Because nobody noticed them in Copenhagen, the Larouchies apparently decided that they needed to up that ante and “push that envelope”.  This is a disturbing escalation of tactics on the Larouche Org’s part. (The shortened footage is seen here.)
While he was opening a recent climate conference in Melbourne, a man in the front row waved a noose at him. “I was confronted with a death threat when I gave my public lecture,” Professor Schellnhuber said.
“Somebody got to his feet and showed me a rope with a noose.
“He showed me this hangman’s rope and he said: ‘Mr Schellnhuber, welcome to Australia’.”
The man and three friends went on to interject during the lecture.
“As I tell my colleagues from time to time, ‘Some day some madman will draw a pistol and shoot you’.
“It will happen — to me or somebody else. I’m pretty sure about that.”
This kind of alarmism has led to a spate of death threats against climate scientists, most recently in Australia where a heated public debate over a proposed carbon tax is currently raging. I’m not referring to the run-of-the-mill creepy, anonymous emails that many of us receive from time to time, but to blatant and open hate-mongering. Take the example of German physicist Hans Schellnhuber, who spoke at a conference in Melbourne recently. Accused of being a “green fascist,” his speech was interrupted by a member of the audience brandishing a hangman’s noose.
Here’s the Larouchie responses.
I:Â great great job !!!!
u can be very proud brothers!
love from berlin.
II. The people who were clapping when the patriots were dragged out are going to be fleeced like the sheeple they are.
III. From the noose waving man himself, the 2:50 mark of their defense video: “As it came to question and answer period after his speech, Hans Schellnuber explicitly said that he did not want any questions relating to the British Empire or the British Royal Family. So that just shows you how much this guy is — an agent.”
And that is the sum total of what the Citizens’ Electoral Council, the Australian unit of the Lyndon Larouche Movement, got out of their “intervention”.
I. Thank you for exposing yourselves as you truly are: deluded, paranoid and fanatical. Green swastika? Hanging noose? You have truly outed yourselves!
II. “the rope was yanked out of my hands and i was very quickly escorted out of the building” your sense of entitlement, as if that was not a justified response, is hilarious
III. I’m from Britain, and I can tell you there is no British ’empire’ here. I can also tell you that the British royal family is not pushing for a carbon tax, nor would they benefit if one was introduced. You are living in some bizarre fantasy world.
You are one seriously disturbed individual. Imagine that they would not allow you to speak at a science meeting. I guess you did not realize that such meetings exclude people whose IQ is less than their age. It’s one of those elitist things.
I blame Global Warming. It really has some really unforseen consequences, like driving people like you completely nuts.
IV. a small portion of people start paying $10 a week, the biggest companies in the country pay a tax for their pollution on the environment = collapse of civilisation? I don’t think so, start using your brain.
V. I have not seen Australian retarded rhetoric in this quantity before. Marvelous! Thanks, CECAustralia, for making it easy to spot “stupid” in Melbourne!
Debating the meaning of Glen Isherwood’s actions, one question that pops up in my mind, though, is “Why bother?”  Anything from the CEC’s side ends up a rationalization of the true meaning: it was an act of intimidation, which ends up an answer to the current shortening of the wikipedia section about “alleged harassment”.  But parsing the thing anyway gets us to…
Personally, I would take it as a death threat. It certainly seems to me to qualify as a threat to kill under a Victorian definition of such:
and it’s perhaps a shame that no action was taken to charge Glen Isherwood.
Perhaps the lawyers here can clarify the matter?
As for Motl, the guy is a few sarnies short of a picnic.
I went to the four degrees conference on Wednesday and Thursday. Not one person talked about this “intervention” by a couple of larouchians. Total impact? zero.
i don’t think this was a death threat. rather they probably tried to present this as the noose with which “eco-fascists” like Schellnhuber want to kill most of humanity. this is in line with the hysterical rants that Pierre Gosselin (NoTricksZone) and others have blurted out in the last months (Schellnhuber’s Master Plan = Mein Kampf etc.).
about the larouchites: i always tell them if they think greening the moon/mars is so easy, they should start greening the sahara, which is after all much easier. when they’re done succeeding in that, i’ll start talking to them.
i’ve thought about it some more, it could have been meant as a warning as to what happens to fascists in the end, similar to the rant LuboÅ¡ Motl gave some time ago, comparing Schellnhuber with Heydrich, and mentioning that Heydrich was in the end shot by “the people”:
Oh Gawd, are people really this crazy?
As for the hangman’s noose, perhaps the Larouche-bags would have us believe it was some touchy-feely sign of friendship? No, I can hardly believe any normal person on the receiving-end would think-so. It was a threat, plain and simple. Perhaps some of the Larouche dimwits now realise it was incredibly stupid, and it was. Effectively, they’ve taken careful aim and shot themselves in both feet.
Rather than threatening Schellnhuber with the noose, the guy’s theme seems to be something along the lines of: 1. people who believe in AGW think that our population is unsustainable. 2. therefore, people who believe in AGW want to murder people 3. to expose this, I’ll present you with a noose to show everyone explicitly what it is you want to do.
So I don’t think he was trying to threaten him as such, but out him as a wannabe murderer (a notion only visible through a LaRouche-o-scope). I do think he did a good impression of a guy who is completely batsh*t crazy.
I’d reach for my tinfoil hat, but I found out the other day that they are actually antennae, helping the shape-shifting lizard people to read your thoughts….
I don’t think that interpretation holds water. Crazy Larouchie guy says the noose is a “gift. . . a carbon-friendly rope.” If the intended message was that scientists want to kill everyone, the noose is not a ‘gift’ but a symbol of what scientists want to do.
The most charitable interpretation that is consistent with the guy’s words and actions is that the intended message was: environmentalists want people to die, so here’s a noose for you to kill yourself with. In other words: it wasn’t a death threat, it was a death invitation! Totally OK!
And yes, I know, the guy’s a none-too-bright lunatic. But he seems to be capable of dressing himself, so I’m going to make the assumption that he’s also capable of understanding exactly what message is conveyed by publicly presenting someone with a noose (one that he prepared earlier!). If he didn’t intend to convey that message, he could have pulled a different stunt.
I don’t think the noose can be plausibly interpreted as anything other than a threat (or perhaps, if we wanted to be really charitable, some kind of incoherent crazy-ass warning). Granted, it’s obvious that this guy doesn’t think too good and we wouldn’t expect his chain of reasoning to be remotely intelligible. But for that very reason, the ‘clumsy threat’ explanation is an order of magnitude more plausible than one which depends on the idea that this guy has mastered the concept of metaphor.
Isherman is demonstrably reckless in the way that he challenged Schnellnhuber with a noose, with respect to whether Schnellnhuber might fear that the threat might somehow be carried out. If Schellnhuber feared that it was a death threat, then I suspect that there is a solid case to say that Isherman made a threat to kill under 20(b).
IANAL, so I may be incorrect of course, but I reckon that if Schnellnhuber had made a complaint to the police, Isherman would be looking to gather a sum for bail, whatever his proclaimed intention might be.
For the people who want to cut the guy some slack, try the same “gag” with a pistol and see how it plays. (In your mind, of course.)
———– [No. The pistol would be worse, as it gives the distinct impression of IMMEDIATE danger — one trigger. The noose takes some doing, and we have only symbolism. Mind you, this is sort of like parsing first degree and second degree and third degree crimes, but it’s an important distinction.) ——–
… Well, it gets them more attention than otherwise, I suppose:
Fast forward to Wednesday afternoon and I wandered from the office down to Customs House. Apart from some bizarre banners and pamphlets from the Citizens Electoral Council claiming that the carbon price has something to do with the queen, you could have been forgiven for thinking there wasn’t much going down.
Hm. So… Congratulations, Larouchites. You just hanged yourselves with your own stunt.
Hey. See what that commenter just did. A metaphor! Back atcha, like.
What the hell was this guy thinking? Holding up a noose? Climate scientists in Australia have been given death threats, the noose as a symbol means hanging someone until they’re dead…
He has no scientific argument against, so he gave some kind of strange death-threat.
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
The thing is I bet the stupid kid was thinking the opposite of how his holding the noose up came across.
And we always get one of these commenters: I generally think that the LaRouche folks are nutty but let me admit that in this particular case, their final conclusions are right on the money.
Also see deflection to “other extremists”:
Okay, we have the same modus operandi as Greenpeace in Australia; we will not accept scientific trials, we will never accept facts which contradict our thesis, we will threaten, we will disrupt, and we will never stop our assault on logic and evidence, especially evidence we do not like.
I am uninterested in this. As I am with some side issues — which popped up in the comments sections for these pages –on how open the scientists’ forum was to the public (comparison made to Bush / Cheney stopping Democrats from entering some town hall meetings). Also, the only thing I know about Australian politics is that John Howard was Prime Minister for ever, and was replaced by the voters by a man of the more liberal of the two major Australian parties
who once ate his own earwax. He has since been replaced by the party, the ear wax eating incident having nothing to do with the party reshuffling.  The charge from Australia’s Shadow Science Minister that the death threats toward “global warming alarmists” are exaggerated out of that random assortment of anonymous email trolls and accumulated isolated incidents do not impress me here.  It is irrelevant to the point at hand, which is that the Lyndon Larouche Movement chose to wave a noose at a man while this has been a topic in public conversation.
Is Mr. Anthony Watts still trying to claim that there have been no death threats, or threats of violence, made against climate scientists?
As for the woman speaking at the library, her car windscreen was smeared with excrement – animal or human, does it matter? – and the words ”climate turd” written (also in excrement) across the car bonnet. Proof perhaps, of a climate dissenter with a Freudian complex indicating arrested development. […]
The unpleasant reality is several universities across Australia have been forced to upgrade security to protect scientists. This has ranged from deleting phone numbers from websites and removing names from faculty notice boards, to installing multiple card-swipe entries, office doors protected by punch-in codes, and moving researchers to areas with secure lifts.
Two of the most shocking cases involved young women who have had little media experience or exposure. One was invited to speak on climate change at a suburban library. Her brief was simple – talk about everyday things people can do to cut their carbon footprint, talk about climate books available at the library (list provided), leave time for questions, and mingle afterwards. The other woman was asked by a local newspaper to pose with her young children for a photograph to illustrate an article promoting a community tree-planting event. She was briefly quoted as saying planting trees could help mitigate climate change. Two days after the article appeared, she received emails containing threats of sexual assault and violence against her children.
And so it goes — back to “trying to link” — a repeating frame I’m familiar with from the Obama Hitler signs. Note Think Progress did indeed call them Larouchites. This blog doesn’t — should it? — it appears the Larouchies want to shuffle in and take all broader scope that comes with the association (negative though their carpet bombing is). [And yep, it was a Larouchie, not Larouche. But isn’t a Larouchie just an extension of Larouche, in their conceptualization of the matter? Wikipedia has been grappling with that question with their article on the movement and the man.]
A LaRouche loony in the audience held up a noose and said, “Mr Schellnhuber, welcome to Australia.” Weird, yes, but not even remotely scary.
No. It is remotely scary. Sure, their reputation precedes themselves, and once identified they’re somewhat easily dismissed in terms of nooses, but Test it yourself and see.
More public reaction to the “Intervention”:
lol Larouchebags.
What a bunch of wilfully ignorant brain dead tossers the CEC is. Good grief anybody that lays any credence in the convicted criminal Lyndon LaRouche and his conspiracy theories has some serious mental health issues.
The LaRouche folks are entertaining!
I’ve watched them for a couple of years – it’s just fun. The ultimate problem is that their Queen Elizabeth’s spies. What I like is that the fact that Herr Schellnhuber is a green fascist is already so obvious to everybody that it can be used as the first step towards much wilder speculations – e.g. his association with the British Empire.
The future of the species is looking a little bleak.
Perhaps the CEC spokesman should learn how to do up a tie properly if he wants to keep fighting the ECO-NAZI-JEWISH-ROYAL-BANKERS today.
WOW talk about Paranoid. Conspiracies everywhere. Even the Queen wants to over throw the world. You guys make Tony Abbott look like a Lefty (a big support of the monarchy). Myopia rein supreme in the minds of the gullible. The emperor never did get his new coat, he was wearing his old one all this time. PS: Once you evoke Godwin’s law you lose the argument (hence, once anyone align Nazism in an argument the game is over).
Wow, there is a whole lot of “stupid” bottled up in the members of that movement!
These folks are as wacky as a sack full of mad things having a particularly nutty day! I somehow ended up on their emailing list – I think I know who to thank for that one – so I’ve read their ‘literature’ and I assure you this is just the gibbering tip of the iceberg of crazy.
Can anyone think of a less likely Machiavellian super-genius than Prince Phillip, incidentally? Charles, perhaps?
There’s no way to argue with this stuff – what could the ‘agreed facts’ ever be? This isn’t just epistemic closure, it’s epistemic locking-the-door-and-throwing-away the-key!
There really is no position so manifestly daft that someone somewhere won’t take the trouble to hold it…
These nut bags have been setting up tables in the streets of Melbourne.
I thought of approaching them to see what they’re about.. but the funny looks and decidedly off vibe they radiated made me think otherwise.
Insane in the membrane.
Since arranging the assassination of Princess Diana, isn’t Prince Philip and the rest of his shape-shifting alien lizard-people too busy running their secret Nazi conspiracy world-wide drug-running operation? Or have I missed something? 
A bizarre mixture of apparently understanding Kepler’s laws quite well but at the same time believing Newton’s laws of motion are “dogma”, i.e. reaction is not the equal and opposite of action, it is according to “God’s law”, whatever that means. How about this quote:
Descartes and Newton typify the long list of intellectually corrosive, Venice-controlled figures in the history of actually and putatively scientific institutions. In the Eighteenth Century, the Berlin Academy’s Voltaire, Maupertuis, Algarotti, Euler, Lagrange, Lambert, and the French Encyclopaedists typify those corrupted figures of influence operating within scientific institutions directly under the control of Venice intelligence agents, such as Conti and Algarotti, to the purpose of eliminating the heritage of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Kepler, and Leibniz from science. Immanuel Kant, the Marquis de LaPlace, Augustin Cauchy, and the circles of Germans and others under the control of Britain’s Lord Kelvin, typify the continuation of this Venice tradition during the Nineteenth Century.
Totally mad.
Oh man. After about twenty seconds, an uncontrollable facepalm reflex kicked in, and I had to watch the rest through my fingers. I was so embarrassed for the guy, it was painful.
But for all that, the level of unhingedness is worrying – for someone that far off their rocker it’s hard to predict what they might do next.
Forgive me father for I am about to sin…
“LaRouche Youth”? Is that anything like “Hitler Youth”?
You may now invoke Godwin’s law.
Next president of the flat earth society.
Broaden it out:
As we entered the building, people were handing out leaflets for and against climate action. It didn’t take much grey matter to work out there would be some political theatre coming up. As the good professor began to speak, a protestor leapt to his feet in the second row and waved a very large noose. He yelled about a climate conspiracy involving Queen Elizabeth, the royal family, and green Nazis. He was taken by the arm by a senior academic who vigorously escorted him from the auditorium.
Some of the more extraordinary views that surface during public debates, such as those of the CEC, are cause for reflection. What tortured paths bring one to the realisation that global warming is a monarchist, green nazi conspiracy. Why are some people drawn to gurus such as the CEC’s idol Lyndon LaRouche?
Many years ago, during one of Larouche’s presidential campaigns (I forget which one), he managed to buy 15 or 30 minutes of national TV time. He used it to make a more or less incomprehensible speech consisting of a lecture in which he used charts and maps. I don’t know if anyone understood him, but most certainly the average viewer did not. It would be easy to imagine that it was a parody of something. The next day at work, I was having coffee with some people, none of them very educated, and it turned out that all of them had watched it. These were people who would discuss various topics of which they had little clue, e.g., dark matter, but not only – not even mainly – scientific topics. (I would annoy them quite a bit by correcting them.) Well, in the case of Larouche, none of them could even figure out how to BS about what he had said. Each person was hoping that someone else would speak. This was completely out of character. Finally, one guy, who could be quite an aggressive BS-er, looked down and said, “He might be on to something, but I had no idea of what he was talking about.” Unfortunately, I don’t have the literary talent to convey the hilarity of this scene, but I thought I’d take a chance. Maybe you can use your imaginations.
Yeah, back to the skeptics, of sorts:
CERN covering up a study that shows climate change from cosmic rays.
There are six candidates running for the Democratic nominations for various Congressional seats in the United States in 2012. Kesha Rogers, Rachel Brown, Summer Shields, Diane Sare, Dave Christie, and Bill Roberts. Brown and Sare have each received a small amount of media coverage by heckling prominent political figures — Boston-based Representative Barney Frank and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, while Kesha Rogers received some for winning the nomination in 2010. Their candidacies, and heckling at Town Hall meetings, afford them a minimum amount of media attention and a minimum amount of party invitations. There is no hope for the possibility of a type of “Tea Party Internet Radio” appearance that Rachel Brown garnered in 2010, and Jeffrey Steinberg is in safe harbors if and when he lauds these six candidacies on the Alex Jones Show. But, in my ongoing interest of propping up hypothetically asked questions which will never come out, but would be asked if these candidacies were indeed considered legitimate figures for office, the six candidacies should be asked in a public forum about Isherwood’s noose waving. Perhaps as a follow up question to a question about global warming, a debate moderator would do well to, prerferably with use of the short clip of Isherwood waving the noose and saying “Welcome to Australia”, if that is an appropriate way of confronting the issue. Their opposing candidate, naturally, would be given an opportunity to respond — whether they be Barney Frank, or if Kesha Rogers wins the nomination again — Pete Sessions.
HEY! You know what the coming attacks on the CEC are all about?
Rupert Murdoch!
They claim to be the true inheritors of the pre-Whitlam ALP tradition. If they above was all they stood for, they would be. Allowed on Murdoch’s TV station, they are obviously coming out of the shadows. Who will stand up for the real ALP tradition, or will it be ceded to the CEC and through them to LaRouche?
Dateline small town of 12,000 people that has a very inviting and walkable downtown:
I live in a small town of 12,000 people that has a very inviting and walkable downtown. I strolled to the bank yesterday and noticed that a couple of young people had set up a Lyndon LaRouche “Impeach Obama†table directly across the street from the town’s busiest restaurant.
As I passed their table, the young woman who seemed to be the brains of the pair asked me, “Do you want to save the United States?†I told her that indeed I do, but that following Lyndon LaRouche’s nostrums hardly seemed the way to go about it. “Besides,†I said, “it’s obvious from your portrait of Obama with the Hitler moustache that you’re not here to convert, only to provoke.â€
She was from Marin and agreed that the extremity of her presentation was bound to persuade few, if any, that Obama is, as she put it, “leading the country into fascism.â€
So I asked her why she had planted her flag in such hostile territory with little or no expectation of success. She shrugged her shoulders and ask me for a donation.
Dateline Grand Ledge
One hopes the organizers are not implying that Snyder himself is a Nazi. No good ever comes of such extreme comparisons, and as recently as Tuesday, a pair of LaRouchies set up camp in downtown Grand Ledge to compare President Obama to the Fuhrer.
An Obama poster hung nearby depicting him mustachioed like the infamous Nazi dictator.
“He’s the reincarcation of Adolph Hitler,†insisted Armando Cutino, 25, of Redford.
While Obama likely doesn’t have a huge fan base in the conservative waters of Eaton County, the Nazi comparison didn’t seem to be winning a lot of converts to the LaRouche cause. Only a trickle of people approached the LaRouche volunteers during the noon hour, mostly out of curiosity.
“How dare you!†yelled one motorist, who pulled over to complain that the LaRouchies had no right to spread their message in front of a federal building.
While their approach might be “weird”, their message is clear….Pres. Obama is on a socialist rant and the next step after that is facism. If people don’t know what that is, look it up. It requires a dictatorship or the likes of how a communist country is run. That would be similar to Hitler. Don’t like it, then start realizing that we need govern’t to get out of everything, except what they were set up for under our constitution in the first place…….to protect. Period. End of the job description. No govern’t dept’s, like interior, ag, education, etc, etc. Get rid of those for a start. That’ll save us billions from the debt. Then downsize govern’t, in any shape or form we can. States should be funding schools, & most other agencies in your state. Not federal.
I don’t suppose I should mention to this Tea Partier that the Larouchies have a rather expansive view of government, and are not your friend. See too, by way of smearing your political opponent:
But now, if you dare to raise exactly that point, exactly the same people who were saying that start acting like those LaRouchies at the Town Halls, pretending that even talking about how to save money in Medicare means you want to kill
Dateline Belmont: the pair – a young woman with a slight, pleasant accent and the equally-young African-American who would not give their names – came to inform people of their cause.
“We came here because there are human beings here,” said the woman.
The young woman said they hoped to inform Belmont residents of the “undebatable fact that Obama is conducting an illegal war in Libya” and that unless “the people have the guts to end this with (Obama’s impeachment)” then “what’s to stop a dictatorship” from happening.
Their presence brought a Belmont police car to see what was happening and relative scorn or silent indifference by most who passed by. One woman took cell phone photos of the pair which prompted the young woman to take her own photos of the woman.
Dateline Lake Buff:Â The LaRouche Political Action Committee was reported to be insulting patients of a Lake Bluff doctor at the corner of Walnut and Scranton avenues at 1:57 p.m. July 8. Some episodes were described as confrontational. The officer was advised by Village Hall that the LaRouche Political Action Committee did not file a permit. The officer met with Donald and Judy Clark, who said they did not file a permit but had been at the intersection before. Donald Clark said he went to the police station and received verbal permission for that day, and he was given a copy of the permit form.
A resident in the 200 block of East Center Avenue lodged a complaint that a portable toilet had been placed directly across from his home and was requesting it be moved at 10:03 a.m. July 3. People were using the portable toiler and throwing their trash in his yard. The officer and the resident moved the structure down a short distance between houses so to not obstruct his view.
Dateline Phillipines Lest our organization and like-minded Filipinos be drawn into debates on political preferences, on anticipated and periodic elections, despite the insidious or expressed manifestations of opportunists among the opposing proponents and among the desperate incumbents, we must continuously and vigorously stress that the fundamental reason for the failure of our leaders to govern and promote our people’s welfare, is their negligence, and cowardice to confront the evil which has imposed its greed on Philippine society, and the rest of humanity.
Dateline Worcester:  I would like to note that the Larouche PAC will be meeting at the library on Tuesday, July 26. No news yet on whether there will be singing.
(Serious question: why is there no Wikipedia entry for “Larouchian polyphony�)
Now, I find the Larouche movement to be misguided and misleading at best and cultlike at worst (not to mention their posters make my skin crawl), but as there are other political groups that periodically meet at the library (Democratic City Committee among others), I don’t see how you can exclude the Obama-with-Hitler-mustache-ites. I’m interested to see who might protest the Larouche PAC, though. (More in a theoretical sense. Please don’t protest them. I hate having to run the gauntlet while returning materials.)
GLASS STEAGALL OR DIE:Â NO OTHER OPTION!! (That slogan has a bit more relevance now that the Larouchies are running around waving nooses at their enemies…)
Canadian Survivalist Society, eh?
“Nationalist Bloc is emerging”, hm.
Well, you know what they’re saying about Ron Paul —
He’s an utterly discredited perennial candidate – the Libertarian counterpart of Lyndon LaRouche. He provides comic relief to Republicans, just like Lyndon LaRouche provides comic relief to the Democrats.
Also Buddy Roemer:
Has Lyndon LaRouche gotten in yet? Knucklehead on July 18, 2011 at 7:22 PM. No-but Ron Paul’s in. Same thing. a
Letter to the editor for Franklin Bell, Bluemont — Clarke County, Virginia
What is encouraging is the potential patriotic juggernaut two of those new co-sponsors represent[…] They exemplify a potential alliance of principle that is willing to put aside party politics for the cause of the nation.
The B lindfolded Lady with the Scales Won:
Ah Lyndon LaRouche. Here is a man made famous for bilking little old ladies out of their life savings. When I lived in Leesburg, on an early morning in October, 1986, I heard a commotion on Catoctin Circle. I looked out to see swat teams and armored vehicles marshalling for some kind of major bust. They raided the offices of Lyndon LaRouche. In 1988 he was convicted of fraud and tax charges and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Blind justice is not the fat lady, but she sings very well.
“Inter Alpha Money Changers’, eh? Yeah, well… Interesting that the EIR “Ugly Truth of ADL” is on this blog as a source, and that this blog keeps popping up.
Also, now Don Nicolson officially is on board, when does Lyndon LaRouche’s candidacy get announced? tom hunter (2018) Says: July 12th, 2011 at 5:56 pm. Sheesh Andrew – should you not be over on this thread defending a party that thinks
Capitalist Pigs. Ayn Rand’s ass-kissing lovers, rightwing Libertarians (Check out Lyndon Larouche), Morons. Dumbasses.
No, I haven’t — nor will I — watch the video. Tell me what precise minutes to look at and I’d go ahead and scan, but otherwise all I have is this.
In the latest Weekly Report, THE DEAR LEADER declared war on the boomers in the first portion, declaring them unfit for leadership in this nation. Which means, the boomers in the organization.
Now, it seems that NIGEL [Jeff Steinberg] was singled out for praise and merciful retention, as was Debbie. And, of course, the ancient Lyn himself.
The others have been, as of Monday post-luncheon, excluded from all future leadership… whatever that may mean. NIGEL and Debbie have spearheaded a change in the organisation.
Notably absent from the list of the retained is the man sitting next to Lyn at the moment of this declaration: EIR Senior Economist John Hoefle, who must have been at that Monday meeting.
How I wish the camera panned over a bit when Lyn was making this declaration… What was John doing with his giant hands? Wringing them? ….Or pooling the sweat in his palms?
At 12:30, Lyn muttered something like, “And that includes certain people in this room who xxxx”
ANYONE KNOW WHAT HE SAID??! Was he condemning John Hoefle as one of the heart-breaking failures from the boomer generation, or was it something else?!
At 21:30, THE DEAR LEADER repeats, for the twelfth time, “At the meeting on Monday, the fact that only ONE member of the boomers spoke up–apart from me, but I’m too old to be a boomer.”
He chuckles, and off-camera one can hear John chuckling too… forcing it out.
In other news, Sky Shields, beneficiary of a racist slip-up, is singled out for a leadership position going forward, mostly because he likes to play with Lyn (through Classical composition).
…Holy crap. At 48:00, the camera zooms in on John Hoefle, who’s practically in tears as he admits the total failure of his generation. He tells CYBORG and THE DEAR LEADER that the boomers [and he himself] are a broken down old car to be shoved out of the way if they can’t change. Which is what Lyn’s already done.
CYBORG nods and says, “Yes.” Everyone laughs, especially Lyn, who cryptically remarks to John, “So you got a good shot at that one, eh?” John says, “Yeah!”
Good shot at what? Getting shoved the hell out of the way?
Good Heavens.
Y’know, I really wanted to give this topic a rest until next month, but… but then came the damned noose.  And so it goes. Yeah, well, Hey! Wayne Madsen thinks Obama is CIA. Wow, that’s… he should dig in one deeper to find the Inner Alpha Group. Or, as Cliff Kincaid has it, he should go to the Communist well.