Fox News banners during Murdoch Hacking Scandal Testimony coverage
Murdoch’s Times runs editorial with starving Africans for “Priorities” goading
Allen West:Â Partisan Social Darwinist
also hypocritical in subject lines for his email spats against Debbie Wasserman Schultz
What the Republicans stand for above all:Â Dissing Obama.
–A Senate Republican leadership aide emails with subject line “Gang of Sixâ€: “Background guidance: The President killed any chance of its success by 1) Embracing it. 2) Hailing the fact that it increases taxes. 3) Saying it mirrors his own plan.â€
Cenk Uygur left MSNBC due to political issues
Might be more sympathetic to Seventeen Magazine if their covers didn’t suggest to teen girls how to get a “Cute Butt”. Then again, maybe I wouldn’t be — ’tis a consumer magazine, no glory there.
The problem with Dodd-Frank, the problem with any regulatory reform.
Hanford B Reactor National Park
Talisman Terry, the friendly Fracosaurus
It’s Open season on predicting the President’s Death now that the courts have ruled.
New al Qaeda Saturday Morning cartoon
Roseburg Tea Party — are they from Gould, Arkansas?
Rick Santorum fund raises off of the Santorum google problem
Al Franken knocks down homophobe