2012 GOP Presidential Nomination Race Coverage

Here’s a good analysis of Presidential chances— just one way to consider these candidates based off shelf-life.

Who won the twitter debate? Bob Dole won.  By default.
“I’m all for innovation,” a user named “texliberty” Tweeted during the event, “but this really is a terrible format for a debate.”
Y’ don’t say?

The twitter debate might just have been a “Thaddeus McCotter for President” stealth vehicle, propping McCotter up where nobody else will:

The Tea Party’s role remains 2 be determined – not by its members – but by the GOP’s actions,” the Livonia representative wrote in a series of tweets we stitched together for clarity.
“If they honor the Tea Party’s 2010 support by fighting 4 self-govt, liberty, prosperity & security,the TP will be a critical component of the GOP’s victory coalition. If they do not, the TP could become a 3rd party, thereby cementing the Left’s electoral victories 4 years 2 come.”
The Twitter debate, if you can call it that, was hosted by TeaParty.net and moderated by conservative columnist S.E. Cupp, one of the earliest voices to suggest McCotter run for president.

Welcome Buddy Roemer into the Race for Republican Presidential Nominee!

Roemer served four terms as a Democratic congressman from Louisiana then became governor of the state in 1988. He switched affiliations to the GOP in his third year as governor and lost re-election to a second term.

To be sure, here’s the vote tally for the first round in Louisiana’s “Jungle” system for that election:

Edwin Edwards, Democrat 523,096 34%
David Duke, Republican 491,342  32%
Buddy Roemer,  Republican  410,690  27%

The good news is that David Duke is considering a run for the Republican Presidential nomination himself, so we have a rematch of sorts on our hands!

The punditry around Michele Bachmann is getting fast and furious!

Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann. The 2012 GOP presidential hopeful has taken her share of flak from over-the-top pundits and talk-show hosts. But now an anchor of a non-opinion daytime news show at a major cable news outlet has joined in.
On Friday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Live,” host Thomas Roberts asked GOProud’s Jimmy LaSalvia why he would be so willing to replace President Barack Obama, especially in the person of Bachmann.

“But you will replace him with a person that would extinguish you,” Roberts said. “You’re replacing him with a person that doesn’t believe that that you have a right in this country to get married, that believes you don’t even have a right in this country to be gay because she co-owns a clinic that will convert you.”

“Extinguish”?  Why I never!  The Gay Republican advocate must have been fuming.
Meanwhile… Gay Barbarians.  No GOProud members in that group.

Tim Pawlenty:  Can he place well in a Summer 2011 Straw Poll?  It’s all so dramatic?

After struggling to find his voice and place in the race through two years of planning and beginning his bid, the former Minnesota governor finally seems to be hitting his mark.
But Pawlenty’s hopes for success at next month’s straw poll, in the caucuses, and beyond are increasingly out of his hands.

Good lord, political coverage is stupid.
Y’know… the state that he ran shut down a little while ago.  I tend to think his eight years at the helm had something to do with it, and that the next guy was just left holding the bag.  For your consideration…

But Pawlenty doesn’t have a chance of getting to 7th place in a straw poll, and thus being able to declare himself the “Comeback Kid”.  Michele Bachmann has home schooled children working her cause.  What does Pawlenty have?

Mitt Romney is taking photo ops in sad, sad places.  There are a lot of sad places in America he can go to– I’d take him over to all the former Borders locations, for instance.

Newt Gingrich — to his credit did say something about Dodd — Frank, something more than “boo!”.
But this is intriguing:
Former House Speaker and Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich, along with his wife Callista, are hosting a special screening of their documentary, “Nine Days That Changed the World” on Monday July 25 at 6:30P in Lexington, MA. […]
Nine Days that Changed the World”, produced by Newt and Calista Gingrich, documents the role of Pope John Paul II in bringing an end to Communism in Europe.

Wait.  Maybe Gingrich is only running to prop up the Pope movie?

I have seen, once or twice, this comment about Barack Obama — “He believes America’s Best Days are Behind Us”.  It may be that Ron Paul doesn’t believe that — but from what I gather his position on the debt ceiling is, if Ron Paul believes the best days are ahead of us, it is only after getting through America’s Worst Days — coming off, I suppose, one giant Woodrow Wilson lead century where the government exploded and put off the final explosion.  Well, it is interesting to see Ron Paul supporters tee off on the conventional wisdom.
So here’s what I propose. Congressman Ron Paul should get Elizabeth Warren as his VP candidate.
Everyone’s in love with breaking the right / left dichotemy.

Can Rick Santorum save his presidential bid by raising a fuss on Dan Savage? Answer: no.

More bad news for Roy Moore‘s bid.  Son arrested for DUI.  But it didn’t derail Biden’s bid, so….

Rick PerryPraying for stuff.  :
The other day Right Wing Watch noted that the link to a list of endorsers — from the guy who believes the Statue of Liberty is a demonic idol, to the guy who thinks Oprah is the Antichrist — had been removed from the top of the main page of the website for Rick Perry’s Aug. 6 day of prayer, The Response.

Still a creepy event.
Rick Perry Accuses Obama of Leaving Astronauts to ‘Hitchhike Into Space’.
Isn’t there a guidebook for that?

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