he tried to jump in front of the tea party parade — oops, (he’s a Dem who first supported Barry) so change of plan: So now he is lecturing everyone on AJ’s show about the evils of corporate fascism and magically happens to be in front of the 911 train How ironic and shallow
These two agitators who try to destruct your attention from JEWISH control system blaming on British and others. 2 hogs – revolutionary Jewish agitators.
Lyndon LaRouche has his shit together. I want a America of Lyndon LaRouche’s. that is British Monarchs worst nightmare.
Lyndon Larouche – a LEADER !
While your at it you should send all AIDS victims to an isolated island
It is time that we buy guns and ammunition for our self & neighbors and extra guns for our neighbors that can not afford one and let the hell began before my great-grandchildren has to pay the cost I now have grandchildren I am 68 years old to the ruling class son of bitches we are coming for you all I hope it happens before I get old let me pay the price not my children and my grandchildren they don’t deserve this
Alex just slipped up again !  We are the builders ! Yeah he’s a Mason !  Still nothing about who is really controlling  Things !! Just more disinformation !
this dude has some good points but i think he is a looney with an unanounced agenda?
Just one aspect of the agenda is getting back into space, BIG-TIME. Extensive exploration by man of the near earth solar system along with instrument based work out to at least the Ort clouds. Only as we can look at reality, the universe from many different perspectives, with every instrument at command, can we actually begin to understand how things work. We really don’t know, we’ve barely begun to do our work. Even this short term, 100 year, perspective means that we need fusion powered (and perhaps anti-matter powered) ships just to get to Mars safely.
He’s not looney. He knows so much it just boggles his mind sometimes.
The “Order†framed this guy , called it “conspiracy to commit mail fraud†and gave him 15 years ! Listen to what he has to say….. this old timer has nothing to lose or gain by lying. Thanks LL for putting your neck out for all of us.
LaRouche is a shill. He’s the pied piper. He whistles on about how he’s going to free everyone, but states solar and wind energy is “pure pollution†and, in the same breath, assert Nuclear Energy is clean.
LaRouche is the only politician I ever heard use the term “christian economicsâ€, he is a brilliant statesman, and the world would be better with more brave patriots like him. He is a dedicated teacher with MORALS, something lacking in the demons who conrol our nation. Yes,when he became a threat THE BUSH DEMONS railroaded him.
Anyone realize that Laraouche (for all his correctness) has been screaming “The Sky is Falling†for a Loooooooooong time ? He loses a lot of credibility because of this
Mr LaRouche’s agenda is this: There a spiritual war being waged, one side believing man was born in the image of God and therefore devine, versus man is no more than cattle to be slaughtered at a whim. Which do you believe?
Mark your calanders. This is the number of the beast. The GANG of 6. + The Super Congress. 6+6…
666 was drawn on his victory night by his home state of Illinois. He does go by the code name “LAWLESS ONE†and the name of his limo is “THE BEASTâ€
and isnt it ironic that the bill gets passed on the exact anniversary of the day , august 2nd, that hitler became fuerer of germany. do you believe in coincidences????????
Lets tar, feather, and leave out in the desert to rot these Big G commies. They keep sticking the screw to us, no one does a thing! They must be laughing their asses off. These guys are living the High Life, no worries, they do what they please, life is a wonderful. Meanwhile, we sit here pizzed off and gettin’ nowhere.
I will, coz I am going to bathe in their stench! Glory to God!
This guy LaRouche thinks that cannabis should stay illegal. But it’s okay cause he’s a really uptight old white guy so he must be right.
Wow… we’ve got ourselves a new Timecube it looks like. (Important for me to note, this is not directly attributed to Larouche.)